Chapter Thirteen: Bad Dreams Part. 2

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 The blood trickled down my arm, as I reread those words. Did.. I do this? I asked myself, for proof I even pulled out my pocket knife. But it was clean. Not a single sign of use. Did someone else do this to me? My stomach started to turn a little. Baby stand, what did that mean? I must really be going crazy, this heat is just far too much for me. I reassured myself, but... Why would I carve this- or anything! Into my own arm? Was it maybe... A warning? Goddamnit, this right now, the weird dream stuff, crashing the plane- I felt my eyes glance over to the baby while I was busy overthinking... He was.. Staring at me. And as soon as I looked and we made eye contact, he looked away. I immediately stood up. Baby... Stand. I felt my legs start to move forward and towards him. I'm loosing my mind. I must be. I thought as I towered over the baby. His eyes were widened. I'm even starting to think... I grabbed the baby by his neck and held him in front of my face. That this baby is a stand user!!!

 "Waaaaahhh!!!! Waaaaahhh!!!" He cried, I snapped back into reality as soon as Joseph ripped him from my hands. 
 "Kakyoin!!! What the hell were you doing!?" Joseph asked as he looked over the baby. I quickly pulled my sleeve down and held my hand over the wound.
 "My apologies.." I mumbled as I looked at the baby. 
 "You could've strangled him!!" Joseph said, I frowned as I turned to look at the ground. I was just seeing things, jeese, irrationality like that will kill me. I shook my head.
 "I apologize again, I don't know what came over me!" I said with a dumb excuse of a laugh. 
 "Are you alright, Kakyoin?" I heard Jotaro ask as a hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned to him.
 "Yeah, I'm fine, you guys just look after the baby. Don't even worry about me." I said with an even dumber excuse of a laugh. You're not doing a very good job of hiding what's wrong... Shut up me. I gave each of them one last smile before pushing in between Jotaro and Polnareff. Only to go back and sit on the rock I had been sitting on before. 

 I stared at the bowl of food Joseph had given me. After earlier, I wasn't having much of an appetite. I'll just put it back, someone else can have it. I sighed as I grabbed the bowl and stood up. I began to walk over to the others when I felt myself glance at the baby again. I dropped the bowl in my hands. Whatever was in there splattering all over the floor and my boots. 
 "Kakyoin? What's wrong??" I stared at the baby in shock, he looked back at me just as shocked. In his hand was his safety-pin, and on that, was an impaled scorpion.
 "The... The baby..." I mumbled. 
 "What about him?" Joseph asked. 
 "Spit it out, Kakyoin!" Polnareff said.
 "He just killed a scorpion!!!" I screamed as I started walking backwards. 
 "A scorpion!?" Joseph asked before him and Polnareff raced over, they both began to search him and his bed. "I don't see a scorpion." He said. I stared at the ground. Then what the fuck did I just see...
 "You should get some rest." Polnareff told me. I frowned at him. 
 "But I swore I saw..."
 "The moonlight is playing tricks on you, you should get some food. That could also be effecting your vision." I shook my head and exhaled sharply.
 "I'm not hungry." I muttered and glanced away. I heard something drip on the floor.
 "What's wrong with your arm?" Jotaro asked, I looked down at my bleeding arm. 
 "Nothing."  I sighed. "I must have cut it in the crash." I shrugged and held my arm close to me. 
 "That looks like a pretty bad cut, we have some first aid kits in the plane." Polnareff pointed out in a concened tone as my cut continued dripping and staining my shirt. I shook my head but he ran towards the plane that I crashed. I frowned and fell to the floor.
 "Kakyoin- What's wrong?" Joseph asked. 
 "N-None of you guys be-believe me.." I sobbed. "I'm telling the tru-truth!!" I said as I looked back up. "W-We're all go-gonna die! I-I just kn-know it!!" I continued sobbing. I went silent and stared at Joseph and Jotaro, who had no idea of what to do with me. Tears ran down my face and to the floor along with the blood from my cut, I turned my attention to the baby. It was smirking at me for a moment. My face of sadness contorted into a face of anger and hate as I stood up. 
 "Kakyoin I got your stuff!" Polnareff said as he walked up next to me. "What's wrong?" He asked, I shoved him away and continued glaring at the baby. It's cocky demeanor turned into one of horror. I slowly began walking towards the baby in Joseph's hands, Polnareff grabbed my arm. "C'mon Kakyoin, we need to treat that cut." I only shoved him off again and continued walking until I was in front of Joseph. 
 "Give me the baby." I muttered, he shook his head.
 "You're going insane, you need to go to sleep Kakyoin."
 "NO I CAN'T IF I GO TO SLEEP THEN WE'RE ALL DOOMED YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!!! THAT'S HIS STAND POWER AND HE WILL KILL US ARE YOU NOT EVEN LISTENING TO ME!?!?? WHEN HAVE I ONCE NOT LISTENED TO YOU MR. JOESTAR!?!?" I screamed at him, my whole body trembled with angry. He breathed in deeply. A hand placed itself on my shoulder.
 "I'll help you set up your sleeping bag," Jotaro said as I turned to him, he began dragging me away. 
 "No, no, no, no, no!!!" I shouted as I tried to break free of Jotaro's grip. Hierophant Green appeared at my side and shoved him off and to the floor. 
 "That's how you wanna play this, huh?" Jotaro asked as he glared at me. I ran back towards the others with Hierophant at my side, I got ready to strike before I felt something hit the back of my head. "You've completely lost your mind." No! No! Nooo!!! I fell to the floor, breathing heavily. 
 "You..." I passed out. 

