Chapter Four: Boats From Hell Part. 1

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 I spat out all of the tea stored in my cheeks at Jotaro when he said that. 
 "Are you another enemy!?" Joseph asked. The man gave a chuckle as he smiled at us. 
 "My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff, I have been sent here by DIO to kill all of you!"

 Hours later...

 "Alright, are you all ready to board the boat?" Joseph asked us all as we walked on the dock. The dock was bustling with men and women carrying large stuff, running to see loved ones or atleast I think they are. Maybe they're hated ones. I started to hear footsteps walking behind us. I turned around, 
 "Polnareff?" I asked as I saw him following us. 
 "I see your feeling better." Avdol said.
 "I wanted to thank you.. for saving me from DIO." Polnareff said.
 "Jotaro is the one who helped you, if anyone thank him." Jotaro glared at Avdol.
 "How about not?" Avdol chuckled.
 "It seems your manners are used on the likes of us," 
 "I'll say!" I said as I glared at Jotaro. 
 "Mr. Joestar, I'd like to ask you a strange question." Polnareff said as he turned away from me and Jotaro and to Joseph.
 "What kind of 'strange question'?" Joseph asked, raising an eyebrow.
 "I noticed that yesterday, while you were eating, you never took off your left glove. Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right one would it?" Polnareff said.
 "My left hand being a right hand? You weren't joking about it being a strange question." Joseph said before taking his left glove off.
 "It's prostetic, I lost the real one around 50 years ago." Polnareff sighed.
 "My apologies." Polnareff said.
 "Why do you ask?"

 "My sister was killed by a man with two right hands, and I've been wanting to hunt him down for some time." Polnareff answered as he walked past all of us to stare at the calm ocean waters.
 "I'm sorry to hear that," I said.
 "What'd she look like?" I asked as I walked up behind Polnareff. He pulled out a photograph, a girl with brown hair, blue eyes, and a loose white blouse stared at me with a smile.
 "She was quite pretty." I said as I admired the girl in the photo.
 "I see where she gets her looks from!" I smiled as I patted Polnareff on the back. He chuckled slightly. 
 "Could I please travel with you all?" Polnareff asked as he turned to the others again.
 "DIO had told me about this man, being a stand user and all, so I bet he's working for him."
 "The more the merrier," Joseph said. A boat horn went off not far from us.
 "That must be ours, c'mon."

 I sat down in one of the chairs overlooking the ocean. The calm waves splashed against the boat, it was loud as hell but was still relaxing.
 "What are you doing?" A voice asked me, I turned around. Jotaro was walking up to me.
 "Watching the ocean..." I said as I cupped my face with my hand. 
 "It's quite beautiful, isn't it, Jotaro?" I smiled at him. He shrugged. 
 "I think it's quite pretty, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions." 
 "Hey you two! We'll be arriving in Singapore in a day, maybe two. And from there we'll take another boat." We heard Joseph call. We both turned around. He had changed into this strange red and white striped tank-top.
 "Wha-? Why are you two still in your uniforms?! It's ridiculously hot out here!" He shouted at us.
 "Not really, also I didn't bring anything else. I didn't wanna barge in on my mom and go 'hey I'm going to go kill a vampire with these three, now four! Guys that I don't know, could you bring me a bathing suit?'" Joseph sighed and walked away. Me and Jotaro went back to staring at the water.
 "You acted like you didn't like the ocean, yet you're standing here and admiring it with me." I sighed as I shoved Jotaro on the shoulder a bit.
 "You're alright, Kujo." I smiled.
 "You're alright too, I guess." He mumbled as he looked away from me. I started to say something but was cut off by a crew member shouting. We both turned towards the shouting.

 "Let go of me!! I'll break your balls if you don't!!" A tiny boy shouted as he kicked at the crew member holding him in a headlock. 
 "Break my balls!? I'd like to see you try, half pint!!" The crew member replied in a smart-ass tone.
 "Hey! I thought I said only myself, the other four stand users, and the crew would be aboard!" Joseph glared at the crew member. 
 "Sorry sir! It's a stowaway! That's all, we'll handle it." The crew member said as he struggled even more with the kid. 
 "You better!" 
 "Please just let me go!! I just wanted to go to Singapore to see my dad! Honest! I'll even work for my ticket there!!" The little boy said as he finally seemed to break free.
 "Oh really!?" The crew member asked as he pulled on the kid's cheek.
 "I could make you clean up everything..." The kid smiled. 
 "Nope! Too easy!!" The crew member smirked as he flicked the kid. I'd finally had enough.
 "Quit it! Leave the kid alone, yeah sure, he shouldn't have snuck onto a boat, but still!!! I'll even pay you for him to be able to go see his dad!" I shouted at the two as I walked towards them.
 "How about I make you pay for his ticket then?" The crew member asked me as he looked down at me. His nose scrunched up as if I were some dead cat on the road. I glared at him
 "Shut up." I glared at Avdol. I was about to give the crew member a little bit more than just a few words, when I heard splashing from the water. Not a wave splash. I looked past the asshole and saw the kid was missing. Oh shit... I ran up to the side of the boat with the others. The kid was swimming away. 
 "Woah! That kid's got guts!" Polnareff said as he watched the kid go. Another crew member ran up beside us all.
 "Does he really plan on swimming to shore from here?" Avdol asked.
 "He should discard that plan! These waters are infested with sharks!!" Just as he said this I noticed a shadow swimming by the boy in the water. Without saying anything I started to take off my blazer.
 "Hold this." I shoved my blazer into Jotaro's arms.
 "Wait! You don't plan on-!!" I dived in.
 "Kakyoin!! Don't risk your life for that brat!!" Jotaro shouted at me. I kept swimming towards the little boy. As soon as I grabbed him a shark jumped out of the water at us. I heard everyone scream my name. 
 "Emerald Splash!!" I shouted as hundreds of emeralds shot out and at the shark. It sunk back into the water. 
 "Are you okay?" I asked the little boy. He nodded.
 "Let's-.." I grabbed onto his overalls. Something didn't feel right.. My eyes widened, and I immediately ripped off the kids hat.
 "You're a girl!!" I said, she glared at me.
 "Don't feel me up like that!!"
 "I can feel up whoever I want when I save their life!!" I glared at her as I tugged on her arm and started to swim back to the ship.

