Chapter Eighteen: Curiousity

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 (Fuck darby I'm doing the same thing I did with Steely Dan but not)

"KAKYOIN!!!!" They all shouted at me as I stomped my way to the building. The more they shouted the quicker I got, I was surprised by how much faster I was than them. Though my stomach began to hurt worse the closer I got the impulse I got became stronger and stronger. I was running so fast I slammed into the closed gate. I hit my head and knocked my glasses off. I put a hand to my face before quickly grabbing them and putting them back on.
 "What just got into you??" I heard Jotaro ask as he put a hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and the others. I felt normal again.
 "I have.. No clue. Huh." I shrugged. They all looked at me confused. "I seriously don't know." I repeated. 
 "Don't ever do that again." Avdol said to me as he opened the gate up in front of us. 
 "Wait- are we going in??" I asked. 
 "Jee, seems like you wanted to go in a minute ago." Polnareff said to me before him and Avdol walked inside. Joseph followed them. Jotaro looked down at me before sighing and grabbing onto my arm. 
 "Come on." He rolled his eyes as he dragged me inside. 

 "Where do you think he's hiding??" Joseph asked. We were all standing in the middle of the first room we walked into. I turned to my right. Was someone.. Standing there?? I glanced back at the others, they were all starting to walk the other way. I stared at them for a moment, before walking off in the direction of the suspected person. The hallway was dark. Even if I could barely see in there I kept walking. 

 I heard a sound from behind me and I whipped around. Nothing was there. I turned back around. Someone was standing in front of me. I could recognize that silhouette from anywhere. I was about to speak, but I blinked and he was gone. The air started to feel colder, I shrugged slightly before continuing to walk. 

 I was completely lost by now. It was almost completely dark and I could only make out a few bookshelves and coffee tables. I felt my hand against the wall until there wasn't wall anymore. I turned to my side. A staircase. I found my way to the railing before I began to walk up it. I was on the fifth step atleast when I was back on the first. 
 "What??" I mumbled, looking around. Did I just... Get moved?? No way, I can't see a thing I'm probably just feeling like I'm on the first step. I continued to slowly walk.
 "I didn't know you'd come looking for me by yourself..." The painfully familiar voice said, I stopped. There was a strange light at the top of the stairs. I turned towards it, and froze. "Surprised to see me in my own home? You really know your way around, you could've snuck up on my while I slept and killed me." He taunted. I just stared at him. 
 "I am pretty clever." I finally spoke up, but it was in a small mumble kind of whisper.
 "Indeed you are," he smiled down at me as he started to walk down the stairs. I began to back up.
 "And I'm clever enough to get out of here!" I said before jumping off the stairs. I turned around to run before I was grabbed by someone. I screamed as my arm was tugged and I was forced to run down the hallway.

 "What the fuck are you doing?!" I turned to the person. It was Jotaro. 
 "Did you follow me!?" I asked as we ran down the hallway. 
 "Don't say that like it's a bad thing!! You're the one that was sneaking off by yourself!!" Jotaro shouted at me. I wanted to roll my eyes but instead I just glared at him. We continued to run down the hall until we were outside. I heard sirens. 
 "What's happening!?" I asked as Jotaro kept tugging on my arm. 
 "When you had a sudden spark of being a complete fucking idiot, me and everyone else decided to look for you! What great kind people we are, I wanted to leave you for dead but Avdol insisted!! Him, Polnareff, and Iggy went off to look for you while me and the old man looked around in a different area. Avdol and Iggy are almost dead all because of you!!!!"

 I sat on the chair in the waiting room. Jotaro had been ignoring me ever since he shouted at me. Was it really my fault??... Of course it was. I frowned as I smoothed out my skirt. Him, Polnareff, and Joseph were all in a different room. It was dead silent in here. I could vaguely hear them all speaking in the next room. The door finally opened and they all walked out. I got up. 
 "C'mon let's go."

 We were walking down the streets, people were wallking by us and having fun. I frowned as I lagged behind.  Joseph turned to all of us and said:
 "Alright, we're going to separate from here."

 Word Count: 871

 yes. its finished. finally.

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