Chapter 15: Face Your Demon

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They all stood around Actor who was still tied up in the chair. Some looked on in anger. Some confusion and some just didn't care one bit.

But Actor was beyond keeping secrets now, "Everything! I've told you idiots everything! I swear! The demon said it followed Celine from one of her travels a long time ago. It then latched on to me in a bad point in my life. You all know the one! Heheh. . .  anyway, it manipulated me and toyed with me, promising me tons of things I couldn't resist. Money, power, an audience! And. .  and! And then Celine found out and locked it away but it was too late and you all know that story. But THEN I found some of Celine's old things and found the orb it was locked away in and there it was again talking to me. Making promises . . . . .  I gave it all the power it wanted . . . . enough for it to  . . . . break out."

Yancy bit his lip, "Break out?~"

"Not now" Mark nudged him, making him go silent.

Actor breathed in and out shakily, "And yes . . . I uh . . .  I willingly let him copy my abilities . . . . I told him all he needed to know.  . . . . and I . . . I'm sorry. I really  . . . I really do regret it"

Marvin snorted, "I believe everything EXCEPT for that"

"It's true" Actor just sighed, "Didn't know her. Didn't matter at the time. But then . . . . all this trouble for this one girl . . . . ." he faded off in his words but it was enough.

Dark scoffed, "Whatever . . . so we're supposed to just believe that giving the orb our own power will magically break Mira out?"

"Well" Mark shrugged, "Stranger thing have happened with this bunch"

Dark sighed, "  . .. . I suppose that's true. But we're not letting him go. He could be useful still like this. With Google's threats, he might give us even more information we may need and-"

Suddenly the front door swung open and even stared at who entered.

Silver and Ed Edgar stared back at all of them and Ed just cleared his throat, "Uh . . .  Whas' going on here?"

"That person is tied up!" Silver shouted, "I need to free him!"

"Stay the FUCK back!" Anti jumped into action, snarling at them, "How the fuck do we know you two aren't Histrio!?"

"His-a-what now?" Ed snorted, "Boy, I don't have an edumacation, ya knows that! I don't know no History!"

"Doesn't that pedestrian need saving?" Silver asked.

Jackie shook his head, "No. He's public enemy number two here"

Sean snorted and everyone stared, " . . . . what? I have the mind of a child! It was funny . . ."

"How do we know they're the real . . .them?" Illinois asked.

"Yeah, if the demon's like you said", Yandere continued, "Then couldn't these two idiots BE the demon or whatever?"

Henrik agreed, "Tis quite possible-"

"I know how to figure it out" Marvin suddenly blasted a spell straight at Silver, only causing the powerless 'hero' to slam into the wall and pass out.

"Welp . . ." Marvin cleared his throat, "Silver's good"

Mark sighed, clearly exasperated, "Ed"

"Uh . . yeah?"

"Where's Mira?"

"I did NOT try and sell her again, I SWEAR! That was just a one time thing! I thought I could get a lot of money outta her!"

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