Chapter 11: On The Other Side

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Anti's Living Room

A few days ago

Mira laid on the couch, laying her head on a pillow while her feet and legs were in Anti's lap.

Anti was irritated by it but he actually didn't feel the need to shove her off.

"You comfy?"

They were watching a sitcom that was just on TV. It was random and they had just gotten sucked into so she was still quite a bit dazed.


Anti pouted that she still didn't look at him but at the TV instead. He suddenly poked her stomach, shooting her out of the daze pretty effectively.

"Hey! Whatcha doing!?"

Anti snickered and laid his head back on the couch just staring at her, "You're kinda cute when you're gone to the world, ya know"

She kicked him softly in the stomach, "KINDA!?" it was just a tease, though and Anti just laughed more.

He grabbed at her feet, pulling them up with her body so her back was then laying on his lap. He just stared down at her, "Hey . . . . . why are you even here?"

Mira rolled her eyes, "Because . . . . I like you"

"You like me? JUST like?" he grinned, "No, really . . . . . why do you like me? What the HELL do you see in me? Just curious, really . . . . how I ended up with a goddess such as yourself"

She blushed, not expecting that. If there was one thing Anti was, he normally wasn't a romantic.

But he had his moments.

She reached her hand up to cup his cheek, "Well for one, you're handsome . ."

"Of course." he wiggled his eyebrows, "What else?"

"Fishing for compliments are we? Alright then . . . ." Mira rested her hand on his chest, "I understand you . . . . . I feel I've . . . . I feel we've been connected since the beginning, you know? Does that make sense?"


She swat his chest softly, "Yes, you do. I bet you do . . . . . When I saw you standing there alone . . . . . keeping anyone and everyone at bay from you. . . no, even before that. . . . when we first met. When you walked into Raspy Hill to meet Dark. To go to the set."

Anti felt lost in her eyes and words. What was she trying to say? She was taken to him for . . . that long? No, it couldn't have been.

"You were so alone. So defensive. Unwilling to give anyone a chance to see who you really were. You were afraid of being rejected. I saw you so clearly because that's the person I used to be, myself. Minus the murderous tendencies of course" she booped him on the nose, making Anti close his eyes in a soft chuckle.

He reached down, lifting her head up to half-way meet him, "You saved me, you know . . . . I wasn't sure . . . I wasn't sure anyone could ever stand me. I really thought you'd give up, too"

"Never" she grabbed at his shirt and pulled him down the rest of the way, their lips just barely touching, "I'll never give up on you . . . . and I'd imagine you'd do the same"

"I'd kill anyone for you. . .. I'd DO. . . anything for you. I hope you realize that"

Anti leaned down the last inch and kissed her.

There had been several moments likes these. Several months they had fooled everyone.

Mira had told Dark she got a job for the fun of it but instead, she'd go to Anti's and spend her days with him. And then when the day was over, she'd have Anti glitch her nearby Raspy Hill so she could walk the rest of the way home.

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