 I woke up in the same place I had everytime I dared to fall asleep. I glanced around, I was sitting at a colorful bench with carnival music playing nearby. I sighed.
 "Am I really gonna die this way??" I asked myself and leaned back against the uncomfortable bench. I heard someone or something next to me, I turned and gasped. "Hierophant!? What are you doing here?? How did you even get here!?" I asked, she only stared at me. I smiled at her before standing up. "We need to find the enemy, DEATH 13, or maybe the others." I explained to her and she nodded. We bolted in the direction I heard the music.

 "I'm sorry that I didn't believe you!!" Polnareff said as he hugged me. 
 "Never doubt me again! Let this be a lesson, assholes." I smiled at them all, I glanced back up at DEATH 13 struggling with Hierophant. I smirked with a slight giggle. 
 "I'm sorry too but, you were acting insane."  Joseph added.
 "That's what you call insane?? Nuh-uh." I shook my head, still smiling. I walked around them and continued staring at DEATH 13. "Hahaha! Looks like I found your blind spot~!" I teased. "That's what you get for being a stupid baby!"  I exclaimed laughing, until I started to feel uneasy. I stopped and DEATH 13 laughed, before slicing through Hierophant's abdomen. I screamed as I felt my insides be torn through. I fell to the floor.
 "KAKYOIN!!!" Oh wait.. Nevermind! 
 "Just kidding!!" I laughed. "I'm not that stupid!"  I continued as Hierophant wrapped DEATH 13 in what I'd call a "death" grip, I laughed at my own joke. "Now.. It's time for your punishment, baby."

 I opened my eyes with a yawn, I had been moved into a sleeping bag aside the others. I stood up and stretched before walking over to the baby. It was still sleeping, hopefully I didn't kill it I wanted to mess with it more. I sighed, it'd be better if it were dead! I laughed. 
 I grabbed a pot and pan from nearby and started slamming them together.
 "Wake up!!" I shouted, and Polnareff jolted up. 
 "Kakyoin!!" He shouted as he stood up and ran towards me. "Are you okay!?" He asked in a panic. I raised an eyebrow. 
 "Mhm! Are you? What's up, Polnareff?" I smiled at him. 
 "What..?" I giggled,
 "Did you sleep okay last night?" 
 "No! You- You cut yourself and you were acting insane!!" 
 "Cut myself?" I asked.
 "Yeah, right here!!" Polnareff shouted as he practically ripped my sleeve upwards. "What?!" Nothing. I pushed him off. 
 "Stop that! Creep!" I shouted back. 

 "We're going to be picked up by the Speedwagon foundation in an hour or so." Joseph let all of us know. Everyone was staring at me. 
 "I'm gonna go take a nap then!" 

 Word Count: 1572

who let me post this when it was that bad? (edited on Febuary 26th 2023)
<3 Misa

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