Chapter Fourteen: Mysterious Island

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 The sound of waves hitting our boat was relaxing, but besides that it was dead quiet. I frowned as I turned to look at the beautiful blue sea. I was about to ask if anyone had paper and a pencil when Jotaro finally spoke up,
 "Hey, old man, where are we going?" He asked. "I'm not an experxt, but Eygpt's that way." He added in as he pointed to the left of us. 
 "Oh yeah, why are we heading over to that island?" Polnareff asked. I stood up and stood besides them all. 
 "There's someone waiting for us there, he's extrememly important to our journey." Joseph said.
 "What??" Who could be important enough that we have to go there!? Why can't they just meet us in Egypt?" I asked with a glare. 
 "He'll be worth it."

 The boat stopped on the shore of the island. I hopped off before everyone else and started looking around. 
 "So, who is this guy? You didn't really tell us anything." I said as I kicked a rock away from my foot. 
 "A man back in India told me about him," Joseph said.
 "Wait- when you say India-"
 "What!? Mangoes from India!?" Polnareff shouted over me. I glared at him before shaking my head. Whatever.
 "I'm sure your guys' conversation is very interesting, but I have something more interesting." Jotaro said as he pointed over into the grass. I didn't see anything. "Someone is over there watching us." As soon as he said that a man jumped out of the grass and started to run away from us. That clothing...
 "AVDOL!!!" I screamed as I started to run after him. I heard the others shout at me before their they ran after me. 

 I stopped in front of the house the man had went into the yard of. Three chickens were outside, he was feeding them. The others finally caught up. 
 "Let me do the talking, that goes to all of you." Joseph said as he walked in front of us. He inhaled sharply before speaking up. "Excuse me sir, me and my comrades here are travelling to Egypt-"
 "SHUT UP!!! GO AWAY!!!" The man shouted. "No one ever comes here when they have good news!!! So just leave me alone!!!"
 "Avdol, wait!!!" I shouted as he slammed the door shut.
 "That wasn't Avdol." Joseph said. Huh? "That was his father," 
 "Wait- do you mean that he doesn't know?" Polnareff asked. Joseph shook his head.
 "But I think he might have a suspicion," I frowned. "I can't imagine what it'd be like to loose your only child," Joseph sighed. "Let's leave him alone."

 It got dark there like super fast. I was sitting alone by the ocean. Lost in thought.. I wonder how my mom is? Is she worried? I should've found a way to tell her.. I miss her, I hope she's okay. With time zones, she must be asleep by now, or maybe me being gone is keeping her awake. 
 "Hey." Jotaro said as he sat down beside me. 
 "Hi, what are you doing here? I thought you were looking for Polnareff with Joseph." Oh, by the way, Polnareff ran off not long ago and we can't find him.
 "Well, I was going to until the old man said I should stay with you." He said as he pulled out a cigar and lit it. 
 "The ocean's pretty, isn't it?" I turned away from him and back to the ocean. The calm waves almost hit the tips of my boots. 
 "I guess," he said. 
 "Well, it's pretty interesting too! Ever read any books on marine life? I'd even become a marine bioligist, but I wanna be an artist more." I smiled. 
 "If it's that interesting then I might look into it." 
 "Really?" He nodded.
 "Since I'm gonna graduate in about a year, my mom's been busy bugging me about what I want to study for college." I nodded, the waves finally hit my boots. I scooched backwards. We were way to close right now, I'm not just moving because of the waves. My stomach's aching again...
 "Hey Jotaro, can I ask you somethin-"
 "I was wondering where you two were!" Joseph said as he walked over and stood besides us. 
 "Oh hey, find Polnareff?" I asked. He shook his head. "I hope he's okay.." I frowned as Joseph sat next to me. 
 "Yeah, but this will be a good time to confess something to you." Oh no. 
 "Umm... What's up?" I asked with a nervous laugh. 

 "Avdol's alive!?" I asked in shock. There's no way. "I saw him with my own two eyes!! He was shot, right in the forehead!!!" Joseph shook his head.
 "The bullet only grazed him. Me and Jotaro were going to tell you but we didn't wanna tell Polnareff. You two are usually in quite close range." Joseph said with a sigh. 
 "You are both lying!!" I argued. 
 "You want us to be?" Jotaro glared at me. 
 "Well- no.." I frowned. "If he's alive, where is he?" 
 "He's here, he's waiting for us." 
 "Oh! His dad will be so happy, he won't get any bad news!" I smiled.
 "No, that was him in disguise. His dad's been dead for a few years." Uh.
 "O-Oh.. Um..."

