Chapter 2: An Odd Meeting

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Five years ago,


Dark snarled at all the work Mark was wanting him to do. Papers and paper just piled up. He really needed to invest in a computer.

'Why does he have to have so many plans with the other egos? And getting them to go along with it? My god, this is an absolute nightmare. He's lucky I'm even considering doing this stupid video with that vulgar buffoon this weekend.'

He accidentally tore a piece of paper in his anger, "Dammit all" he pulled at the roots of his black hair and let out an agonized and loud sigh.

'I'd rather hang myself by my own tie than work with the idiot but I suppose I don't have a choice. I do owe Mark, after all. . . . . but I do wish he'd just forget HIM and do a video with the others. Who cares if the fans will love it? It'll end up killing ME'

He knew he was whining but he couldn't help it.

He hated Antisepticeye with a burning passion. Yes, the Septic ego was rather new but it didn't excuse him for being an insane murderous and annoying freak. Granted his own brethren were sketchy but that was different. They were murderous towards OTHERS, not each other.

'I just have keep her from coming. She's always wanted to go to a convention but I'm afraid this time will just have to wait. Can't have him trying to kill her, too.'

He yawned and rubbed at his eyes with a small groan, "This is my day from hell, I just feel it."

Anti would be meeting up at the Iplier mansion to go with Dark and a few select Iplier egos to the convention.

Anti wasn't excited. Not one bit.

'Fucking stupid. Why'd I agree to this stupid idea? I feel just . . . .fucking stupid' he cracked a small smile but snarled it away again.

'All because Seany-boy thinks it'll help me "make friends" and make me more "sociable". Fuck that. I'll kill Dark if he even glances at me wrong. Fucking pompous prick'

He was riding in the back of an uber. Honestly, he was thinking about killing the guy, too, if he didn't shut up. Not that Anti was listening. He was tuning him out rather hard.

But thankfully it didn't take much longer to get to the mansion.

'Let's get this shit over with. God, I hope we don't have to sit next to each other throughout this whole ordeal getting there'

He knocked on the door rather harshly, expecting maybe Yandere, Host or even  Google to answer it.

Mira was a peculiar girl.

A resurrected idea from Celine's character. Powerful and strong and badass.

And maybe a tad to innocent-minded for her own good.

And mischievous. We can't forget that.

She was shy and reserved at first when meeting anyone knew but once she got to know anyone, she was anything but with them. It just took a little bit to be able to be herself. Like testing the waters.

She learned that very quickly living here with the others. They all had their own personality and it was like she had to be a different person around each and every one of them so they wouldn't turn on her.

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