Chapter Nine: Horror in Pakistan

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 "Here's her ticket," I said as I handed someone(author speaking, i've never been on a plane before i have no clue) Anne's ticket. 
 "Don't touch me there, creep!" I heard Anne shout as she struggled to get out of Polnareff's grasp.
 "Don't say it like that!!" Polnareff shouted back at her, making me laugh. Until she continued to kick and started to scream a bit. 
 "Knock it off!!!" I shouted at her as I walked over. 
 "We're not gonna bring you along no matter how loud and annoying you are about it!!!"
 "Yeah, we can't. We're not on vacation, Anne, we're on a mission to save Jotaro's mother. We are putting our own lives at risk, but not yours." Joseph said. Anne frowned and finally broke free from Polnareff. 
 "Whatever, maybe I'll make you look good this time. Grandpa." Anne said as she shoved past us and ran up to the plane steps.
 "Goodbye, I guess." She said before the someone(shut up) walked up and shut the door behind her. The plane started up and flew off.
 "Yes!! We're free, oh my god!!!" I cheered,
 "You hated her that much?" Joseph asked.
 "Hey! Hate is a strong word, Mr. Joestar. I just... No you're absolutely right, I hated her." I laughed as Joseph sighed. 
 "She was annoying, but I didn't hate her." Polnareff said.
 "You didn't interact with her as much as I did!" I said, he nodded, giving me a small: you're right. 
 "Hey," we all turned, Jotaro was finally back from the tailor. I rolled my eyes when I saw he had his jacket back on... I really, really liked to look at- shut up, Noriaki!
 "Come on, come all! The great Kujo Jotaro is back!" I laughed.
 "Ready to hit the road?" Joseph nodded,
 "Let's go."

 "Hey, Polnareff. I know how to drive if you need me to take the wheel." I told Polnareff. We were driving on thi very narrow road, it had a drop on the left and no railing. And was so foggy you could barely see anything. Like... Seriously?
 "Nah... I don't want you of all people to drive with how unsafe this is. Also, just because you know how to drive doesn't mean you got your licsense." I glared at him.
 "I did get my licsense, in fact, it's in my right skirt pocket! Did you get your licsense?" He laughed,
 "Shut uppp...." Jotaro groaned. I turned around with a glare on my face. I was about to say something but I just sighed and turned back around.
 "Whatever..." I mumbled as I rested my hand on my cheek. 
 "Hey, I can see a town underneath that fog." Joseph said.
 "We should stop there, maybe they have a hotel." 
 "Hopefully with nice bathrooms." Polnareff added.
 "Really? What about comfortable beds?" I asked.
 "Those are nice but... They didn't change, I can't look at bathrooms the same after we were in India." He said as we turned. 
 "Haha, you almost shit in a toilet with a pig in it."
 "Shut up, Kakyoin!!!"

 We parked the car and all got out. God, it was creepy down here. Everyone's just walking around silently with all this fog and with how dark it's getting... Jeese... Joseph approached a man standing outside of a restaraunt of sorts. He gave us a thumbs up.
 "Oh no." I whispered with a small laugh.
 "Ah, salam-bel-ay-coo!" Joseph said. I was right, I started to giggle a little bit, eager to see the man's reaction to Joseph's mispronouncation. Instead, he just stared at Joseph, a blank look on his face. It was creepy enough to make me shut up and get behind Jotaro and Polnareff.
 "Uhhh... Anybody home?" Joseph asked the man.
 "I do not know." The man said in the most monotone and emotionless voice I've ever heard. Without another word, he put up his shop's 'CLOSED' sign and walked inside.
 "H-Hey! No need to close up shop on our account!" Joseph said in a somewhat cheerful voice.
 "He probably didn't understand you because your pronouncation was wrong." Polnareff said.
 "Not understanding or not! That guy was creepier than the local child predator outside my school!" I said.
 "Oh yeah, him... I forgot his name, you talk to him recently?" Jotaro asked me. 
 "Uhhh...." Joseph and Polnareff both seemed to make that noise. 
 "I'll go ask that guy," Polnareff said as he pointed to a man sitting on a bench by the road. He walked over and smiled at the man.
 "Hello sir, we would like to know if there are any hotels here? Preferably with..." He trailed off.
 "What's wrong, Polnareff?" Jotaro asked. Polnareff turned to us, he looked horrified.
 "This man is..."
 "He's dead.." Polnareff said.
 "What!?" Me, Jotaro, and Joseph seemed to shout. They both ran over while I stood back.
 "Can we get out of here now!??!?" I asked as I looked around in fear.
 "No, I'm sorry, Kakyoin, but we can't drive at night." I groaned at his response and stomped my foot on the ground. They started to inspect the man's body.
 "Why has no one stopped to help? Kakyoin, go get someone, get them to call the police!" Jotaro ordered me.
 "Do I have to!?" I said as I kept looking around.
 "Yes!!" They all said as they glared at me. I glared back. I saw a woman with her two sons walking away. I started walking towards her.
 "Hey! Ma'am!" She turned to me. What the hell is that!??! She had this weird infection type thing on her cheek!! It poured some liquid puss-like thing out. She covered up her face as I covered up my mouth.
 "What was that, young lady?" She asked.
 "Um... I need you to call the police.." I said as I looked to the ground.
 "And why must I do that?" She asked, her voice sounding more annoying now. 
 "There's a man over there dead!!" I said as I pointed to over to Jotaro and the others with the man.
 "Someone's dead? I'm awfully sorry, young lady, but I can't do anything about that."
 "I told you to call the police!!!" I looked back up and glared at her.
 "Yes, you did say that. Well good day, young lady." She turned away from me and started to walk away with her two boys.
 "My boils are so incredibly itchy today..." She groaned. I felt like I was gonna vomit. I turned away from her and the boys and back to the others, I ran over.

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