 "Kakyoin!! Swim faster, there's something following you!!" I heard Avdol shout. I turned around and saw something swimming towards me with a swift speed. I started to freak out and swim faster. I summoned one of Hierophants tentacles to go up to the ship. Star Platinum appeared and grabbed it, hoisting me back up onto the ship. I let go of the little girl and turned around and looked into the water. The shark from earlier was ripped in half...
 "Thanks, Jotaro." I said as I took my blazer back from Jotaro. I turned back to the little girl, who was panting as she sat 10 or more feet away.
 "You weren't even swimming for your life..." I mumbled as I glared at her.
 "I've got a strange feeling about this girl.." Polnareff said as we all stared at her.
 "What do you mean?"
 "Don't be dumb, Kakyoin! You saw what happened to that shark! Maybe she tried to get us into those waters with her, to kill us!" Polnareff said.
 "I don't think DIO hired a little girl to kill us.. But maybe, I guess." I shrugged as I put my blazer back on.
 "Seriously? You were almost chopped in half!" Avdol said, shaking his head. The little girl stopped panting and looked at us
 "Quit staring at me like that, creeps!!" She said to us. Avdol inhaled.
 "How's DIO these days, huh?" Avdol asked.
 "Yeah!" Polnareff and Joseph both butted in. 
 "DIO? What the hell is that? A motorcycle?" She asked us.
 "Don't play dumb with us, we'll throw you right back into those waters with your stand!!" Polnareff shouted at her.
 "You guys are crazy!" She glared at all of us.
 "If you keep talking like that: I'll cut you!!" She said as she pulled out the tiniest knife I've ever seen. I found it a little amusing that she was threatening us and laughed.
 "What's so funny, stupid jerk-hole!?" She shouted at me
 "Jerk-hole?.. yeah she's definitely not our user." I said as I continued to laugh.

 A door opened up from behind the little girl. She was grabbed by this strange blonde man, most likely the captain due to his attire.
 "This our stowaway?" He asked us as I watched Jotaro light a cigarette.
 "You actually smoke?" I asked him.
 "You actually don't?" He asked me back.
 "Huh... Good point." 
 "If I go easy on you cause you're a girl, we'll get even more stowaways!" I heard the captain say. The little girl cried in pain, he was holding her in a way that looked extremely tight. He handed her off to two other crew members I had not yet seen. He looked at me and Jotaro, walked up to us, and yanked Jotaro's cigarette out of his mouth.
 "I must ask you not to smoke while on my boat, what were you planning on doing with the ashes when you were done? You weren't thinking of throwing them into these pristine, sparkling waters... Were you?" He asked Jotaro, to whom he rolled his eyes.
 "You might be a guest on my ship but you will abide by my rules boy." The captain said as he put the cigar out on Jotaro's hat.
 "You got that?" He glared at Jotaro as he turned around and started to walk away. I watched as he walked away before turning back to Jotaro.
 "You can just tell me to not smoke in a non-condescendant way." Jotaro said. 
 "And... I think I've figured it out, if there's really an enemy stand user on board.. It's you!" The captain looked at Jotaro with an eyebrow raised.
 "Jotaro, you have to be kidding!" Polnareff said.
 "Do you have solid proof?" I asked.
 "Yeah, I do. I've been observing all of us, and it turns out that whenever a stand user breathes in the tiniest bit of smoke. A vein pops out on the left side of their nose." ...What? I put my hand up to my nose as Joseph, Avdol, and Polnareff did, including the captain.
 "You're not being serious.. Are you?" I asked Jotaro.
 "No, I pulled that 'proof' out of my ass. But it looks like someone fell for it..." 

 More hours later(probably like... two)

 We all sat on the lifeboats, waiting for someone to come and get us. I saw Polnareff brushing his hair and touched my own.
 "Hey Polnareff, can I borrow that when you're done?" I asked.
 "Sure." He said as he handed it to me. I thanked him and brushed out a few knots that had formed in my hair. The little girl, who's name was actually Anne, kept glaring at me. I saved her life, I'd like her to act like it. She grabbed a canteen we had and started to drink out of it, finally turning away from me. She spat it out.
 "What the hell!? That's our only fresh water!!" Joseph shouted at her.
 "You brat!" I shouted at her as well. Avdol glared at me and mouthed the words: "quit acting so childish, she's just a kid." I'm a kid too! Sixteen. 
 "Look there!" Anne said and pointed, we all looked to where she pointed.

Word Count: 2120

 yayy.. I did it. sorry if it might seem a little rushed. im up past my bedtime... its like four o'clock in the morning here. i wanted to write and listen to music okay? jeese... 
i love you all and hope you're enjoying the rewrite so far
-misa <3

imma go sleep now goodnight my dudes/womans/non-binaries/both

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