Epilogue- All Together Now

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Dark stared down at his sister and Anti together. 

It was just a few hours after the fight. His chest still hurt but the doctors gave him pretty good pain meds. He was drowsy now but he couldn't stop thinking about all the different ways he fucked up. 

He blamed himself for Mira pushing herself away from them all. Everything worked out in the end but it still ate him up inside.

If he had just spoken to her and listened to her  . . . ACTUALLY listened to her.

Maybe things could have been resolved a lot quicker and with less pain.

But even now, he also couldn't stop a small smile forming on his lips watching the two cuddle in their sleep. It was creepy, he'd admit but he was beyond caring.

'She looks so peaceful.' he thought to himself, 'I've never seen her so happy before. Never even seen Celine like this, either'

Dark breathed in a heavy sigh, 'They really were meant to be together. And here I stand the fool. Blind and ignorant'

Mira grimaced in her sleep suddenly and opened her eyes weakly, "Mn. . . . . . D-dark?"

He was angry with himself. Had he woken her somehow?

"It's okay. Sorry for waking you" he whispered to her, "Just go back to sleep, sis"

"What are you doing up?" she ignored the suggestion, "Thought you'd be sleeping, too"

"No" he spoke curtly, "Can't."

"I'll be okay, Dark." she smiled, "No more demons coming after me today. You can rest easy. I got Anti to protect me, too"

Dark snorted, "As if you need the protection. Perhaps someone around make sure your guard is up more like"

She smiled, "Yeah. . . that's more likely."

Dark rubbed her head with a small smile, "Rest some more. I finally got Wilford to go into that other dimension of his. Everyone else are in their own rooms. You have some peace and quiet for a while longer. I'll go into the kitchen and order some breakfast for us all later here"

Oh yeah. That was right. It was still night. But Mira didn't have to be told any more and slowly closed her eyes again, cuddling even more into Anti who stretched a little, too, against her, bringing her closer.

Dark sighed again, ". . . . . I wonder when they'll tie the knot . .  if they ever want to" he dreaded the thought but it was better to prepare for it now than later and be taken by shock and anger.

Turning away, he finally took off into the kitchen, surprisingly walking in on Mark and Actor talking, each with a cup of coffee they were sipping on.

"Oh hey! Dark!" Actor grinned ear to ear, "Mark said it's okay if I live here now! That cool? Of course it's cool! I'll take the basement!"

Dark just stared at him but didn't have it in him to argue at the moment, "Whatever"

Mark groaned at Actor, "I said you should maybe TALK to him about it, Actor. Anyway . . . how's Mira doing?"

"She's good.. . . her and Anti . . . they're good"

"Good" Mark watched Dark, perfectly able to see through him, "I know you love Mira dearly, Dark. But if anything, Anti has proved to the moon and back that he loves her, too, and is willing to do anything and everything to save or help her"

". . . I know" Dark smiled, "Anti and I . . . we're good now"

Mark sipped his coffee, "Good" but even as Mark said that, he was beginning to have his own hang-ups. Here, he worried for Mira, too. Not was much as Dark had but on a different level. He wanted to apologize sincerely to her so bad but he still had to wait.

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