Chapter Seven: Varanassi is Wild, is it not?

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 I watched as Avdol's body hit the ground, the whole crowd went silent. 
 "Avdol!!!" I screamed as I ran over to him. I started to shake him but he wouldn't open his eyes. I shook him more.
 "Open your eyes!!" I ordered him as I drowned out the strange cowboy's words. He's okay he's okay, he is okay!!! I reassured myself. I exhaled sharply as I began to cry. He's not okay... I stopped shaking him. 
 "That's what he gets for lecturing people," I heard Polnareff say. I looked up from Avdol's dead body and glared at Polnareff.
 "What did you just say?" I asked.
 "You heard me," He glared back at me. I got up and pointed at him.
 "Don't you fucking dare, Polnareff!! He saved your life!! If it were me or anyone else we would've let you die!!! Let you learn your fucking lesson!!! You moth-" I stopped screaming at Polnareff when I heard a sniffle. 
 "You don't understand... do you?" He asked as tears that were not mine fell to the ground. He turned around and looked at me, his eyes were puffy and his cheeks were pink.
 "How sick I am of people dying on me!! I'm so tired of it!!" He shouted at me.
 "So sorry to break the poor little argument you two are having but... I'd like to let you know that you'll both be dying next," The cowboy said with his accent. Me and Polnareff turned to him.
 "Fuck off blonde bitch boy!!" I shouted at him. He merely laughed as he pulled out a gun. Me and Polnareff froze.
 "The name's Hol Horse, not blonde bitch boy. And I'll fuck off when me and Centerfold kill you both!!" Hol Horse shot a bullet at us. We both dodged, while I was dodging I hit my head into a car. I got up and looked into it, the keys were still in there. Polnareff was getting to attack but I grabbed him.
 "C'mon... Get in the car." I said to him, he shoved me off and started heading towards Hol Horse. I sighed as I opened the car door and turned the keys. I watched as Hol Horse fired another bullet. I slammed my foot on the accelerator and opened the passenger side door. Hierophant Green grabbed Polnareff and threw him into the passenger seat and we drove away.

 "What the hell!? I was going to kill him!!" Polnareff said to me.
 "You were going to kill yourself." I said back to him. He glared at me and sighed. Leaving the car ride in silence for a good five minutes. He inhaled sharply.
 "I think I understand what you and Avdol were trying to say," He mumbled.
 "I'll fight to keep on living, and I won't make such rash decisions anymore." I rolled my eyes.
 "I don't believe that," I said. He frowned at me. I took this moment to punch him in the nose.
 "That's the only thing you'll get that's even close to 'making up' with me." I said as I handed him a handkerchief. 
 "O-Okay...." Polnareff said as he wiped his bleeding nose. 
 "We'll fight them, together, alright?" He nodded.
 "Sure..." I glared at him and turned back to the road. I looked in the review mirror. I let out a small gasp as I saw The Hanged Man in the mirror.
 "That asshole!!" I said, Polnareff looked at me then in the mirror. The Hanged Man crawled towards us, he pulled out his knife and tried to stab me in the back.
 "Look out!!" Polnareff shouted as he grabbed the wheel. The car turned to the right and hit a big rock, and with how fast we were going, tipped over. 
 "Are you okay, Kakyoin!?" Polnareff asked me as he put a hand on my back.
 "I fell on my boobs and only my boobs, does that sound like I'm okay!?!?!" I shouted at him and stood up and ran behind another rock. He followed me. 
 "Take anything shiny off your clothes, or this hiding spot is useless!" I ordered Polnareff as I put my earrings in my pockets and started to take the buttons off my uniform. He followed suit.
 "Hey, are you two okay?" We both looked up and saw this little kid walking up to us. They gasped.
 "You're both bleeding!! Do you want some bandages?" I touched my face and looked at myself as the kid said this, my legs and forehead were bleeding. 
 "Yes!! I don't wanna get an infection!" I glared at Polnareff, then looked back at the kid. That monster! I finally noticed The Hanged Man was in the kid's eye! 
 "No! Forget the bandages!" I said as I ran away from the kid.
 "But you're both bleeding!" 
 "Yes, but... don't look at us!!" I shouted, The Hanged Man got ready to attack.

