Chapter 4: His Best Friend

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Just so everyone's aware, Mira is the same age as all of the other Iplier and Septic egos. She is NOT a child. She is a woman in her late twenties (at least in the flashback chaps and then she's older in the present day ones). Just putting this out there so there are no misconceptions! Enjoy reading!


"This is stupid. You're kind of stupid"

Mira gasped and swat him playfully, "And YOU'RE a sourpuss! Have a little fun once in a while, will ya!?"

"Oh I do, but this is NOT on my list of fun things to do. Not by a longshot"

Mira laughed, "Eh, you're still just spicy because you got some content to do!"

Anti huffed, "  . . . . but why're we hiding at a bowling alley?"

"We're not hiding!"

He snorted, "Before I could even knock on the door, you shot out like a maniac and dragged me off to chase back down the Uber . ..  and now we're HERE. You obviously didn't want Dark to see you leave  . . . and with me"

Mira shoved his bowling shoes to his chest with a smile, "I'm not hiding"

"You are. Why with me, I'll never know but whatever stalls me from having to actually do any work, is fine by me. I'll just blame you"

"Oh come and just have a little fun! Go! Bowl! You got this! I believe in you!" she hopped in place excitedly.

Anti sighed, 'Why the fuck am I here?'

Rolling his eyes, he forced his shoes on and grabbed a ball, throwing it across the lane only for it to land in the gutter immediately, "There . . . happy?"

"Try smiling"

"Fuck off"

"You want some food!? I'll order us some pizza and wings!"

Anti didn't even get a chance to reply, watching her run off to the bar.

He really didn't know what to make of her. 

'I thought I chased her off last year. But ever since that day, she keeps trying to sneak off and do things like this with me . . . three times already. First it was sneaking off to the arcade, then the park and that was sort of fine . . .. weird, but fine. I guess. What is her deal? Is she really that lonely?'

He knew by now that the other Ipliers practically ignored her presence. He knew what that felt like.

Perhaps that was why he let her do as she wished, dragging him around places lately.

Mira soon returned with a tray of food, "I got spicy and garlic wings and mushroom and pepperoni pizza!!!"

Anti snorted and readied to throw the ball again, 'Yeah, she's definitely lonely. Desperate, too, if she wants to be around ME of all people. Dumbass'

He threw the ball again and this time managed to hit a couple of pins. Without thinking, he pumped his fist, "Yes!"

"Hey, good job! You got some!"

He thought it was a jeer at first but whipping back to look her in the eye, he could see it wasn't.

She was . . .  genuinely happy for him?

Suddenly a strange feeling welled up inside of him.

Seeing her smile. Hearing her praise him. Talk to him like a . . . . like a friend.

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