Chapter Fifteen: Deep Sea

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 (burger king foot lettuce)

 I rested my head on my hands as I stared out the window of the submarine. Underwater, the ocean is almost prettier than it is on the surface. I smiled at the colorful fish quickly swimming by. Imagine a life that simple, you just kind of.. Hangout. Sounds nice. 
 "Kakyoin!" I heard Joseph shout. I turned around, annoyed.
 "Jeese! I called your name at least 10 times! I'm going to take a call, I need you to stay quiet." He said as he lifted up a phone, dialed a number, and pressed it to his ear. Ten times? I rolled my eyes. Yeah right. I walked away from the window and over to the others. I squeezed in-between Jotaro and Avdol.
 "Who's he calling?" I whispered. Jotaro shrugged.
 "He just said it was important," Avdol said. I nodded.
 "Who's important enough to call in a submarine though?" 
 "I'm not exactly sure, but I have a few ideas." I sighed as I turned back to Joseph. I got up and rubbed my eyes, I feel kinda tired... Hmm... COFFEE.
 "Do we have coffee!?" I whisper shouted. Avdol gave me a strange look before nodding. "WHERE!?" He pointed to another room, I ran in there.

 I pulled out five cups, for myself of course. Wait.. They probably want coffee too.. I frowned as I put the coffee grounds in the coffee pot. I cringed as the noise from the coffee pot filled my ears. I've always thought it sounded weird. I sighed before leaning against the counter. I began to tap my fingers to the beat of a song I couldn't recall on the counter. Besides the tapping and the coffee pot, it was kinda quiet. I could hear faint mumbling in the other room, but I couldn't understand it. I sighed. 
 "How long are you going to-" BEEP. The coffee was done. I put the five cups next to the pot and poured coffee into each. I took a sip of mine as I grabbed a plate and put the rest on it. I took the cups and walked back to where the others were. They were all looking at a map. 
 "Here.." I sighed as I set the cups on the table.
 "Thank you," Avdol smiled at me as he picked up a cup. 
 "What?" I turned to Jotaro. "Don't criticize my coffee making skills!" He shook his head.
 "No, not that, why'd you grab six cups for five people?" He asked. Huh? I looked at the cups.
 "Oh, I could've sworn I grabbed five." I sighed with a shrug as I took a sip from my cup.
 "Oh no, she's losing it." Polnareff said with a laugh, I slightly laughed as well. I stared at the map. 
 "This is the route we're taking. If we stay underwater, we'll be able to get to Egpyt's shore soon." Joseph explained to me. 
 "Can't we still get attacked by stand users under here?" I asked, he shook his head.
 "We have solar panels which will tell us if any suspicious is approaching us." He said as he reached for his coffee cup. "OH MY GOD!!!" The cup just turned into.. something!? 
 "OLD MAN!!!" Jotaro and Avdol shouted as the thing stabbed Joseph in the neck. I backed up as the thing jumped and disappeared into one of the submarine's gages.
 "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" I screamed. 
 "It was a stand known as High Priestess!!" Avdol said as Polnareff lifted up Joseph.
 "How did a stand get in here!?" Polnareff asked in panic. My feet feel wet.. I looked down.
 "Someone spilt something... right??" I asked nervously. A nearby window burst open. "What the fuck are we gonna do!?" 
 "Calm down Kakyoin!!!" Avdol said as he examined Joseph's wound. Jotaro grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over to the gages.
 "Did you happen to see which one of the gages that thing went into?" He asked me, Star Platinum at his side. Umm... I pointed to one in front of us.
 "I think it was that one..." I mumbled as I backed up.
 "KAKYOIN!!!" I heard Avdol scream. I quickly turned before I was pushed to the floor and knocked out. 

 I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around, my vision was blurry. I was on a cold floor. 
 "Is she okay?!"
 "I-I don't know. Her injuries are deeper than Mr. Joestars!" My vision slowly unblurred. Jotaro and Avdol were shouting at each other. 
 "Ouch.." I mumbled as I sat up, rubbing an apparent wound on my neck and shoulder. 
 "Kakyoin!!" Jotaro said as he ran over to me and hugged me. 
 "Thank god you're awake!! We thought you were dead!!" Polnareff said. Oh.. That's nice.
 "We need to go!" Joseph said as he handed me some stuff,
 "What's this??" I asked.
 "Scuba diving gear." Joseph said as he put some on.
 "I've never scuba dived, though!!!" I complained. 
 "We'll tell you how, just put it on!!!" 

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