Chapter 3: Demons, Jim!

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"I. . . . cannot . . . believe you" Dark glared at Mira.

They were in the hotel room that Mark got for them while they stayed at the convention. Like hell Dark was going to let her stay in a room by herself. Not with Anti around. He had to have his own room, though, the prick.

"What?" Mira stared at her brother so innocently.

Dark squinted at her, "You know what you did. You manipulated me into bringing you with me"

Mira just shrugged, "Eh, I don't know what you're talking about. I merely brought up the fact that the other Ipliers don't like me and that I'd be SO lonely without my favorite brother to protect me"

Dark scoffed, unpacking his suits, "You and I both know you can handle your own. And you love it when I give you your space!"

Mira ignored him and sat on her bed, " . . . . So why ARE you here?"

Dark glared, "Seriously?"

"I wasn't paying attention"

Dark rolled his eyes, "I'm here to do a stupid video for Mark with his YouTube peers while he's at the convention. He was too busy himself and so thus . . . I am here"

"And why's Anti here? I thought he hated Sean and his video stuff"

"He does. I honestly don't know how Sean got him to agree to it. By the way, stay the fuck away from him"

"Why? He doesn't seem so bad"

"NOT SO BAD!?" Dark rushed over to her and gripped her by the shoulders, "Are you going insane or something!? Antisepticeye's a fucking maniac that thrives off of the pain of others! He'd kill you for the fun of it. DO NOT TALK TO HIM"

She blinked, sort of wide-eyed and surprised at the certainty in Dark's voice but gave in, "Oh fine . . . I guess I'll just die of boredom here, then"

Dark let her go but rolled his eyes again, continuing to unpack, "Don't be so dramatic. With any luck, we'll be back home before you know it"

Mira sat in the corner watching them all go forth with footage for the video. Tyler, Ethan, Amy and Kathryn graciously agreed to help Dark and Anti with the video but it wasn't going all according to plan. 

Anti had some  . . . . interruptions. 

Things like making fun of everything Dark said, glitching off screen when he wasn't supposed to(when Dark was in a serious monologue), random outbursts yelling at people off set. It was a long process just to get him back on task.

"Alright that's it! Let's just take a break already!" Dark called for lunch and Anti grinned like a devil.

"About fooking time! I'm starving, asshole!" he glitched to the food table that was delivered to them and started shoveling desserts in his mouth.

Nobody else really wanted to go near him in case he bit their fingers off so most of them decided to leave to go out somewhere else.

Mira stared at Anti, though. For some reason, she found him fascinating. He didn't care about anyone else's opinions but his own but it wasn't just because he was mostly a jerk . . . he was defensive and had a shield up.

'It must be exhausting' 

She pitied him.

And then when Dark wasn't looking, she took her steps up to him until she was right in front of him.

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