Chapter One: Kujo Jotaro

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 I started to breathe heavily as he stood before me.. I was so scared, yet his presence calmed me.
 "Noriaki~" He whispered.

 "Noriaki!" The voice faded into the real world from my dream. I opened my eyes to see my mother standing in my doorway.
 "Morning.." I mumbled.
 "Morning, sweetheart. Get up, it's your first day at this new school!"
 "Yeah, yeah... Gimme a minute." She left.

 I stood up and stretched glancing around my room and wandering over to my mirror. I began to brush my long red hair and curl it, putting on my school uniform afterwards. I don't know why people make such a big deal about me wearing the boys blazer, it's not hurting anyone. I don't think it is atleast... oh no. I grabbed my school bag and my shoes and headed downstairs. My mother turned from what she was doing, walked over to me, and kissed my forehead.

 "Please, try to make friends here honey." She said as she looked me in the eyes.
 "No promises," I said as I grabbed my bento from the side of her. I started to leave, but she grabbed my arm.
 "Please." She begged.
 "Alright.. I'll try. Where's my canvas and brush I left on the table?" She pointed to the living room. I grabbed it and headed to the front door.
 "Bye sweetheart."

 I stared at the painting in my hand. It definitely wasn't my best work, the blending wasn't done right, the proportions were way off... Ahhh, whatever, why do I care? I'll only be using it once. I looked in front of me to see a bunch of schoolgirls smothering a boy in front of them. He had black hair, wore a black coat with a golden chain, a strange black hat, and from what I could say black pants. 
 "Speaking of using once," I whispered to myself.
 The girls were chatting/screaming about how handsome, sexy, and whatever else they thought of him in his ears. Jojo this, Jojo that, Jojo! Jojo! Jojo! His foot landed on the first step. I quickly put my paintbrush in my hand as he stepped onto the next. The paintbrush left a red streak right on his knee. He slipped, and fell. This caused the girls to start screaming. A purple arm appeared out of no where and grabbed a branch, protecting him from slicing his head open.
 "Damnit.. No wonder he wants me to get rid of him..." I rolled my eyes

 I inhaled before rushing down the steps after the girls. They all swarmed him like spiders with insects in their webs. 
 "Excuse me," I said, him and the girls turned to me.
 "I see that you've cut your leg, I have a spare handkerchief, take it." I extended my arm out to hand him the handkerchief. Without a second thought he ripped it from my hands and placed it on his injured knee.
 "You're welcome," I said as I plastered a smile on my face, turned around to walk off.
 "Hold it!" The boy shouted, I sighed and turned around.
 "I haven't seen you around before, who the hell are you?" His green eyes seemed to pierce my soul. It unsettled me.
 "M-My apologies, my names Zeppeli Noriaki, I just transferred here. Goodbye." I walked away without saying another word. Only being here for one thing or not I still wanna be there on time.

   An hour later

 I stepped outside the nurse's office. I heard screaming from inside. I knocked on the door as I clutched the puppet I held in my hand. No one answered, so I let myself in. 
 "You seem to be struggling, Jotaro." I said as I watched Jotaro fight with the school nurse.
 "You! What the hell have you done!? Who are you!?" He shouted at me as he held her off from shoving a pen in his green eyes.
 "I already told you, my name is Noriaki Zeppeli. And I haven't really done much, besides taking control of her body with my stand." I smiled at him. He didn't return it. His eyes widened as he looked inside her mouth.
 "I see that you've found her! Hierophant Green," I let out a small laugh, for some reason finding what I said funny.
 "Even if you know where she is, it doesn't mean you can save that nurse," I scoffed as I turned away from him. One hand on my hip and the other clutching the puppet. Suddenly Jotaro... kissed the nurse!?
 "What the hell are you-!!" I felt something digging into my skull. It hurts!! I fell forward, and looked up at Jotaro. His own stand had caughten Hierophant in it's teeth. He then changed how he was holding me captive, he grabbed her skull instead.
 "Since how do you know my name anyway?" Jotaro asked me as I felt his grip on my skull tighten. I laughed.
 "Seriously? I could hear those girls a mile away!" I smiled and gave a small chuckle. He didn't seem to find it as funny as I did.
 "You're with that guy that Gramps mentioned, aren't you?" Jotaro asked me as he looked me in the eye.
 "Which one? I don't know your grandfather, sorry." His grip tightened.
 "Quit being stupid! Now tell me, you're with DIO aren't you, bitch?" 
 "Yeah.. did you think anyone else?" I smiled again, it seemed to make him angrier. Hierophant's hands started to drip with a green liquid. Making my smile return once more.
 "You mother fuck-"
 "Emerald Splash!!!"

 Jotaro was thrown across the room from my attack. He smashed into the door. 
 "So sorry I didn't warn you, Jotaro-Kun!" I put my hands in the air apologetically before walking over to him.
 "You're stronger than you look, I guess, Noriaki." He looked up at me as I stomped on his chest.
 "No, please call me Kakyoin." I smiled at him on the floor. 
 "Is that your last wish?" He smiled at me.
 "Is that a threat?" I glared at him as I stomped on his chest again.
 "Maybe, Kakyoin." I felt something grab me from behind. I screamed and kicked at his stand as he got up. 
 "You really almost made me think I was gonna die." He smirked at me. I glared at him and continued kicking at the air.
 "You're the only one getting hurt today."
 "Why not getting killed huh?"
 "Because the old man probably wants to meet you, I'd like to know more about DIO as well." Jotaro said. I screamed at him and his stand started to hold me tighter. One of Hierophant's tentacles wrapped around  my leg. I thought she was powerless right now, due to my own powerlessness. Hierophant quickly moved from my leg and over to Jotaro. Grabbing him and throwing him at the wall again. 
 "You bitch!!"
 "ORAA!!!" I heard his stand shout as it threw me and punched my skull as hard as it could. 
 "Ah-ahhh..." I put my hand over my bleeding head. Jotaro got up, walked over to me and picked me up.
 "Where the fuck are you taking me!?" I screamed at him.
 "You'll learn after you wake up from going unconscious." He said as my vision started to blur.
 "You... You..." I passed out

Word Count: 1216

 Yay... It's being rewritten! And! This one will make much more sense! WoohoooooO!

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