Chapter Eight: Car Ride

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 I looked out the window at the landscape flying by us. I sighed and pulled out a map.
 "Looks like we're right on the Indo-Pakistani border." I said as I set the map back down.
 "Yeah, guess we're saying goodbye to India." Joseph said, Polnareff sighed.
 "I'll be back, soon. I forgot to give Avdol a proper burial." I frowned when he said that.
 "Avdol..." I mumbled and looked at my hands resting on my lap. 
 "Hey! Why's this guy driving so slow!?" I looked up, there was this red car driving in front of us. They were going really slow... I unbuckled my seatbelt and situated myself to stick my head out the window to yell at them. They were blowing dust and sand into our open windows, and yeah. We could close them, but it's really hot out here!!
 "What the hell are you doing?" Jotaro asked me.
 "I'm gonna yell out the window." I said as I got ready to do as I said.
 "No, I'll just go around him!" Polnareff grabbed my arm and pulled me back in. He swerved around the car. I heard something metal hit the car.
 "Yelling would've been much more efficient, I think you might've damaged that car." I glared at Polnareff.
 "Whatever, my way was faster." Polnareff grinned at me. I sighed and rested my face on my hands.
 "Kakyoin's right, you know, we could've gotten hit by that car. The road is extremely narrow, a crash could be disasteris. If we did crash, we'd have to buy another car, which we can't." Joseph explained.
 "And who's fault is that?" Jotaro said as I heard his lighter flick open. Joseph said something underneath his breath. I was just about to turn on the radio when Polnareff stopped the car abruptly. I flew forward in my seat.
 "What the hell is wrong with you!??! We could've died!!" I shouted at Polnareff as I grabbed him by the shirt.
 "That's your fault for not wearing a seatbelt!!!" He shouted at me.
 "Just- Just look!" He said as he pointed in front of us. My eyes widened as I noticed who was there. It was the brat from Singapore, she was sticked out her thumb. She looked up and smiled at us before walking over.
 "Hey you guys! Got room for one more?"

 "Look, I'm sorry for lying about my dad, but let's forget about that!! I need to explore right now, though! Soon I'll be doing your normal girl stuff, painting my nails, doing my hair, wearing a bra-"
 "SHUT UP!!" I shouted at Anne.
 "No one! And I mean no one, cares about that!! Also!! Girls don't have to wear nail polish, nor do their hair!!! The more you know!!" I screamed at her.
 "NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I breathed in and then out, I smiled and turned on the radio. 
 "Calm down, Kak-" 
 "Don't tell me to calm down, Joseph." I glared at him as I turned up the radio. I sighed and looked back out the window. 
 "You don't always have to be such a jerk!!" Anne said to me.
 "You don't always have to be so annoying!!" I said back. I glared at her and Polnareff turned off the radio. 
 "What do you have against Sublime!?" I asked Polnareff as he slowed down. He shook his head.
 "Nothing, that car's back." He pointed behind us. The car looked like it was in a hurry or something.
 "Let him pass, Polnareff." Joseph said. 
 "Yeah, I'll wave them forward!" I smiled as rolled down my window. I stuck my arm out the window and ushered them forward. They passed us and seemed to slow down again. I started to have a coughing fit as they blew more dust and sand into our faces. I rolled up my window.
 "Really?" I said between coughs. I glared at the car, the person driving stuck their arm out.
 "What the fuck?" I mumbled as I saw their arm, it was huge. They waved us forward.
 "Ha!" Polnareff laughed.
 "Looks like they finally know how shitt their car is!" He said before driving past. We all seemed to scream, a big semi-truck was driving towards us at a high speed. It ran into us, making us scream even more.
 "Star Platinum!!" Jotaro shouted as Star Platinum pushed the truck off of us. The truck was thrown backwards and onto it's side. I looked around.
 "Where'd that car go!?" I asked as I continued looking, it didn't seem to be anywhere.
 "Disappearing like that... Maybe it's a Stand User." Jotaro said. I turned back to look at him. Anne was holding onto his arm.
 "Of course they're one of DIO's goons! We were almost road kill!" Polnareff said. 
 "Speaking of road kill... Is that truck gonna be okay there?" I asked as I pointed at the truck.
 "What should we do with it, wise guy?" I asked Jotaro.
 "Easy, pretened we never saw it." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and turned the radio back on. 
 "Let's go," Joseph said as Polnareff started up the car.

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