 Time skipppppp 

 "You never did give that kid any candy," I said to Polnareff as I looked out the bus window. He didn't hear me, he was to busy talking to thi random girl that stopped us from killing Hol Horse. Nena, I think her name was. I sighed.
 "What's up?" Jotaro asked, I looked next to me. I shook my head and smiled at him,
 "It's nothing, I'm just tired." He nodded. I looked out the window again, the houses and storefronts flew by us. We were really the only ones on the bus, we were getting driven to the hotel we were staying at. Joseph was getting an infection checked and had already booked us there. The bus finally stopped.
 "C'mon," Jotaro said as we all got up and got off. Polnareff was still talking to Nena when the bus drove away. I glared at her and him.
 "Jealous much?" Jotaro asked my face turned red and I turned to him.
 "Wha?! No!! It's just annoying how talkitive he is sometimes!!" Jotaro smirked at me and nodded.
 "Yeah, wanna go somewhere else? Me and Polnareff were gonna wait to go to the hotel until the old man was back anyway." Jotaro said as he ushered me to follow him.
 "Me and Jotaro are gonna head off, alright?" Polnareff didn't answer. I sighed as Jotaro grabbed my arm and started dragging me in a random direction.

 "You remind me of my grandfather when he was trying to teach me how to walk." I said,
 "How so?" Jotaro asked. 
 "He dragged me everywhere until I could walk, saying how it would help in the longrun. It didn't, in fact, it made me take much more time to learn how to due to my reluctance." Jotaro made a small "Ahh" sound and continued to drag me. His hand was holding on extremely tight. It kinda hurt, but not really. He finally stopped in this alleyway and let go of me. I sighed and sat down on a closed trashbin. He pulled out his box of cigars..
 "Why do you smoke?" I asked, he shrugged and opened up the box. His face turned to that of extreme annoyance when he looked inside.
 "Goddamnit, I'm out." He sighed.
 "We can go get more, I'll pay." I said.
 "Great idea, let's go." I got up and we began to walk around. After a few minutes we found a convience store and walked inside. He grabbed his cigarettes and walked up to the front desk.
 "ID please," the man behind the counter asked. Jotaro put his hand in his pocket and feeled around a bit. He turned to me and whispered in my ear:
 "I don't have my fake ID." I sighed,
 "I have an idea, and you better pay me back for this." 

 I put my hand on the counter and took off my blazer.
 "You see.. I forgot my ID..." I said as I ran a hand through my hair.
 "How are you gonna get these then?" He asked, a small smile appearing on my face.
 "I'll show you my boobs." 
 "What!?" I heard Jotaro shout. I turned to him, his face was turning red.
 "Shhhh." I smiled and winked at him.
 "Oh really?" The man smirked. I nodded as I unbuttoned the first three buttons on my white flannel.
 "Yeah, give me the cigars first." He rung us out and handed me the cigars. I put my hand up to the fourth button. I turned to Jotaro and mouthed the words: ready to run? 
 "Alright, as promised..." I said as I looked to the door.
 "RUN!!!" I shouted as I shoved past Jotaro. I began to run and he did as well. I heard the shopkeeper screaming at us but I couldn't make out what he was saying. We ran into the same alleyway we were in before. I started to pant and handed Jotaro his cigars.
 "Thanks..." He mumbled.
 "No problem! That was really fun, actually!" I said as I smoothed my hair. I bursted out laughing, Jotaro did as well. 
 "You owe me, though!" I said as tears started to fall down my cheeks.
 "Uhhh... You two okay?" We stopped laughing and looked towards the voice. Polnareff looked traumatized and Joseph looked confused. I started to quietly laugh again.
 "What the hell happened? Why are you two laughing like that? And Kakyoin! Why are you showing so much skin!?" 
 "Don't ask questions." Jotaro said as he lit a cigarette. 
 "What took you two so long?" I asked as I began rebuttoning my white flannel and put my blazer back on. 
 "Oh.. About that-"
 "We need to leave- like... right now."

Word Count: 1600

 that last part was based off of a chapter of Cherry Pie with a Bitter Taste of Smoke btw. i liked it and thought: hey, you don't know what to write to make the chapter longer. and you didn't wanna write all of hanged man. so just add... this. 
 you should read that tho- i liked it, maybe you will two. anyway.... i don't know what to say other than thanks for reading my bookk. actually, which version do you like better? old Ts-Tsun Dere or this one? like i'd actually like to know.
Alright, I'mma head out: peace

<3 Misa

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