Chapter Six: Digging Your Own Grave

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 I looked out from the bow of the boat. We would be arriving in Calcutta India in.. An hour or two? I can't remember what they said. I sighed as I got swallowed up in the oceans beauty. I really did love it, Cherry Blossoms and the calm ocean waves, my favorite things. Two bad there weren't cherry trees around here, the petals resting on the water... Ahh... I put my face in my hands and smiled as I imagined it. The river back behind my house, the calm running water, the few frogs croaking, and the cherry petals falling onto the water. I-
 "Kakyoin?" The voice broke my thoughts as I was tapped on the shoulder, I turned around, Jotaro and the others were behind me. 
 "Yeah?" I said, a bit annoyed.
 "We're here." Jotaro glared. I hadn't even noticed, I looked around and the saw the dock in front of us.
 "... I knew that! I was just waiting for you all, slowpokes!" I scoffed as I shoved past them and to jumped off onto the dock.
 "C'mon! We're here~!" I imitated, Jotaro rolled his eyes while everyone else just kinda laughed.

 "I haven't been here in quite some time, it hasn't changed a bit." I said as I followed Avdol along with the others. We were walking through... an alleyway? Maybe it wasn't but it sure looked like one.
 "Oh really? You've been here before?" He asked, I nodded.
 "My mom and grandfather have this job where they travel a lot, my grandfather used to work here mainly, so when my mom would be heading to... Germany or something, I'd be here." I said. We exited the alleyway, and all hell went loose. Men and women, children too, rushed towards us. Asking us if we wanted certain things. I was about to stab this guy I didn't know when I realized my wallet was gone.
 "Goddamnit!" I shouted, but you couldn't hear me over Polnareff's own screaming. I was shoved around so much that I was eventually shoved into Jotaro.
 "Sorry.." I said as I pushed myself off of him, he just glared at me before shoving someone else off of him.
 "So.. This is India?" Joseph asked,
 "Isn't it great? This is really what makes India perfect, correct?"

 I yawned as I stretched out in the chair I'd sat in, we were at a restaurant. 
 "This is a whole lot of culture shock." Joseph said as he looked over a menu.
 "It's quite interesting, huh? I kinda like this place.." Jotaro said. I rolled my eyes as Joseph asked him if he was for real, No Joseph, he wasn't.
 "I'm gonna go use the bathroom," Polnareff said as he sat up,
 "Aren't you gonna order first?" Avdol asked, Polnareff brushed him off.
 "Pick something for me, something just as excellent as I am." He said before walking off.
 "Get him whatever, it really won't matter to him." I rolled my eyes,
 "You should not do that all the time, your eyes will fall out." Avdol chuckled.
 "They'll be much easier to roll when they fall out," I chuckled back at him, he merely shook his head.
 "Let's just order..." Joseph sighed as he kept looking at the menu. We suddenly heard a door slam open and shut as Polnareff ran out of the bathroom.
 "Where is he!?" Polnareff shouted, his eyes darting around the room.
 "Polnareff?" I asked as he ran out of the restaurant. We all ran out after him. 
 "What's going on?" Joseph asked, Polnareff stopped and turned to us.
 "I've found him, that monster Centerfold!" Polnareff said to us. He exhaled sharply,
 "I'm sorry, but now with my sister's killer in reach, I will be traveling on my own." ...What? Polnareff turned back around. 

 "What!?" I shouted at him as I ran up behind him. He shoved me off, my heart twitched a little. Polnareff was the only one I could kinda call a friend here, he was the nicest to me and always talked to me if I zoned out. 
 "I never cared about DIO, how come you didn't know that? I thought you were listening when I first decided to come with you all." He turned back to me, a glare on his face.
 "Mr. Joestar and Jotaro already both know this, I-" 
 "Please don't go!!" I shouted at him. 
 "You'll die!! I just know it!" I shouted again.
 "She's right," Avdol chimed in as he stood beside me.
 "You're digging your own grave by making such a rash decision." He said, Polnareff glared at him. 
 "And how do the both of you two know!? I thought you two were smarter than that! I heard that when you met DIO, you ran away like a dog with it's tail in between it's legs!!" Polnareff shouted at us.
 "And you!" He turned back to me.
 "You froze up and admitted defeated like a little girl! I am nothing like you two, I can and will kill Centerfold by myself!!" He shoved us both away and turned away from us. I clenched my hands into fists. 
 "You motherfu-!" Avdol said as he raised his fist, Joseph grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
 "Just let him go, it's his own fault if he get's hurt." Joseph said as he started to walk away with Avdol, Jotaro turned back to me as I started breathing heavily as I watched Polnareff walk away. I felt something hot and wet falling down my face. I heard Jotaro sigh before he grabbed my hand. I turned to him.
 "I know you're sad but let's go," he said as he looked at me, he wiped the tears from my eyes. My face turned red. He noticed and let go of my hand and grabbed my arm.
 "L-Let's just go already!" He said before dragging me in the direction of Avdol and Joseph.

 "He's really not coming back.." I mumbled as I sat in the window of the hotel we were gonna spend the night in. I heard Avdol sigh from behind me.
 "I'm gonna go find him," Avdol said, I turned to him and raised an eyebrow.
 "Why? He was a complete jackass to us! He's probably dead by now!" I furrowed my eyebrows.
 "Yeah, probably, we don't know yet." He opened the door.
 "AVDOL!!!" He ran out and shut the door. 
 "Goddamnit!!" I mumbled.
 "Let's go after him," Joseph sighed as he got up and opened the door.
 "Let's go."

 I started running around Calcutta, I needed to find Avdol. Polnareff's probably dead and Avdol's just killing himself trying to find him! I bet the stand user that killed Polnareff is waiting for one of us to look for him! 
 "There's a weird fight going on over there!" I heard a man shout from behind me, there was a crowd watching this "fight".
 "Move!!" I shouted as I shoved past the crowd. Avdol and Polnareff were standing there, both staring at this weird blonde cowboy.
 "Polnareff! Avdo-!!!" I heard a gun fire, and Avdol dropped to the floor.

Word Count: 1180

 omggg new chapter woohoo, I know this one wasn't super good but heyyyyyy. added that one scene with jotaro and kakyoin ahahhahahaha. it's cold and raining/snowing outside, so i've been inside all day. and as result of that, i worked on this. hope you enjoyed and are all 
n i c e

 bye now, 

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