Chapter 8: We Have to Hurry

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The demon stared at the blood on the floor, completely entranced by it, a small, insane smile curling on his lips.

'It's been too long . . . . . blood. . . I've missed the color. . . . the taste' he couldn't help grinning completely, leaning down to lick at Anti's blood on the floor.

There was a good amount and lapped at it with his tongue, groaning and letting the still warm liquid flow down his lips and neck, 'I hope he comes to play again. He will if he really wants the girl. Foolish boy'

He sat back on his knees and reached into his pocket.

Only to stare ahead, his face contorting and the smile fading.

He licked his lips and realized, 'Well then . . . . . it doesn't matter. I know he'll still come. And then we'll play more.'

He leaned back on the balls of his feet on his knees and reached his hand out, Mira's power searing through his arm and hand, glowing a bright white like flames.

'It's enough . . . for now. But once he returns, I have no doubt he'll bring the ball with him.' he grinned again.

"And then I'll have her and that power forever."

Anti held the crystal ball to his chest, laying on his side on his couch.

He still hurt and felt weak but he could feel her near him. Yes, she was trapped in a crystal ball like the demon was, but as long as he felt her presence, he felt calmer.

He rubbed his thumb over it unconsciously.

The others were in the kitchen discussing a plan of some sort. Whatever. He didn't care right now. He could rest a little better at least that she wasn't in that demon's hands anymore.

'I'll never let him touch you again. I'll kill him before he even gets close. Or I'll let you do it. You get to choose, Mira.' he smiled, already knowing the outcome of that. The only reason the demon beat her was that he used Anti's face and had her unguarded.

That's why they had to free her as soon as possible.

'Marvin can do it. He has to'

He brought his knees closer up to his chest and held the ball even more securely to him.

"It has to work. . . . . right Mira?" he spoke to her out loud, "There's no other option. I need you. . . . You hear me? I'm so sorry, Mira. So sorry"

Little did he know, Chase was watching him from the kitchen. He was touched by Anti's friendship with the girl. But there was an itch in the back of his head telling him there was something more.

The bond was so strong between them.

And as he said that, the ball glowed brighter, almost seeming to try and warm him with her light.

'It's actually. . . . sweet. I've never seen him this way. So docile. So fucking calm and  . . . '

And then he got it.

Chase frowned and had to quickly rub away a tear in his eye.

Mark noticed, though and whispered to him, "Chase, you okay?"

The sniper just nodded, crossing his arms defensively, "Yeah. . . yeah, man, I'm fine."

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