Chapter 13: Rally the Troops

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Dark gathered all of the Ipliers into their large living room with Mark, Google and Illinois at his side. Actor was forced into keeping a watchful eye on Wilford, wishing he was doing literally anything BUT that. Wilford kept trying to stab him with a pen and blew bubbles in his neat hair.

Bim sighed loudly, "Can we just ask what the hell we're all doing here so late? I'm Bim Trimmer and-"

"You KNOW what's happening, Bim" Dark seethed, "At first Mira was just missing and a demon was loose but now it's so much more."

Bim rolled his eyes, "What, was she finally caught necking glitch-bitch?"

"This isn't funny, Bim!" Illinois snapped at him, "She's in serious trouble and she needs our help"

"OUR help!?" The Jims gulped, "But what can WE do???"

"Look" Mark stepped in a bit, "I know you all don't really care for me but hear me out."

"Why should we?" Yancy snorted, chewing on a toothpick, "Why should we do anything to help da little princess, either, hn? Can't she helps herself?"

"I didn't make her ALL powerful, guys!" Mark waved his arms around, "And I've seen it. She won't last much longer if we all don't band together and do something against the demon"

Bing snorted, "Thought you were always all about helping yourself, dude. The big and bad Markiplier. Always doing anything and everything everyone else can't. Sooooo great and-"

"I s-say we h-hear them out" Eric muttered.

King and Bing shrugged, not really minding, either.

"Google" Dark motioned for him, "Pull up the footage"

Google nodded and pulled up a hologram from Anti's home camera of what happened to her.

"What the fuck is that?" Yandere blurted out, "Wasn't that Anti?"

"No." Dark shook his head, "The demon took Anti's features, passing off as him. Just as he did with Actor and now he has both Actor AND Anti's abilities . . . . AND Mira's . . . so long as he has her in Celine's crystal ball"

"Which. . ." Dr. Iplier hummed, "The demon was PREVIOUSLY locked away in? I'm still a bit confused on that. If the demon was able to escape, why can't Mira use the same tactic to get out?"

"We are not for certain" Google stated, "But the magician even tried everything he could and nothing seemed to work. Her life signal is also fading fast"

"We need to take the demon out" Dark reiterated, "Who's with us?"

Bim snorted, "Are you fucking serious? Why SHOULD we help her? What's she ever done for US?"

"What?" Dark raised a brow at him.

"Yeahs!" Yancy nodded, "She's has never done anything fer us. Always scurrying after that glitch. Sickening. Somethings was always wrong with her, I says"

Bing stared at Google, not too sure of his motive. Why was Google defending Mira? It wasn't in his program to understand.

"She never listened about my senpai!" Yandere huffed, "I think she wanted him to herself secretly!"

King scratched the back of his neck, "I don't know . . . Something's not adding up here. Where's my peanut butter?"

Magnum laughed heartily, "Hahaha! She's a fiery one! I'm sure she'll figure it out on her own!"

Dark didn't understand. Where was all of this coming from?

Had Anti been right? Had Mira been right?

Did they really not . . . . care for her at ALL?

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