 "Where is Polnareff? Should we go looking for him again?" I asked Jotaro as we walked down the beach, Joseph not super far behind us. He looked down at me with a shrug. He took his cigarette out of his mouth.
 "If he's gone for much longer then yes, but for right now he should be fine. Have some faith in him." Jotaro said.
 "We're talking about Polnareff!!!" I said with a small laugh. 
 "You're right... C'mon, let's go find him." He said as he turned around, I followed him. 
 "Alright.." Joseph said as he followed. We hadn't even walked 15 feet from where we were when the bushes started to move. I walked in front of Jotaro and Joseph and stared at them. Then screamed as someone jumped out. 
 "Polnareff!" I said as I recognized him. "We were worried about you!!"
 "Yeah, where did you go?" Joseph asked. I finally noticed the huge grin on Polnareff's face.
 "Oh no... What did you do?" I asked as he laughed.
 "I have great news!" He said as he walked over, then paused.
 "Keep going.." Jotaro said after 30 seconds of silence.
 "But! Before I tell and/or show you! I have some ground rules..
 ONE: Mr. Joestar, you better not yell, OH MY GOD!
 SECOND: Kakyoin! You better not throw your back out in surprise!
 THIRD: Jotaro, you better not be too moody!" Polnareff smiled.
 "When have I ever thrown my back out in surprise?" I asked. He stopped, before shrugging and continuing. 
 "Guess what happened! C'mon, guess!!"
 "No. Just tell us." Jotaro glared at him. Polnareff smiled before pointing at the bushes.
 "Here he is!!"

 Avdol walked out of the bushes. No one reacted, except for Polnareff, that is. After a minute I yawned and smiled at Avdol.
 "How are you, bud?" I asked.
 "I'm great, how are you, Kakyoin?" He asked, I gave him a thumbs up.
 "Happier and cuter than ever!" I smiled. I knew Jotaro was giving me a weird look.
 "We should get going." Joseph said as he picked up at least three bags, Jotaro following suite. I picked up the bag they missed.
 "Allow me to help you," Avdol said as he took one from each of them. "Are you both still wearing your school uniforms? Don't you two ever overheat in those things?" He asked with a laugh as we all began to walk towards the boat.
 "G-Guys!! Wait!!" I heard Polnareff shout, we kept walking. "I SAID WAIT, YOU ASSHOLES!!"

 "Don't blame me! I only knew today!" I glared at Polnareff. 
 "Why didn't Jotaro or Joseph tell me then!?" He shouted at me through tears.
 "BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP!!!" I shouted back at him over Joseph. 
 "She means you don't know how to lie on command." Jotaro said as he elbowed me. 
 "We didn't know you'd be that offeneded by it.." Joseph frowned. 
 "You know what just forget it! I'll get angry at you all later!" Polnareff wiped his tears. "Wait, where's the boat!?" Polnareff asked.
 "Oh yeah, where is it?"
 "We'll be travelling to the rest of Egypt in a different way..."

 Word Count: 1400

 I need to be in such a specific/certain mood to write. I can't be bored at all. Because writing or doing anything when I'm bored makes me feel worse..? I don't know. As most of you know though, I recently turned 14. yyayyy. And yeah, that's how old I am. How old did you think? Also! I do not have the rest of the chapters already named and have ideas for them, I'm not THAT excited. No haha I am! I can't wait to finish this and then the other two! No, I'm not making a Stone Ocean one, at least I don't think I will. I don't know what I'd write it about. Maybe I could give you guys a teaser for the new one after I start making it. No, I haven't started it yet, no matter how excited I am. I wanna wait just a little! When I'm making the last chapter, which will be the twenty-second unless I decide to skip or add another chapter or whatever, I'll start work on it. Then add a teaser for the first paragraph at the end of that chapter! Sound good?
 God, it's so weird how some of my author's notes are like: well um.. hi I guess. And then ones like these are like: LET ME TELL YOU EVERY THOUGHT ON MY MIND RIGHT NOW RIGHT HERE

 Well, I hope you're all doing fantastic, and I hope you all have a good day. Bye!
Misa <3

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