Chapter Twelve: Bad Dreams Part. 1

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 I slowly woke up to the sound of crying, I yawned and sat up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before I finally looked around me. What the!? I stood up, I was in an empty amusement park, on a ferris wheel in my pajamas, which were really just shorts and a T-shirt. How did I get into them? These were all the way back home. What am I doing here? Why am I here?... I rubbed the back of my head as I recalled recent moments. I was in the desert with Jotaro, Joseph, and Polnareff. Did those fuckers leave me here!? I glared at the thought. But I couldn't yet tell if it were true or an outlandish idea. 
 "Bark bark!!" I turned to my side. A happy brown dog with the biggest brown eyes stared up at me. Their tail wagging and their tounge sticking out. I smiled and walked over, I bent down and let the dog sniff me.
 "Where'd you come from, you adorable creature?" I asked as I began to pet the dog and scratch their face. My smile became wider each time the dog would lick my hand. I've always loved dogs, my grandfather's always had two as I grew up. Rosa and Romeo, in fact, I think he's had them since not longer after I was born. Whenever I go over to visit they both greet me by knocking me over and licking my vulnurable face, despite telling them to stop between laughter. The memories made me smile, before I remembered the situation at hand. The crying... The whole reason I woke up, I got up and looked over the side of the ferris wheel cart. No one was around, just like before. But the crying seemed to get louder. 
 "Where is it?" I asked the dog. They only cocked their head at me. I sighed and turned away from them. "Huh?" A pair of 5 balloons were flying towards me. Carnival music had started up. One flew right to my face, it had something written on it. I grabbed it. It read:
 I raised an eyebrow as I stared at it, I felt my grasp on it get tighter and tighter... Until... POP!! I jumped as it popped,
 "OH MY GOD!" I shouted, startled obviously, before I started to laugh a little. "This isn't funny, Jotaro! Or Polnareff, or Joseph!! Not funny!! You almost made me shit my pants!!" I said as I continued to laugh. 
 "You won't be laughing for long.." A voice said. I looked around to try to find the sorce of it, I looked to the floor. Around the pieces of broken balloon was something. It was the back of a tero card... I picked it up and flipped it over: DEATH 13. I analyzed the card, each and every detail down to the scythe the clown was holding. It looked so life-like... I slowly moved my hand to touch it. I screamed before I could even do so, the scythe came out of the picture and swung towards me. I screamed again as I jumped backwards. The scythe hit the dog and split their head in half. 

 "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I screamed as I grasped the blankets on me. 
 "Kakyoin!" I heard someone shout as said someone grasped my shoulders. I turned and saw Polnareff infront of me. As soon as I stopped screaming he laughed. "Jeese! You were screaming and shaking the bed- hell, I thought you were that creepy girl from 'The Exorcist'!" He laughed. I breathed in and out. I felt terrified. I let go of the blankets I'd been holding onto so tightly, and sighed before leaning back. "Hey, what's up?"
 "I felt like I just had the worst dr- nightmare, definitely nightmare." I corrected myself. 
 "Oh really? Lay on the details, every single little thing no matter how little! I wanna hear alll about it!" Polnareff said with a smile. I sighed once again. 
 "God- I sound like an 8 year-old. I'd love to tell you or whatever but I can't remember a thing."
 "Say what?" He asked as he leaned forward with a hand to his ear. I slightly laughed.
 "All I remember is that it was terrifying." Polnareff sighed.
 "Well, anyway, get ready soon we're gonna hit the skies today." He walked to the door. I sighed and looked down at myself. Wait- I was wearing my pajamas from home?
 "Who changed me into my pajamas? To be more exact- where did you get my pajamas?" I asked Polnareff before he left, he turned to me and raised an eyebrow.
 "Where the hell did those come from?" 
 "We never put those on you, we may seem weird but we're not pervs." He laughed a little, before shaking his head. "I'll be waiting outside." He said as opened the door and left. I sighed as I put my hand up to wipe the sweat off my face when I noticed something. A cut, it was still bleeding too. I thought I was filling a few twitches of pain. Huh... Whatever, I rolled my eyes and stood up to get dressed. 

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