Chapter 5: The Search

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Sean led Jameson just outside of the town where Anti had been living.

"Don't know if he's here or not. He doesn't drive" Sean mumbled.

Jameson chuckled silently, 'I think Chase is the only one of us that DOES drive'

"Yeah, probably. There's no way I'm every gonna get my license, let's be fooking real" Sean smirked slightly but it fell rather quickly, "Look, I'm sorry I'm dragging you out here with me-"

'It's fine, Sean' Jameson signed, 'I've always said I thought Anti's been misunderstood. I always thought he had a thing for the lass'

"Maybe" Sean shrugged and knocked on Anti's door, "Let's hope I'm not wrong about him"


Sean rang the doorbell as well but there wasn't even a rustle within the house.

Even if Sean was annoying with the doorbell . . . . not a sound was heard.

Jameson put his hands in his pockets with a frown, 'I don't think he's home'

"I'll never understand how I can understand you like that but yeah, I think you're right. We have to break in"

'WHAT?' Jameson looked startled, 'Sean, no, no, no! You can't break in! That's not right'

"And if he was in there lying on the floor bleeding out we'd never know. I'm breaking in. He'll forgive me, I'm sure. He does it himself all the time"


Today was a confusing day for Jameson.

But it was about to get even more confusing.

Sean wiggled the door handle only to discover the door wasn't even locked.

His heart raced, "Shit . . . that's not good"

'Or he figures he's scarier than any burglar that would dare rob him'

"That too, I guess"

Taking a bit of caution, Sean opened the door and stepped inside with Jameson right behind him.

They both swallowed, taking in the scene before them.

"Oh shit" Sean cursed under his breathe, "Yeah, something's definitely not right here"

The room was in a disarray like someone had gone wild breaking everything in sight. Either that or there was a struggle. It was unclear of which occurred.

'What do you think happened?'

"I don't . . . know" Sean walked further inside.

Him and Jameson searched the entire house but no one was there and there were no clues as to what happened.

Sean put his hands on his hips, circling the living room, "Any ideas? Theories? Because at this point, anything could be helpful"

Jameson shook his head, 'I don't even see a trace of a foreign identity. But it DOES seem as if Mira was here. Her clothes are in the other room in that closet. They must have been roommates in the least. But he couldn't have . . .hurt her . . . could he? I thought he got along with her swell?'

"Nobody says swell, Jameson . . . . but yeah, so did I. That's why I know Anti didn't do this. Where is Anti? Where's Mira? Plus, there's no blood. Anti would have left SOME trace of blood, at least"

'You're right. . . something just doesn't add up here'

Sean sighed, "Whatever the case, it's getting late and I don't have the cash on me for another cab. We'll stay here for the night and figure out a new plan on finding Anti in the morning"

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