Chapter 12: This is the greatest plaaaaaaan!

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Can anyone guess the title's reference? :D I couldn't resist doing it lol

Anti still wasn't completely sure whether he believed Dark or not but he was willing to try for Mira.

"Alright then . . . what's the plan?"

Dark crossed his arms, "I thought YOU had a plan?"

"Why would you think that? I'm the one that goes in guns blazing. You're the one that'd have a plan, not me"

"Oh really?"


"Hey uh. . . guys?" Illinois interrupted them, "Your little bantering is cute and all but can we focus up? We can have Google go off back home to get everyone else."

Dark blinked, "Oh . . well done then, Illinois. Google-"

Anti didn't like it, "You sure that's a good idea?"

"Hm? Why not? More reinforcements the better, right?"

"RIGHT-O! LET'S BAND TOGETHER THE CALVARY!!" Wilford shouted, pulled out a harmonica to blow on it harshly and then proceeded to SLAM his hand on Actor's back making him cringe, stifling a pained groan.

"I would have no trouble gathering everyone for a beating. It'll surely be 88% effective" Google noted.

Anti looked around at them all. Surely just this would be enough, right? 

"It's just . . Mira knows the others hate her . . . or are afraid of her. Can you really trust them all to band together to SAVE her?"

Dark gave him a long cold look. As if he were contemplating strangling him but he sighed calmly, "Anti . . .  the Iplier family may be a huge chaotic clump of psychos and sociopaths . . . but we're all still family"

Mark hummed, "Maybe we should go WITH Google, Dark? You ARE better with talking to them all. And Illy and Wil can come back with us, too. And Actor. We should prepare ourselves for the worst.

"The worst being that the demon comes here to get her back" Jackie spat, "Not the best idea, there, Mark"

"But it's the best we got" Sean stopped him, "You go, Mark. And . . you guys. I think us Septics should take Anti and Mira with us to our place. The demon can't know where WE live yet. It'd have to come looking which will buy us time."

"And by then" Mark continued, "We'll have all the other Ipliers at our side here willing to brawl"

Dark wanted to argue. He REALLY wanted to. He couldn't help himself, "And why can't  . . . . I'll just say it. Why can't us Ipliers take Mira with US? With more egos around her, she'll be better protected"

"Because the freak already knows where you guys live" Anti told him, "Plus too many of you and he could easily transform himself again to look like any of your brood and snatch her away again in the crowd"

Dark looked away from him, thinking closely on it, " . . . .. . Fine. . . . I suppose you're right"

"Don't have a heart attack, now, Dark." Mark chuckled, "I know that was hard for you to admit"

"Shut up. Take good care of her, Anti. We'll be back in the morning. I'm trusting you with this. Don't let me down . .  or rather . . . . don't let HER down"

The glitch just snorted, "No worries, there." he wanted to say so much more to him but kept his mouth shut. 

'You've let her down far more times than I have so I wouldn't be talking, asshole'

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