Chapter Eleven: Scorching Heat

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 Joseph and Polnareff were busy inside this random car dealership we were at. Apparently our car wasn't good enough... Eh, what's it to me? I sighed as I placed my hands on my hips and started to tap my foot on the ground. They'd been in there for 15 minutes, and yeah, I know that's not super long. But I'm overheating out here!! I forgot to mention- we're in the goddamn desert!!
 "They'll be out in a minute." Jotaro reassured me.
 "You've said that 50 times!! When is it gonna be true!?!" I frowned as I put my hands to my face. Quickly slapping myself before looking back to the doors. Finally!! Oh my god- they're finally coming out!! "Thank god!! I thought I was gonna die out here!" I gave a sigh of relief as they walked out with the dealer. The dealer handed Joseph a pair of keys.
 "The car is in the back," the man said. He smiled at me and Jotaro before heading back inside. 
 "Let's go,"

 We drove through the desert. I felt so uneasy, I kept looking out my window and at the large houses flying by us. It felt like someone was following us. But the thing is- that's kinda impossible. We're in such an open space, I would've seen someone. I sighed, trying to calm myself down as I leaned back into my seat.
 "What's up, Kakyoin?" Jotaro asked me. I smiled at him.
 "Oh- um- nothing! I just have the strangest feeling, you know?" I tried to laugh. Jeese... The thought of someone watching us right now is actually kinda freaking me out.
 "What kind of strange feeling?" Polnareff asked as he turned around in his seat to face me.
 "I feel like we're being watched, it's just my imagination. That's all, no need to worry!" I gave him a thumbs up before looking back out my window. My eyes darting in every direction. Jotaro grabbed my shoulder and pulled me backwards.
 "Calm down, if we were being followed, we would know." He reassured me, I frowned and looked at my knees.
 "That's the thing.. I know that but... I still can't shake the feeling." I sighed and shook my head. "You're right, we're not being followed." I smiled at him. I looked back to my window and felt him grasp my shoulder harder.
 "That means no more looking out the window like that." I laughed as I turned back to him, smiling again. Is it just me or was he being nicer to me than usual? God- my chest is aching again. Nope, nope, didn't get enough sleep last night. I was up all night tossing and turning, I even got out of bed and showered. Yeah, not enough sleep! I scooched away from Jotaro and back to my side. Avoiding looking out the window. The car stopped, we were in front of a place with camels outside. Joseph turned around in his seat with a map in his hands.
 "Alright, this is our travel plan."

 "STOP!!!" I shouted at Jotaro. He kept trying to get me to touch one of the camels. He laughed, finding my pain somehow amusing. I glared at him as I stepped away from him and to Polnareff. "Protect me, there's a madman over there." I said as I grabbed his arm. Jotaro stopped laughing when I did that.
 "I was just joking!" He said before walking over and pulling my off of Polnareff. "I'm not that cruel, you know that right, Kakyoin?" He frowned at me. I raised an eyebrow. Is he okay? I don't usually see him frown- well no- I mean a genuine frown, like he was actually upset.
 "Yeah I know! I was playing along, hahaha!" I elbowed him. He seemed to stop frowning and turned away from me. Hmm.... That's a little weird. 
 "Alright, I'll give you that car for four camels." Joseph's voice finally came through. 
 "WHAT!?!" Me, Jotaro, Polnareff, and even the man he was talking to shouted.
 "Are you stupid, Mr. Joestar?!" I laughed as I walked over and patted Joseph on the back. "He's joking!" I stopped and looked up at him. "Right?" He shook his head.
 "No, I'm not." He smiled at me. Oh. Um... Okay.. Huh. "Add those two waters as well, to make it more 'even'." I realized how shocked the man he was talking to really was. 
 "B-But! The camels and that water- they are no where near as valueable as that car!!" 
 "Yeah, Mr. Joestar!" Polnareff butted in. He walked up and stood on the other side of Joseph. Joseph put a hand on his face and shook his head.
 "Why did any of you think I bought such an expensive car?" He asked.
 "I thought you were being stupid, to be honest." I smiled at him.
 "Yeah," Jotaro agreed with me, Joseph rolled his eyes.
 "Cash isn't accepted around here." He put in. 
 "And? You didn't have to get a c-"

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