Chapter 17: Fight For Her- Part 1

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Google found the location easily but they all waited in the shadows, looking around for Histrio.

Dark was able to conceal them all effectively in the shadows that the trees made. It was morning but the clouds overhead gave an extra dullness to make sure they wouldn't be found. 

Jackie muttered softly, "You doing that, Marv?"

Marvin snorted, "I'm powerful but not that powerful. . . . no. But I do feel something in the air. It's not a natural storm coming"

"We're close, then." Mark whispered, "To him, right? Who else could it be?"

"Satan?" Wil muttered, "Oh boy, I see. He's finally come for me, huh? Whelp! Nice knowing you guys!"

"Shh, Wil" Dark spoke softly to him, "Focus. Remember why we're here and concentrate on that. Stay with us, alright? We might really need you"

Wilford snorted, "Well this better end quick. I got an interview with you know who in an hour so-"

"Mira is more important than an interview, Wil. Remember, your sister? Celine's replica?" Dark knew Mira HATED being referenced as such but it was the only way he could think of to get Wil back in the right mindset.

Wilford swallowed and stared ahead, thinking but slowly nodded his head, going silent again.

Illinois whispered to Dark, "You sure putting Actor in the basement was a good move? He could have helped, too, you know?"

Dark didn't reply. Honestly, he wasn't sure on that. But it had to be the right move, right? Actor would have betrayed them like he always does.

"I called Amy" Mark uttered, "She's there now, making sure he can't escape"

There was a soft rumbling in the distance, cueing a thunder from the oncoming storm to come their way.

Dark glanced over to Anti who was hiding behind a tree kneeled down with his eyes closed.

'Is he praying? I wouldn't imagine so but with how desperate we all are . . .' he sighed heavily but didn't bother going over to talk to him. Instead, though, he saw Sean go over by him.

Sean knew Anti was taking all of this hard. They had Mira and Anti blamed himself for losing her again.

Slowly and cautiously, Sean sat next to Anti, "Hey" he whispered to him, "How you holding up?"

The glitch slowly opened his eyes, "You don't have to pretend to be concerned about me, Sean."

"I'm not pretending." the creator snorted, "Do you honestly think any of the Septics and me would be here if we didn't care?"

"You care about Mira."

"And you. Now come off your bullshit and open your fucking eyes. Mira and I talked. You know this just as I know you don't wanna hate us. We don't wanna hate you. That part of our lives is over and that's that. Things change. Deal with it"

Anti snorted, " . . . . . sure, I guess. Fine."

"Now . . . how you holding up?"

"How do you think? The person I love the most is being held captive and used by a demon who intends on killing us all and then plans to try and rule the world and with Mira's power . . . that dream of his could very well become a reality. So Sean . . . I'm not doing good. We don't stand a good chance if he spots us"

Sean swallowed, "Well then it's a good thing we have a magician on our side. A master of disguise"

Marvin whispered towards them, "You're damn right about that. We'll get close but we all have to be sure we don't get TOO close. We'll stay practically invisible but if we get closer than ten feet, we're pretty well fucked."

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