Chapter Nineteen: This.. Is The End?

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 "No!! We can't separate!" I shouted at Joseph as he walked away. "What if one of us were to be hurt!? We'd be all alone! We'd probably die!!" I felt tears streaming down my face. Joseph stopped walking away and walked towards me. I looked up at him as I shook.
 "Kakyoin..." He said as he put a hand on my shoulder.. "We'll be okay, you'll be okay. You've proven to us time and time again that you are much stronger than you look. You'll be okay." He said, I didn't stop crying. He didn't know what to tell me, I could tell with the look in his eyes. Slightly worried, yet also confused. "Good luck." He removed his hand from my shoulder, before he walked away. Then Jotaro walked away, and then Polnareff walked away.

 I stood there, still crying. I fell to the floor. I was scared, scared beyond anyone could imagine. I stood up and wiped my tears with my sleeves, but they kept falling. I started to slowly get up and walk in the direction Joseph told me to take. As I walked, my stomach started to feel worse and worse. I felt vile in the back of my throat. Yet I kept walking.

 I stood on a rooftop, it was mostly empty besides a few structures, the only type I could name was an old water tower. I wrapped my arms around my chest. It was quiet up here, down on the city floor cars were rushing by, people were talking and laughing. There was a sound of footsteps from behind me. I quickly turned around, and there he was. He smiled at me as he continued walking towards me.
 "Stay back!! Stay the fuck away from me!!" I screamed at him as I backed up. He stopped, his smile gone.
 "What happened to you, Noriaki~?" He asked. I glared at him as I stood in a defensive stance, Hierophant Green at my side. "You've changed so much, you used to run to me. Why do you now run from me?" He asked with a glare of his own.
 "Because you're a fucking monster- I was brainwashed!!" I shouted. He started to walk towards me again, "stay the fuck back!!!" He was in front of me, he hugged me. I tried my best to pull away. I kicked and screamed, even trying to use Hierophant to get him off. But it didn't work, he frowned at me.
 "So I'm guessing you won't be coming back anytime soon, will you?" He asked.
 "Why the fuck would I!?!? You're a monster!! A coward of a man!!!"
 "SHUT UP!" He glared at me. I felt tears start to fall off my face again. "We can't have this..." He let go of me, I took this time to run towards the rooftop exit by the water tower. "Who said you were getting away?" I was suddenly back in front of him. His arm.. inside my abdomen? I looked down, my stomach feeling strange. "You're no fun to keep around if you're useless." I screamed as I was thrown backwards. My body hit the water tower. Water and blood started to pour out around me. My stomach was ripped clean through. The bottom of my legs were completely shredded up. I wanted to scream again. But I couldn't. My eyes started to close... I passed out.

 "You see, your daughter isn't disliked. Everyone tries to be so nice to her, but... She says she can't be friends with them, because they can't see the 'green ghost'?" My teacher said, I clutched my mothers hand and stood beside her. She looked down at me with a smile before picking me up.
 "I'll talk to her about it." She said before walking out of my classroom. "Why don't you wanna make friends, Nori?" She asked as she walked past the next parents and their child. He glared at me.
 "They don't understand!" I said, she raised an eyebrow.
 "Sweetheart...." She inhaled. "How about we get ice cream?" I buried my face into her shoulder. I nodded as she smoothed out the back of my overalls.

 Mom walked away, I was alone. The place around me began to turn to nothing.
 "Hello!?" I called out. "Mommy!!!" I shouted. A girl in front of me appeared. I ran over to her, she looked like my mom. She wasn't... She was bleeding and crying. She looked at me. Her lavender eyes both adorned a strange scar.. Her hand reached out to me. I screamed and tried to run away. But I couldn't... I started screaming, and screaming. "MOMMY!!!!"

 I opened my eyes. I was still where I was before. Three blurry figures were approaching me. No... No...
 "Stay back.." I tried to shout. Yet it came out in a whisper. I was grabbed and put on the floor.   "No... No..." I mumbled in repeat as my vision became unblurred. Jotaro, Joseph, and Polnareff were standing around me.
  "I'm so sorry..." Joseph said as a tear fell from his cheek. Jotaro took off his jacket and quickly wrapped his jacket around my stomach. While Polnareff wrapped something around my legs.   They all started to freak out and say things to me. But I drowned them out as my eyes started to close again. I'm sorry mom... I'm so sorry to be leaving you all alone... You're probably sleeping right now, oh, how horrible it'd be if your daughter was dead when you woke up? How horrible...It's all a nightmare though.. Go back to sleep...
 "Kakyoin! Snap out of it!!" Jotaro shouted at me as he put a hand on my face. I turned to a clock beside us.
 "How... How.. did he do... that.." I choked out.
 "What?" They all leaned closer to me. I kept staring at the clock, I'm running out of time, aren't I? Time... time.... Wait.. My eyes widened a bit as I sat up.

 "No, Kakyoin, get back down!!" Polnareff shouted as he tried to push me back down. I put my hand up and pointed at the clock, specifically, it's hands. They all turned to face it, before looking back to me as I fell back down.
 "The speedwagon foundation will be here any minute, alright!? Just stay with us until then!" Joseph said to me. I blinked,
 "Thank you..." I mumbled.   "For what!? We left you all alone-" I put a finger on Jotaro's lips and laughed. "You've always worried about me too much..." I smiled as I moved my hand to his cheek. "Thank you all.. For being my friends.. The only friend I'd ever had before these 50 days was Hierophant.. But.. You all- decided to be my friends." I smiled as I looked at all of them.   "Go... Go kill DIO... It's my last wish."
 "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Jotaro shouted at me. "You're okay!!" I shook my head.
 "Time..." I mumbled with a smile. "What an interesting power... huh?" My eyes started to close.   "KAKYOIN!!!" . . . . .

Word Count: 1175

 IT'S FINSIHED. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.This ending was written all the way back on May 11th. I may have been a little excited, there are small changes of course though. 

 first chapter of falling cherry blossoms will be made soon, im gonna start working on it

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