Chapter 6: You Don't Belong

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"You're wrong."

"No, YOU'RE wrong!"

"Uh-uh, you are most def wrong here, little woman"

Mira raised a brow at Anti, "Seriously?"

"What? You ARE a little woman!" he shrugged defensively.

"Oh whatever but I REFUSE to back down on this! The Ipliers aren't AFRAID of me . . . . anymore! We're cool!"

Anti rolled his eyes, flopping in the kitchen chair, "Mira, even WARFSTACHE is cautious around you and that's saying something"

She shook her head, continuing to cook them up some bacon as per Anti's request, "By the way, I am NOT that little. . . . I'm five feet tall"

Anti cracked a smile, amused, "Still 8 inches shorter than me . . .  and you didn't deny it. About coo-coo bird, that is"

"Wil is just constantly being reprimanded by Dark to leave me alone is all. That's it"

" . . .  sure. . ." Anti stood up and walked closer up behind her, coming up to her side, "But you and I both know I'm right.  . . bacon done?"

"And you and I both know you haven't left because you're afraid of talking to your brothers"

"You're full of shite. I ain't afraid of nothing!" he lightly shoved her, being careful as to not endanger her in front of the stove, "I just don't like the bastards and Jackie is just waiting for the opportunity to either lock me away or kill me"

"Sean wouldn't let him"

"Yeah? And how would you know that?" he nicked a piece of bacon straight from the pan, hissing at the pain in his fingers.

Mira rolled her eyes at his impatience, "I saw him just last week. He was visiting Mark when I went to visit him, Ethan and Amy. Sean, Ethan and Amy, I mean"

"Still holding that grudge on Mark, huh?"

"He treats me like a ticking time bomb. At least Amy and Ethan were there to keep him at bay. And Chica, Henry and Spencer"

The bacon was done, so she set it on a plate and let Anti gorge, taking a piece for herself, too. Anti thought about what to say to her. It was odd having to think like that but he didn't want to hurt her feelings. It was new to him but he kept his mouth shut about asking anything more about the grudge. It was a soft spot for her taking about Mark as it was.

"So  . . . what was said between you and Sean?"

She leaned her back on the counter trying to hide a little smirk, "So you're curious?"

"Just fuck off and tell me already"

"Alright, alright. So-"

"What are you two doing in here?"

They turned to see Bim Trimmer at the door looking quite disgusted.

Mira snorted at him, "Standing. That okay with you?"

Bim huffed, "Well you don't have to get all uppity with me! Geez."

"And you don't have to be an ass to me for no reason but that's not stopping ya" she shot back at him.

Anti was both amused and on edge about this encounter.

'Bim and her haven't gotten along the best since Dark used one of her ideas for a video instead of his. That and he's buddy buddy with Wilford. Practically one of the only Ipliers that can talk to Warfstache except for Dark and the Jims. . . .  she better be careful'

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