Chapter 7: An Ace Up Their Sleeves

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2022 (Before Anti Returns Home)

"You" Anti's body crackled and snapped with electricity, anger filling him, "You're lying"

The demon that stole his face smirked viscously, "Do you really think I care much for lying? When the truth can be just as painful if not MORE?" He cackled, "I'm a demon, my dear fool. I go for agonizing pain. More than you've ever made or known, kid." he twirled the blue crystal ball in his fingers.

Anti saw red. If he really was telling the truth . . . then he had to get that ball.

"Give her back"

"Oh so you DO believe me now?" he snickered, "But no . . . she's mine, now. And so . . is her power"

Anti snarled and shook his head, "Like HELL I'm gonna let you take her away from me!"

"AW, is the little snappy fool upse-"

Anti shot out a blast his way, making the demon have to counter. He held the ball in front of him and used Mira's power to go against Anti's.

It was far more effective than either of them thought it'd be.

Anti stared at the demon, dumbfounded. There was no question now. Mira WAS in that ball.

'I have to get her out of there'

But before he could even think of a plan, the demon appeared before him with an insidious grin, "It's been a long time since I've been out to play!"

Anti felt the air get sucked out of his lungs as the demon ripped out some of Mira's power from the ball and into his hand. 

He stuffed the crystal in his pocket and lunged for him.

Back at Anti's house

Sean was the first alongside Jameson to come running to him. 

Even the other egos looked stunned. None of them had ever seen Anti this hurt before. None of them had ever seen him faint, either.

"Henrik!" Sean shouted for him, "Get over here NOW!"

The doctor flinched out of his frozen state and rushed over to help. 

The Iplier egos just watched as Sean, Jameson and Henrik carried him over to his couch.

Actor groaned, "Ugh, I wonder how he's gonna feel when blood gets all over that thing"

"I doubt he'll care" Dark and Jackie both said at the same time before awkwardly looking away from each other.

Wilford suddenly popped back over to the couch and stared down at Anti, "Well why ain't he waking up!? Get up now, sleepy head!" he slapped Anti hard across the face.

"WILFORD!" Mark marched over and gently escorted him away from Anti who groaned softly from the slap.

Chase couldn't help but snort, trying to hide his smile, "You gotta admit, that was KINDA funny"

Marvin elbowed him, "This is serious, Brody. It's obvious that whatever Anti went up against, it was bad. And that means-"

"Little Mira's in big trouble" Illinois sighed, crossing his arms.

"Affirmative" Google agreed.

Jackie rolled his eyes, "Now how do you know MIRA isn't the one that did this to him?"

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