Chapter 17: On the Same Bed (Blake's P.O.V.)

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Chapter 17: On the Same Bed (Blake’s P.O.V.)

So that’s why Charlotte was so emotional today. That’s why she got so sensitive after saying she hated me. She didn’t want the same thing happen to me.

How hard it must have been for her. I couldn’t imagine myself without my parents. They may be controlling at times but I know they love me and I love them, too. They’re just doing what they think is best.

I reached out to wipe the single tear on her cheek. She smiled and tried her best to keep the other tears at bay.

“After saying that I hate them, Mom unbuckled her seatbelt so she could reach out to me. She told me in a soothing tone, ‘You say that now but you know that that’s not true, Honey. As for us, we will always love you.’ She pecked me on the forehead while Dad glanced towards us. In that second, a car hit us. We got tossed to the side of the road. When the car stopped, I was still conscious but bleeding heavily. Dad was unconscious and there was so much blood everywhere. Mom was nowhere inside the car,” Charlotte narrated followed by hushed crying.

For the nth time, I hugged her tight. I felt so useless. I couldn’t do or say anything to alleviate her pain.

“Another car stopped to check on us. After a few minutes, Dad and I were being carried on stretchers to an ambulance. I still didn’t know where Mom was. They injected me with something and I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I was alone in a hospital room. I called the nurse and she came in with a doctor and a policeman. Each of them had a mournful look on their faces. The policeman told me that we got hit by a drunk driver who immediately died after the accident,” she stopped and looked up as if asking for support so I tightened my hold on her.

She continued, “He then gave me the devastating news of my mother’s death. He said that she was thrown out of the vehicle during the crash, causing her to die instantly. I frantically asked for my father. The doctor assured me that Dad was still alive although he was in a critical condition. It was such a terrible experience. I was praying that it wasn’t true; that it was all just a nightmare. But it was real. I couldn’t change the fact that I said such hateful words to my mother right before she died.”

I just held her as I couldn’t think of anything good to say. I just let her pour out all the hurt she kept inside. She wept for another few minutes, this time, clenching the collar of my pajama top.

She let my collar go after she calmed herself. She then proceeded with her painful tale, “After less than an hour, the doctor came and told me, as gently as she could, that my Dad had died, too. It was as if Dad gave up on living. I didn’t even get the chance to see him. I lost both my parents on the same day. And it was all because of me.”

“No, Charlotte. It wasn’t your fault. It was an accident. No one could ever be blamed for things like that,” I managed to say after finally finding my courage.

Charlotte, no longer able to contain herself, wailed into my arms. I rubbed her back gently as she soaked my pajama top with her tears.

After a few moments, the love of my life looked up at me with a relieved smile on her angelic face. It must have felt good to be able to release all that.

Slowly, she lifted her hands and placed them firmly on my shoulders. She languidly raised her right hand while her left lingered on my right shoulder. Her right hand landed on my left cheek. Her smooth thumb crossed my cheek from right to left. She then placed her right hand back on my left shoulder while she mirrored the previous actions on my right cheek using her left hand.

It was only then that I realized how vigorously my shoulders shook and how rapidly tears flowed from my eyes. I’ve never cried like this since I was a little boy.

“I won’t ever leave you, Charlotte. I promise,” I solemnly vowed. I then pulled her to another embrace. Charlotte belonged in my arms and I would do everything to keep her there. I will never leave her side.

“Thank you, Blake. That means so much to me.”

She then pulled me to lie down in bed with her while we were still engulfed in the last embrace of the night. I gratefully lied down next to her and marvelled that she was so close to me.

Her head was on my left shoulder and my chin rested on the top of her head. We were still wrapped in each other’s arms. I was stiff all over but I was relaxed at the same time. This is where I’m supposed to be and I don’t plan on going anywhere.

On my second night, Charlotte and I slept beside each other with tear-stained faces, and with the lights on. I never felt so peaceful in my life.

Just had an amazing experience of being part of a backstage crew for a play.. I also found a new crush.. :D

Thanks for helping me reach this far.. Have fun reading!! :)

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