Chapter 18: Fight For Her - Part 2

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Histrio just stared at the orb between them, keeping his eyes on it, fully aware of Mira's foreboding energy in front of him staring him down.

He still had this. She wasn't really there. She was still in the orb. She just managed to slip out a little is all.

'I can fix this' he thought to himself, 'I can shove her back in'

Mira glared daggers at him, "You've been fucking around with my family too much already . . . Look around, Histrio . . . . where would you like to be buried?"

The demon's eyes snapped back up to her, fully aware of her and all the others closing in on him.

They thought he was weak now. They thought he was stripped of his power. However, they were also staring at her. Thinking him . . .irrelevant. 

'I'll show them irrelevant'

Anti couldn't believe his eyes. It felt like it had been months since the last time he had seen her.

He wanted to hold her, hug her, kiss her. He never wanted to be apart from her again. He could feel his whole body shaking, his heart nearly pounding out of his chest.

"M-mira . . . ." He couldn't finish his thought, too overwhelmed.

Dark shook his head, letting Actor pull out the knife in his chest, "Gnn . . . Not now. She's not fully here yet. We still have a fight to win. Focus, Anti"

Suddenly, Histrio lunged for the orb on the ground but Mira reacted first, kicking it away, "No you don't! Someone grab it!"

Bing jumped up and nabbed the orb like a football, not expecting Histrio to come rushing at him but before the demon could get to him, a whip snapped in his way, stopping him!

"Toss it, Bing!" Illinois shouted to him.

Bing threw it towards Yandere who caught it with an evil laugh.

"Ha! Come at me demon scum!! I'll slice you in half!"

Histrio was all too willing to end this, though and throw Mira's power at them.

It would have killed Yan instantly if it wasn't for Mira jumping in between them, grabbing Histrio's arms. They both stood in a lock, sizing each other up.

Mira growled, "Piece of shit . . . didn't realize how strong I really was, huh? Fucking coward!"

But she knew deep down in this moment, she couldn't kill him as she was now. They had to finish what they started. She needed more of her power transferred to her before Histrio got that orb back!

Dark held his chest, being still as Henrik and Dr. Iplier patched him and Jackie up real quick, 'She needs help. We need to finish this NOW'

"Marvin!" Dark shouted, "Keep giving her energy! Everyone, remember to keep helping her! We almost have this!"

"NO YOU FUCKING DON'T!" Histrio snarled and in that moment, he looked far too similar to how Anti used to be. Mad and uncontrollable. Insane.

Histrio conjured a knife in his hand and snarled at Mira, "You all forget . . . . what you're dealing with" 

Copying Anti and Dark's powers, his aura and lightning exploded out of his body, making Mira stumble back in surprise.

'I didn't think he could use two powers at the same time' she scolded herself, 'He's powerful, I'll give him that. Like a damn cockroach under my shoe, he just won't fucking die!'

Histrio sneered madly, his teeth showing, "If I have to, I'll vaporize this entire forest!!"

'Well that's not good'

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