Chapter Seventeen: Hospital Room

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 I opened my eyes, but.. I couldn't see anything. Everything was black. I touched my face, wondering if something was covering my vision. Something soft was wrapped around my head. Where am I?? I tried to remember something, but it was kind of blurry. All I could remember was yelling at Polnareff and then- nothing.
 "Hello???" I called out. No one. I frowned and leaned back. "Helloo!!!!!!!" I called out again, this time much louder. It sounded like a door beside me opened
"Ah, you're awake, Mrs. Kakyoin." An unfamiliar male voice said. I looked towards the sound of the noise.
 "Who are you?? Where am I? Why can't I see!? Did you kidnap me!?!" I bombarded the doctor with panicked questions, ignoring the annoyance I felt by 'Mrs.' 
 "I'm a doctor, you're in a hospital. You were injured in the desert, you were dropped off here by four men." The man's voice said. 
 "Where are they!?" I asked and cocked my head.
 "They left a while ago, you took a while to wake up." He slightly laughed.
 "How long was I asleep!?"
 "About two days.." The doctor sighed. I frowned as I touched my face again. 
 "When can I leave??" I questioned, finally starting to calm down.
 "In a week or so, it would've been longer but the Speedwagon Foundation told us to not bother with you." He said. I clenched my fists, trying my hardest to not get upset. Which I succeeded, of course. "I wonder- how did some normal high school girl get someone like that to take care of her!? Are you sure you're not just hiding besides a facade!?" I slightly laughed as I relaxed and leaned back.
 "I have some friends who care about me a lot." I smiled.

 "Alright, stay still." The doctor said. It'd been a week and now it's time to get the bandage off. The soft fabric slowly unwrapped itself from my face. I looked back to the doctor and smiled at him. 
 "I can see, what a miracle!" I laughed as he handed me a pair of sun-glasses. I raised an eyebrow.
 "They're to keep your eyes safe, you'll have to wear them for a month or two. And feel free to get ready to leave, unless you plan to stay here longer. You seem to be in a hurry." I nodded before putting the sun-glasses on and getting up. And almost falling over. When you are in a bed for a week or more it feels weird when you stand up. I steadied myself, before walking to the mirror. I stared at my eyes. Two light pink scars crossed over each. 
 "They're kinda cool, they make me look tough." I mumbled with a smile as I brushed my hair behind my ear. "I'll go ahead and get ready to leave, where's my uniform?" I asked as I looked back to the doctor. 
 "You want to wear that?" He asked me. 
 "Not really, but it's all I have right now." I slightly laughed.
 "That black haired gentleman actually dropped something off for you, he said you might prefer it." What?? 
 "Are you talking about Jotaro??" I asked in confusion. He nodded.
 "I believe that's his name,"
 "Where is it??"
 "In there,"

 I walked into the bathroom and saw a shopping bag. I rushed over to the counter it laid on and opened it. Inside was a pair of green pants with a white blouse. I looked beside them at my uniform. 
 "These are quite cute.. I guess Jotaro has fashion sense.." 

 I shoved my school uniform into my bag and looked at myself in the mirror. I look low-key cute right now. I smiled before hanging the bag over my shoulder and walking out. The doctor was gone... Eh, I'll find the lobby by myself. Shouldn't be that hard. I strolled out of the room and down the white halls. Rushed down at least 5 flights of stairs, and then finally was down there. Doctors and nurses were rushing back and forth. I was about to leave when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around quickly to see someone wearing the Speedwagon Foundation uniform.
 "Yeah?" I asked as I adjusted my bag. 
 "Take Iggy with you," the man said as another worker from behind him came out of a room with Iggy in his arms. He was covered in bandages!
 "What happened!?" I asked as I took Iggy from the man's arms, not caring if he chewed off my hair.
 "He was attacked, he was brought here half dead by a child. Thank god he got here in time." The man said. "You may leave now." I hugged Iggy tighter before finally leaving. As soon as we were outside he jumped out of my arms and growled at me. 
 "Hey! Don't be a jackass!" I glared at him. He growled at me again before he began running, "come back here!!" I screamed as I ran after him. I was going to use my stand to grab him... but what if I hurt him!? I glared to myself before starting to run faster. 

 "Where are we going??" I asked, out of breath, as Iggy finally stopped. I looked up. "Guys!!" I shouted as I began to run towards my friends. 
 "Kakyoin!!" Polnareff shouted as he ran towards me. He wrapped his arms around me. 
 "Thank goodness you're okay," Avdol said as he patted my shoulder. 
 "Mhm!" I smiled as I pulled away from Polnareff. I glanced at Jotaro as Joseph hugged me as well. "Thanks for the new outfit!" I smiled at him, he turned away. 
 "I was wondering where you got that! Jotaro really knew what looked good, huh?" Polnareff smiled at me. I nodded as I looked away from Jotaro, I turned behind me to Iggy. 
 "Iggy! Get over here!" I shouted at him. 
 "You found him!" Joseph said as he finally noticed Iggy. I shook my head.
 "Some kid did, he was almost dead." I frowned. Iggy growled at me, for the third fucking time. I imitated him, stomping my foot. 
 "Poor thing," Avdol sighed. Iggy glared at us all for a moment, before dashing between us and running off. 
 "Get back here asshole!!!"

 Iggy finally stopped, after the second chase. He was still walking away from us but at least he stopped running. I felt.. Weird. My stomach was churning, I thought I was gonna throw up. I started to walk slower, I think I'd ran too much after being bedridden for almost ten days. As we got closer the feeling felt even more recognizable. It felt.. Sickening... But strangely relaxing. Wait.. I stopped, everyone turned to me. 
 "What's up?" Jotaro asked me.
 "I-... I.." I choked out. I could see it, in the distance. My legs started to shake, I was trembling.
 "Kakyoin! What's wrong?" Avdol asked me, concern on his face. 
 "We're here.." I said. 
 "Kakyoin~..." I turned around, nothing. He wasn't there. 
 "Where?" I pointed ahead of us. And they all finally noticed. I felt sick. But... I had a strange impulse to run towards the building, so I did. 

 Word Count: 1200

 So I was like: oh I should just not write a full chapter of this and skip it. And also like: I should. But then I realized! Do both. So I did. Sorry this chapter took so long, the book's almost finished bois! Woohooooooooooooo! Love you all <3
 Misa <3 

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