Chapter Ten: Close Friends

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 (OKAY! i do not want to write dan of steel or steely dan so i have decided to: skip him entirely. fuck dan of steel. more like dan of... whatever you get it. this is gonna be like a bonus chapter but i am not gonna call it that. get mad? too bad this is my fanfiction hahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa)

 Polnareff dragged me out of the hotel. When we walked out, we both gasped. The town was gone, there were graves everywhere. He let go of my arm as we gaped at the sight before us, Jotaro and Joseph walked out behind us. Being just as shocked as we were.
 "Are you seriously telling me that we've been talking to corpses all day!?!" I asked, my mind still racing from the idea.  "I was wondering why they were all so weird." I mumbled as I knealed down and poked a grave. I remembered that lady with her two sons. The memory make a twitch a little to say the least. Jotaro sighed from behind me. 
 "Let's just go," he said, I turned around and looked at him. His arms crossed and a glare on his face, nothing out of the ordinary. 
 "We're gonna leave that old woman in a state where she could come attack us?" I asked as I stood up, I looked inside the crack of the door to see the old woman. Passed out on the floor, foaming at the mouth, her eyes completely white, quite the disturbing sight. 
 "If she were smart she wouldn't." I had to laugh,
 "If she were smart she wouldn't have come after us in the first place!" He sighed.
 "Our car is still over there, let's just get out of here."

 We drove throughout the rest of the afternoon. The sun was starting to set, the clouds looked like they were about to rain. I was getting tired of sitting in the backseat with Jotaro. I was basically squished up against my door and staring out the window. 
 "Can we please stop at a hotel? To make up for that last one," I asked as I looked to the front of the car.
 "Good idea, Kakyoin." Joseph said from the driver's seat, he smiled at me in the review mirror. 
 "I'm full of them." I smiled as I turned back to my window. "There! There's one, we can spend the night there!" I said, Joseph turned right. 
 "I hope it has bathrooms in the bedrooms, I don't want to be licking...." Polnareff trailed off, Joseph didn't even tease him for it this time. Which was good, people need a break sometimes. The car stopped and we all got out. 
 "This place looks kinda sketchy." Jotaro said as he lit a cigarette, staring up at the flickering sign. 
 "'Course it does! It's a random hotel in the middle of nowhere!" I said as I walked forward. "You guys comin' or what?"

 "We only have two rooms available. Is that okay?" The woman at the front desk asked. She brushed her black hair out of her face and leaned forward.
 "That'll be just fine," Joseph said as he handed her the money we owed. She reached her arm across the desk and handed him two room keys. "Who's sharing a room with who?" He asked as he turned around to look at us. 
 "I'll share a room with Jotaro I guess." I said as my eyes darted to Jotaro. He shrugged, as he blew smoke out of his mouth.
 "Sure..." He replied, and Joseph handed me the keys.
 "Goodnight you two," Polnareff smiled at us before him and Joseph walked away. I watched them walk away until I could no longer see them. I turned back to Jotaro and grabbed onto his sleeve. He didn't pull away from me, only letting out a small sigh as I started to take me and him to our room. 

 I flopped down onto the bed. Ahhh.. I missed the feeling of a soft bed. I held the pillow close to my chest. I sat like that for a minute before I heard the door open. I sat up and looked towards it,
 "Where are you going?" I asked Jotaro. He shrugged before closing the door. 
 "To smoke." He said as he turned to me. I stood up.
 "I wanna come," I said as I walked over to him, putting my hands on my hips. He raised an eyebrow at me. 
 "I don't wanna be alone in here, now let's go!" I said as I opened the door. He sighed before walking out, I followed him. He went onto the roof of the hotel. He walked to the edge before sitting down and lighting a cigarette. I sat down beside him and watched him smoke. I wrapped my arms around my chest. It was waaaay colder out here than I thought it'd be. 
 "Why are you shivering?" Jotaro asked. 
 "Huh?" Oh! I didn't realize- It's cold out here, that's all." I smiled as I looked away quickly. Ahaha.... 
 "Here." I turned back around, my eyes widened when I realized he was handing me his jacket. Aha- WHAT. My face turned a little red, his face was slightly pink as well. 
 "Uh- Nono! I'm not that cold-"
 "Take it." He said before shoving it towards me. I inhaled sharply before taking it and putting it on. He turned away, he looked down at the quiet road below us. His jacket was huge on me. It smelt like cigars and the ocean. Quite the interesting combo, if you ask me. I took my blazer off.
 "Here." I smiled as I handed it to him. He turned back to me and slightly smiled. He took it and put it on his shoulders. I laughed as I clutched his jacket tighter. I felt myself shiver again.
 "Are you seriously still cold?" He asked me. I laughed again.
 "No! Why would you think that-" He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me towards him. . . .

 My face turned completely red. He was so warm... I felt his heartbeat as I was held against his side. He looked down at me, I quickly turned away. I didn't want him to know that I was embarassed by this! That would make it so awkward!! Ahhh!!!
 "Better?" He asked as I heard his lighter turn on.
 "Y-Yeah.." I mumbled with a smile, I cuddled up closer to him. I felt a raindrop fall on my forehead. I looked up, it was starting to rain. Just as I thought!
 "We should head back inside." Jotaro said, he squished his cigar into the ground. He quickly stood back up. The sudden rush of cold air made me feel uncomfortable. I stood up and held onto his arm. I nodded as I looked up to him to smile. His face was red. I quickly pulled away. Only to have him wrap an arm around me. "C'mon..." He said before he started to walk me back down to our room. I felt my heartbeat faster, I started to feel strange. My heart.. felt like it was aching? Wait am I seriously- No.... I'm probably just tired.

 Word Count: 1141 

 it was only 17 days calm down. i tried writing this chapter a bit differently and i really like the outcome! i might try to write other chapters in this kind of format, if that's alright. course it is, it's my book! hahahahhahaaaaaaaa. hope you enjoyed, as usual, hope you're all good, as usual.
 alright that's all from me.... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- ALSO YEAH OF COURSE I DIDN'T WRITE STEEL DAN OR DAN OF STEEL. FUCK HIM 

<3 Misa

 also i didn't know what the fuck to call this chapter okay?

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