Chapter 14: Two Snakes . . .

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"Actor" Dark stood tall, his hands behind his back. He didn't look at Actor directly but the man had a strong sense telling him not to look away from the other.

Actor sat down with one leg over the other casually just sitting there. But he was nervous. Dark, Mark and Google were standing. Looking down on him.

It was almost as if he were in trouble.

"Yes?" he spoke coolly, "What can I do for you gentlemen this evening? Mark, isn't Amy worried for you by now? You haven't seemed to be home in a little while"

"She's fine" Mark just stated coldly, "She knows everything."

Actor nodded, "Oh good. Good. . . . .  now what's this all about?"

Dark drew a breathe, heaving a small sigh, "I was struck with an idea, Actor. Something I think you might be able to help us with!"

They had to make it seem like it was just a question. Just a thought.

Actor puffed out his chest proudly, "You've come to the right man! What is it?"

"Well, you see" Dark cleared his throat, grinning on the inside, "I was thinking back to when you burst in the office and told us all your story. Of a demon being unleashed and going after Mira. And now . . . . . Mira's trapped in that ball just as the demon was. So then . . .. . you MUST know how to free her . . . don't you? You saw it happen, did you not?"

Actor froze.

He looked damn near slack-jawed, really, completely taken aback.

"Actor?" Mark tried to knock him out of it.

Actor blinked and swallowed, "Well . . . you see-" and suddenly he tried to bolt. 

He was at the stairs when Dark appeared in front of him with a hand around his neck, "I fucking knew we couldn't trust you . . . I just HAD to give you the benefit of the doubt, didn't I!?"

Actor tried to struggle but Dark lifted him up off the ground, watching his face turn red from being suffocated.

Google cleared his throat, "Death by asphixation in 5, 4, 3, 2-"

"Dark, let him breathe!" Mark shouted at him.

Dark growled but eased up on Actor's windpipe, letting him gasp for air.

"F-fucking hell . . . .F-fuck! I'll tell you! I'll fucking tell you, okay!?"

Dark narrowed his eyes at him, " . . . Tell us what?" 

He didn't expect any answers from him, 'Would I get any, though? Real ones, that is?'

Scoffing, Dark rolled his eyes, "Tell me, then. Tell us and I won't strangle you again. That's the deal. IF I believe you"

You had to give him credit at least. Actor did look very worried for himself.

Histrio's hideout

Histrio giggled like mad, throwing the ball up and down, catching it again and again in his hand, "Well well well . . . .  looks like it's me and you again, huh? Feeling like yourself again? All energized up?"

The ball Mira was inside of glowed so bright, it was almost completely white, flicking erratically. Even some of the electricity in the room he was in started to blink in and out because of her.

"My my. . . someone's ANGRY" Histrio just laughed, "Here, I'll give ya a little check-up, princess"

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