Chapter Three: Plane Crash

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 We had boarded a plane to Egypt not more than an hour or two ago. I looked out the window and watched the dark grey clouds slowly drift by. It was quite pretty, in fact, I wish I brought a whole sketch pad instead of just a canvas when I tried to kill Jotaro. Jotaro... I looked to my side. He was sleeping in the chair next to mine. I was about to glare at him when I remember what Seiko had said, I sighed and turned back to the window. Joseph and Avdol were chatting in the seat behind us. 
 "Could that fly be.. A stand?" I overheard from Joseph and Avdol, I looked in front of me and saw a something flying on the side of the three seats in front of me and Jotaro's.
 "Maybe.. It's hard to tell."
 "You guys are accusing a bug of being a stand?" I asked as I sat up in my seat and looked at them. Joseph opened his mouth to say something to me but quickly shut it again. 
 "That's what I thought! That's just a bug!" I smirked before sitting back down in my chair. I suddenly heard something laugh. It was an extremely strange laugh... Kinda high pitched but still in a lower pitch. 
 "Don't be creepy. Laughing like that." I said as I sat back up and glared at them.
 "That wasn't us!!" Joseph said. Wait... Couldn't be.. I turned back to the bug. I got out of my seat, accidently stepping on Jotaro, and walked up to the bug. Suddenly, the bugs tounge extended and tried to attack me!!! I screamed a little and fell onto my butt. 
 "What did I tell you!?" Joseph shouted at me.
 "What the hell is going on?" Jotaro asked as he rubbed his eyes.
 "That fly is a stand user!!"
 "Stag Beetle!!"

 The beetle laughed again, in a taunting manner. 
 "God.. I was hoping to kill you all off without one of you noticing! Looks like I'll have to do this the hard way!! My name is Tower of Gray! Represented by The Tower Card, showing unforseen change, crisis, and danger!!" The beetle exclaimed in it's ugly, weird voice. It seemed to teleport somewhere.
 "Where did it go!?" Avdol asked in a panic. My eyes darted to every corner of the plane. 
 "Jotaro! It's by your head!!" I shouted at Jotaro. He summoned Star Platinum, who began to attack Tower Of Gray. After he was done, no damage seemed to be done! Tower Of Gray laughed again. 
 "You really are stupid! Not even Star Platinum's speed could in anyway injure me! I'm too fast!" Tower Of Gray began to move around with such voraciousness and speed. It's tongue extended again, trying to attack Star Platinum's mouth. But just in time, Star seemed to catch it in it's teeth. 
 "Thank god Star caught that with his teeth!!" Avdol said as he exhaled sharply. Avdol had summoned his stand, Magicians Red, and was getting ready to attack Tower Of Gray.
 "Avdol, don't!!!" I shouted at him. I opened up my mouth to explain but was stopped by Tower Of Gray running over to three passengers. We all watched in horror as he flew through the seats and ripping out all of their tounges. I felt like I was gonna vomit...
 On the wall, he wrote the letters:
 "Wait, I know this stand!" Avdol said as Tower Of Gray disappeared yet again. 
 "He's been responsible for hundreds of plane crashes, but they're always ruled out as accidents!"

 While we were all freaking out, besides Jotaro of course, an old man had woken up from his sleep. 
 "Will you all shut it?" He asked us. I only glared at him while the others apologized.
 "Might as well use the bathroom.." He mumbled as he used his hand to guide his way to the bathroom. He touched the bloody writing on the wall, and started to freak out as soon as he realized it was blood. I ran up behind him and hit him in the back of the neck. I looked back to the others and it seemed Tower of Gray had reappeared.
 "Avdol! Back to what I tried to say earlier! You shouldn't use Magicians Red on this plane, it could cause it to blow up! And Jotaro, you shouldn't even be using Star Platinum! You could bust a hole in the plane and kill everyone on board, including us!" I explained to them. 
 "I think Hierophant Green would be best suited for this task." I said as I walked in front of them. 
 "Noriaki, eh? I didn't recognize you cowering behind those three like the coward you are! I know everything about you, lord DIO is quite gracious about details!" Tower Of Gray said to me. Within the blink of an eye, he extended his tongue and tried to attack me! I screamed and summoned Hierophant, but she couldn't do anything, Tower Of Gray's tongue ripped through her mask. Making me cough up at least a teaspoon of blood.
 "Kakyoin! Are you okay!?" Avdol asked me as he ran up to me.
 "I'm fine. Why are you so worried?" I asked him as I pushed him backwards a bit before standing up.
 "Are you sure you wanna try and take that guy on alone? Not even Star Platinum could hurt him with a barrage of blows!" Joseph asked me.
 "I'm stronger than I look, Mr. Joestar. I thought you would've realized that already."

 "Emerald Splash!!" I shouted as Hierophant Green shot some Emeralds out of her hands. Then again, and again, and again. All the while extending tentacles around Tower Of Gray.
 "Futile! You think you can hit me with your Emerald Splash!?" He cackled. I felt myself smirk as I stared at the ground, I even started to laugh.
 "What's so funny!?" He shouted at me.
 "Once I pierce your tongue, your pitiful stand will go mad from the pain!!"
 "Mad from pain?" I asked him as I looked up at him. 
 "What the!?" He screamed as Hierophant's tentacles pierced him from all directions.
 "You called us stupid? Jeese, while you were so busy telling me how futile my attacks were, Hierophant did the courtesy of getting her tentacles ready to stab you." I laughed again.
 "Great job, Kakyoin!" I heard one of the three behind me say. 
 "Now.. Back to going mad, you're the only one going to go mad, from pain!!" I shouted as Tower Of Gray was ripped to shreds. I heard another scream and looked around to see the old man from earlier crying in pain before his tongue was ripped in two, and cuts appeared all over him.

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