Chapter Two: The Journey Begins

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 I woke up to the feeling of hands on my face and a leg touching mine. I slowly opened my eyes.
 "You.." I glared as I saw Jotaro. 
 "Shut up, and don't move, I'm doing you a favor." Jotaro glared back at me. His stand was pulling something out of my forehead. It seemed to finally get it and threw whatever it was at an old man who disintrigated it. Jotaro slowly got off of me and sighed. I raised my hand up to touch my forehead, there was a strange hole like feeling to the spot below my bangs.. I looked around to see two other men staring at me. I turned back to Jotaro.
 "Wh-Why did you do that?" I asked as I continued to touch my forehead. Jotaro shrugged. I scoffed and turned away. What does he mean he doesn't know? I rolled my eyes.

 A woman with blonde hair walked into the room with a first aid kit after one of the two men left the room. She smiled at me and turned to Jotaro and whispered something in his ear. Jotaro only shook his head to what she said. The woman sighed, walked over to me, and sat down in front of me.
 "Hi there! Can I treat your wound?" She said with a cheery voice. 
 "Sure..." I mumbled. The woman began to apply some sort of ointment to my injury.
 "What's your name?" She asked.
 "Just call me Kakyoin." 
 "It's nice to meet you, Kakyoin-Chan! I'm Seiko, Jotaro's mother! And this is my father, Joseph, and his friend, Avdol!" Avdol gave me a smile but Joseph, whipped his head around to Seiko, his eyes wide. 
 "What? Your name is Holly!" He shouted to her as she applied a bandage around my head. 
 "Actually, in japanese, my name is pronounced Seiko! So all my friends address me that way! And while you're here, you should address me that way too!" Seiko smiled.
 "What!? Holly is a beautiful name and I gave it to you! I will not address you that way!" 
 "Fine, go get Kakyoin-Chan's futon for me then!" Seiko shouted back. 
 "Huh? Oh no, I'll head home!" I said to her, putting my hands up to my chest.
 "Nonsense, now let's get that uniform off!" 

 I smoothed out the nightgown Seiko had given me. It was white with a floral pattern on the sleeves, collar, and the ends. I sighed and looked at the futon on the floor, which I then sat on. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sat there. Not long after, I heard a knock on the door.
 "Yes?" I shouted, the door opened, and in walked Jotaro.
 "My mom wanted me to check on you.." Jotaro said as he walked in. I rolled my eyes.
 "Well I'm fine, thank you for checking." I gave him a partial smile, it was hard to because this guy was kinda a dick. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it before sitting on a pillow by my bed.
 "You checked on me." I said in an attempt to make him leave. He glared at me as he puffed smoke into my face.
 "Stop it!!!" I coughed as I stood up. 
 "You know.. It's all your fault I'm here!!! You almost killed me!!" I screamed at him.
 "My fault!? You tried to kill me first!!! I acted in self defense!!" Jotaro shouted back at me. Standing up and standing right in front of me. He's super tall... 
 "Well you didn't have to try and kill me!!" I shouted as I stood on my tiptoes, trying to be just the bit more intimidating. He only laughed at me. Before I could scream something else at him, Seiko walked in. 
 "Jotaro! Leave Kakyoin-Chan alone!!" She shouted at him. Jotaro glared at me one last time before sighing and leaving. 
 "What's his problem?" I asked Seiko.
 "Does he have a stick up his ass?" Seiko shook her head. 
 "He's just..." She looked towards the door. 
 "I don't know... He really is a sweet boy, deep down!" She said.
 "I don't believe that." She frowned as I sat down on my futon again. She sat down beside me and wrapped an arm around me. 
 "He'll warm up to you, I'm sure of it! Just give him some time, can you do that for me, Kakyoin-Chan?" She asked me as she gave me a warm smile. I exhaled sharply.
 "I guess..." 
 "Thank you! Now please, try to get some rest." And with that, she turned off the light and left. I laid down and closed my eyes. 

 I woke up to shouting in another room of the house. I quickly got up and slid back into my school uniform. I closed the last button and left the room. I quietly walked around the house, until I heard their voices. Jotaro, Joseph, and Avdol. They were all talking about Seiko developing her own stand and... it could kill her? I inhaled. As nice as she was, I can't help, and neither can they. I went to the front of the house.
 "Where the hell are my shoes?" I mumbled as I sifted through the pairs on the floor. Finally finding my boots and putting them on. I opened the door and walked outside, and then to the gate.
 "Leaving so soon?" I nearly shit myself when I heard Avdol call out to me.
 "Yes, I've overstayed my welcome." I said as he walked over to me. 
 "Kakyoin, was it?" I nodded. 
 "Do you have any idea where the library is? I need to see something." Avdol asked.
 "Yeah, I'll take you." I said as I ushered to opening the gate. He opened it and we walked down the road to Jotaro's house.

 "Here it is," I said as we arrived at the library.
 "Many thanks, Kakyoin." He said as he walked inside. I followed.
 "So... I overheard you guys. What exactly is going on with Seiko?" I asked as I hung in the doorway.
 "She developing a stand, but she is too weak to control it. So it is killing her, and now we need to find DIO to cut this.. invisible line, persay. I'm looking for a fly, it'll help us find DIO." I raised an eyebrow.
 "What's it look like?" I asked as I walked over, he handed me a picture.
 "This is really good!... It looks like the Nile Tsetse Fly. Which can be traced back to Egypt! Specifically, the nile region, hence the name!!" I said with a smile, handing him back his picture. He looked at me, his eyes a little widened.
 "You just know much more than I thought you did." Avdol said.
 "I don't even need the library anymore..." He sighed.
 "I'm always somewhat happy to help, Mr. Avdol." I said. And then we left

 We parted ways at the gate, him saying goodbye to me before going inside. I stood at the gate. DIO.... Are they gonna head to Egypt just to kill him or whatever?... Why do I care!? I'll just head home, and forget all of this! I turned away to walk home, I stepped in a puddle on the ground. I looked down angrily, and saw my reflection. And saw the bandage across my forehead. I ran back to the gate and inside. 

 I walked into the room they were all in. 
 "I thought you were leaving," Avdol said. I shook my head.
 "If you guys are going to find DIO... I want to come along!"
 "Huh?" All three of them seemed to say. Jotaro sighed.
 "And why?" He asked. I smiled at him and shrugged.
 "No idea." I said. Jotaro glared at me, only making me smile at him again.
 "Well then! We leave tonight!" Joseph said.

 I watched as atleast five different cars with three or less people in each rush to the house. From what I understood, they were apart of this Speed Wagon Foundation, and would take care of Seiko. 
 "Let's get to the airport!"
 "Yes, but first, Jotaro allow me to name your stand. Do not look, but pick a card from the TARO." Avdol said to Jotaro as he pulled out a set of TARO cards. Jotaro grabbed one. The Star Card.
 "Then, I shall name your stand, Star Platinum!"

Word Count: 1398
 yayy chapter twoooooo. hopefully, you like this so far. and if not... whatcha doin here man/woman/just a person? go... go look at something good. like... the original series. bye now

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