Chapter 16: Nightmares & False Hopes?

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Anti knew he was dreaming but it wasn't JUST a dream.


Ones he wished he could go back to.

The anxieties of what was to come was getting to him. Weighing down his body and soul. If he had just never met her . . . perhaps none of this would have ever happened.

But then again, it probably would have. . . he just wouldn't be experiencing this pain.

Anti dreamt of some of the best moments he had ever spent with her. Even back when they barely knew one another.

"What do you even do to get this messed up?" Mira laughed at him, "Bruises and cuts everywhere! What am I gonna do with you?"

Anti knew she knew what had happened. Another incident with the Septics. But she chose to play ignorant so he wouldn't think she would scold him.

He still didn't trust her. Not quite yet. Somebody that wanted to be his friend and looked past all his fuck-up and wrong-doings? No. He'd never be that lucky.

"Just fucking hurry up with your pampering or whatever and leave me the fuck alone. I'm busy"

"Busy getting beat up?" she shot back at him, "Please, I'm not stupid."

Anti just watched her reach for some gauze and start to wrap his arm. He wanted to whip away or yell at her.

But something inside of him stopped him. She was looking back at him. Almost DARING him to do it. To fight her. 

Looking into her eyes . . . . . that fire and unexpected dominance she put over him.

Maybe he could admit he li- no. Respected . . . he respected her. 

'Maybe she's alright. Pretty ballsy to look at me like that. Does she know I've killed people for much less?'

Of course she does . . . . she's had to have heard the stories, right?

Mira suddenly shot him out of his musings by ruffling his hair, "You're so silly, looking like that! Looks like you have resting bitch face! It's so cute!"


Mira just snorted, laughing and Anti never remembering struggling to NOT kill someone.

After the bus incident, they had gotten significantly closer.

Anti, today, was hanging an arm over Mira's shoulder watching TV while she drew scribbles in her sketchbook. He wasn't really watching her. He was just comfortable being around her. Plus as long as he was with her, the Ipliers couldn't try and kill him.

Specifically, Darkiplier.

Anti glanced at her sketchbook and snorted, "Are you drawing ME or an angry cat? What is that?"

Mira giggled, " . . . you as an angry pussycat"

"Well shit" he looked on a little more, " . . . . that's pretty good. Do Dark next. What's he? A pissy 14 yr old goth  with daddy issues?"

"Don't all goth teens have parental issues?"

"I don't know. I don't have parents"

"Me neither. Just guessing . . ." Mira snorted and flipped to a new page, "I'm gonna draw him as a princess"

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