Chapter Sixteen: New Ally

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 This is sooooo boring! We've been sitting in the middle of this desert or whatever for fifteen minutes! Just as I was about to ask about what we were waiting for I heard something. I turned to the sound and saw a helicopter flying in our direction.
"They're finally here." Joseph said.
"Yeah, who exactly is finally here?" I asked.
"The Speedwagon Foundation." He answered.
"Aren't they the ones looking after mom in Japan?" Jotaro asked.
"Yes, they're here to bring us our new ally." New ally??
"What new ally?" Polnareff asked.
"Wait! You are not talking about-"
"I am."
"You know who he's talking about, Avdol?" I questioned, and Avdol nodded.
"Yes, and I do not think he's suited to help us."
"Whatever," Joseph shrugged as the helicopter finally landed.
"Is this guy a stand user or what?"
"Yes, his card is represented by The Fool."
"He must be an idiot then! Right?"

Two men came out of the helicopter. Quickly walking over and giving Joseph a handshake. They don't look like stand users... One had brown hair and green eyes, the other one was blonde with kinda grayish eyes.
 "Which one of you is the stand user?" I finally asked after analyzing them, both of the men turned to me.
 "Oh, none of us, Mrs. Kakyoin, he's in the back." The one with brown hair said as he pointed to the helicopter.
 "Just Kakyoin is fine.." I mumbled. Being called 'Mrs.' or something just makes me feel weird.
 "So who is this guy?" Jotaro asked as he stood in front of the back helicopter door.
 "Yeah!" Polnareff chimed in.
 "This has to be a joke.." Avdol groaned.
 "It's not," The blonde man said as he walked to the door. He slowly began to open it. I ran over and stood next to Jotaro and Polnareff. The door finally opened. I was expecting to see someone but all I saw was a blanket. Polnareff burst out laughing.
 "Oh come on! Is this guy really short or something?" He said between laughter. He reached forward to lean on the seat. "Uhh.." He pulled his hand up to his face. "What the hell is this sticky stuff?"
 "I don't know if I wanna meet this guy anymore..." I said as I backed up a little.
 "No, it's not that." The blonde guy said, he opened his mouth up again before the blanket suddenly moved and Polnareff was thrown backwards.

 "Polnareff!" Me and Jotaro shouted. Wait. Is that...
 "You're kidding, right?" I asked as I saw that this 'helper'.. was supposed to be a dog?
 "Nope, his name's Iggy." Joseph explained.
 "Well, at least I don't have to have the burden of being the cutest anymore." I said with a yawn. Yeah, the dog was cute. He was black and white with huge blue eyes.
 "You won't think he's cute when he-" I screamed when I finally noticed that the dog was chewing off almost all of Polnareff's hair. "Yeah..."
 "I told you, this is not a good idea!" Avdol protested.
 "Oh, Polnareff! By the way, when Iggy's chewing on hair he likes to-" I burst out laughing when the dog farted on his face.
 "It's not funny! Help me!!"
 "Nope, I'd like to keep my hair, so you're on your own!"

 I helped carry stuff from the helicopter to the car, keeping my eye on this dog the whole time. Turns out that he likes coffee flavored gum, which is gross, but at least he hasn't tried using me as a chew-toy yet. Everything was finally in the car.
 "Oh and this is for you, Kakyoin." The brown haired man said as he handed me.. my school bag?
 "How'd you get this!?" I asked as I began to dig through it. Oh ew... I pulled out my bento from at least two-three weeks ago. 
 "We found it where you and Jotaro fought, we helped repair a lot of that room. You two really went crazy." The blonde man piped in. 
 "She was trying to kill me."
 "He was trying to kill me." Me and Jotaro both said. 
 "You tried to kill me first! And you almost did!!" Jotaro glared at me, I'd already went back to sifting through my bag. I smiled so wide when I found my sketchbook. 
 "I'll never leave you behind again.." I mumbled as I held it to my chest.
 "We need to get going, see you all around." The two men waved before getting back in the helicopter, and then flying away. 
 "C'mon guys." Joseph said as he got into the front seat of the car. Jotaro sitting in the passenger seat. I put my sketchbook back in my bag and  swung it around my shoulder. I walked over and opened the door to the backseats. Iggy growled at me, pausing from chewing on his gum. He'd taken up the whole row.
 "You serious?" I asked. He glared and growled louder. He's gonna chew off my hair if I get any closer, isn't he? "I'll just sit in the back..." 

