Chapter Five: Boats From Hell Part. 2 and God Awful Hotel

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 A strange boat came into view from the fog. Our life raft ran into it. A staircase felt down from the side of the ship, as in a way to urge us to come on.
 "Is that our rescue?" I asked the others.
 "No, it's not. Our rescue would have the Speed Wagon Foundation's logo on it." Joseph said.
 "Our rescue or not! I'm getting on this boat!" Polnareff said.
 "But it's not ours..." Avdol sighed.
 "I don't care! I'm tired of letting the ocean take advantage of us!" Polnareff glared at all of us and stood up. 
 "The ocean touched meeee." I laughed. Polnareff walked up onto the staircase. I followed him and Avdol and the crew followed me.
 "Jotaro, Joseph! You two coming?" I asked as I turned around when I got to the top of the staircase. Anne jumped into Joseph's arms and stuck her tongue out at Jotaro. Jotaro glared at her before walking up the stairs.
 "She's such a brat." I sighed as he got to the top of the stairs.
 "Tell me about it." Jotaro rolled his eyes and pushed past me. 

 Me and the others walked into the captain's room. 
 "Where's the captain? Or even the boat's crew." I asked as I looked at the empty chairs.
 "Maybe they're all in the bathroom with a bad case of the runs." Polnareff said. Anne shoved past us and walked into a room we hadn't yet looked in.
 "Hey creeps! Come look at this!" Anne said and we all walked to the room. There was an Orangutan in a cage. 
 "It's an ape," Jotaro said.
 "Actually it's an Orangutan." I said back to him. 
 "Whatever.." He rolled his eyes. 
 "Well if there's this Orangutan on board, then somewhere there should be someone taking care of it." Joseph said before leaving, Polnareff and Jotaro following. I lingered back to look after the kid. She walked closer to the cage.
 "Hey!" I shouted to her. She turned to me.
 "Don't do that, do you know how strong Orangutans are? They could rip off your arm in a heartbeat!" I said to her as I walked towards her. 
 "Ohh.." Anne said.
 "C'mon." I grabbed her shoulder and started to guide her out of the room. Just before we left the room we heard someone shout. 
 "Get out of the way!!" It sounded as if something large had swung through the air with an extreme speed. I ran out, now holding Anne's hand. As soon as I stepped out the room I covered up her eyes. A crew member's neck was impaled with a piece of the ship. They were dead.
 "What the hell happened out here!?" I asked as I tried my best to not look. 
 "The crane swung with no command." Joseph said. He ordered the crew members to take Anne and themselves down to a safe room. Which should be somewhere on the floor below us. The crew members took Anne from me and walked away. 

 "I'll have Hierophant Green search the ship. She should be able to find anyone or a stand user." I said as Hierophant started to turn into Tentacles that went through the cracks in the floor of the ship. 
 "I think we have enough people up here, Jotaro, you should go down and check on the crew." Joseph said.
 "Right.." Jotaro nodded,
 "Good grief..." He sighed before walking off. 
 "Find anything yet, Kakyoin?" I shook my head. 
 "No, but Hierophant hasn't searched everywhere yet. There could still be something." 

 An Hour Later

 Hierophant slowly started to resurface from the floor slits. 
 "She couldn't find anything.." I frowned as I shook my head. I sat on this ledge of the boat.
 "How odd," Avdol said. Just then, I started to feel pressure underneath me. I looked down, the boat was moving and grabbing onto my waist and legs. 
 "What the hell?!" I screamed as the pain slowly got worse and the boat started to suck me up more. 
 "What's going on?!" Polnareff asked, the same thing was happening to the rest of them. Wait...
 "Is this boat a stand!?" I asked them all as I coughed. Blood fell onto my skirt. 
 "We're all so stupid!!" Joseph said.
 "I am not stupid!!" I shouted at him. 
 "How could a stand be so big though!? And how could Anne and the crew see it if it's a stand!?" Polnareff asked, he was into the boat up to his knees now.
 "It's extremely powerful... That must be how they can see it!" Avdol said. Ouchhh.... I had coughed up more blood. It was too much pressure, I felt like I was gonna pass out. I hope Jotaro's okay.. Wait.. No I don't.

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