Chapter 10: Fallen

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Mira sat on her bed. 

Just thinking.

She wanted to go see Anti but today wouldn't be a good day for it since Dark wasn't too busy.

Or at least, he pretended he wasn't busy. Was he on to her?

She had nostalgia, memories running through her head.

Every time she was away from Anti, she still couldn't help but think about him. He consumed her whole life.

And what if Jackie found him? And she wasn't there?

She knew this amount of obsession with her friend was unhealthy but she couldn't help it. She had been the strongest all her life and always felt the need to protect others. 

Was that all her relationship with Anti was on her end? The need to protect him?

A fear rose up inside of her, screaming and she started to feel faint.

'Knock, knock'

Mira looked up towards her door and saw Host standing there leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

It was unusual for him to not say anything, though so she cleared her throat, "H-host? What is it?"

"The Host normally wasn't at a loss for words . . . . . he always knew Mira's feelings inside and out. He knew everyone's feelings but what stumped Host was that with Mira's emotions so strong, she always refused to act on them. Curious . . ."

Mira stared at him, confused, "I . . . I don't understand. I mean you NORMALLY don't make sense anyway but-"

"The Host would roll his eyes if he had any. His Iplier sibling was so dumb sometimes"


"The Host smirked. She had just the same amount of fire in her as Antisepticeye. Perhaps that was how they got along so well.  . .  GET along so well. It was a wonder all these years how they've only remained friends. Quite peculiar since the Host had seen and knew of everyone's true feelings. After all, nothing can be hidden from the Host"

"H-host . . . I-" Mira blushed red, "Y-you don't understand-"

"The Host felt tired now and stretched out the kink in his back. He must take his leave now for the afternoon to prepare for Darkiplier's big meeting with everyone about the new video. They'd all be in that meeting the entire day with no breaks if Dark had anything to say about it"

With that, Host walked out of the room without another word.

Sometimes, she really didn't understand Host or what he ever wanted out of anyone or . . life in general.

She sort of KNEW what he was saying, though, this time.

And she actually feared what he was insinuating.

'No, he's wrong. Anti and I are perfectly happy as best friends. Nothing more. Host is just pushing something onto me to mess with me is all'

And yet . . . the more she thought about it, the more she imagined her and Anti as something more.

Her face went red, "Fucking . . . bastard, Host"

Anti sighed heavily. The day had just started and already he wanted it to end.

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