 Polnareff groaned, since Iggy took up that whole seat me, Avdol, and him were squished in the back. It wasn't comfortable, at all. And I couldn't even sketch with how rough the terrain was here. 
 "Oh my god!!" Polnareff finally said. "Mr. Joestar, please, when can we sit in the middle? This metal is super uncomfortable!!" 
 "When the gum runs out let me know, you can toss a piece into the back." Joseph said. I groaned. "It's not my fault you guys weren't fast enough." He laughed. Avdol sighed. Suddenly, Joseph pressed on the brake. Making all of us in the back get shot forward. 
 "What happened!?" The three of us asked. 
 "Is that the Speedwagon Foundation Helicopter?" Jotaro asked Joseph. What!? I stood up and looked outwards, yeah, the Speedwagon Foundation Helicopter was crashed on the sandy floor. I jumped out and started racing towards it. 
 "What do you think you're doing, Kakyoin!?"
 "Those two men might be hurt, come on!!!"

 I stopped to catch my breath and started to look around the helicopter. I cupped my hand over my mouth when I saw the brown haired man. He was crushed underneath the helicopter, his finger nails dug into the metal and distorted, his eyes open wide and his mouth agape. Blood was around his stomach area and still pooling onto the floor. Another liquid was pouring out of his mouth, but it was.. water?? I backed up into the others. I didn't even notice they were behind me. I quickly turned around to Jotaro and Avdol, they shared the same horror on their faces as I did. 
 "What happened here?..." I heard Jotaro mutter. 
  "Hey, guys! We found the other guy! He's still alive!!" Polnareff called to us, and we all rushed over. He was in a bad condition, but not as bad as the other guy. His eyes were bulging and he was breathing heavily. 
 "What happened?" Joseph asked him. His wide eyes slowly turned to look at all of us. 
 "Wa... Wa.. Water.." He choked out. 
 "Do you need water??" I asked.
 "There's a canteen over there, I'll go grab it." Avdol said as he turned around and went to grab the canteen. Quickly bringing it back and handing it to Joseph. 
 "Drink it slowly.." Joseph said as he handed the canteen to the man. The man's breathing picked up and he started to freak out as the canteen got closer to him. 

 The water in the canteen suddenly reach out in the formation of what looked to be a hand. It grabbed the man by his face, seemingly melting it and dragging it back into the canteen. We all screamed and ran off in different directions. 

 I ended up behind a rock with Polnareff. We watched the canteen. I poked his shoulder, he turned to me. 
 "Dice up the canteen." I told him. His eyes widened and he frowned at me. 
 "No way! You saw what it did to that guy!" He said angrily. "How about you just Emerald Splash it, huh!?" I glared at him, 
 "I don't want to do that! Now dice up the canteen like I told you the first time!!" I ordered him, slightly moving to flip him off. His glare deepened and he opened his mouth to say something else but instead his eyes widened in horror. He was looking beside me. I quickly turned, the water was besides me. Before I could move it moved almost as fast as light and grabbed onto my face. I screamed and attacked it with Hierophant Green in a panic. I couldn't see. 
 "What happened!??!" I screamed as I touched my eyes, blood was dripping from my face. 
 "BOTH OF YOU GET OVER HERE!!!" I passed out.

 Word Count: 1457

 oh my god. I wrote. I'm so upset that Josuke's voice actor died, r.i.p Billy Kametz. That makes me so goddamn sad.. :(

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