Chapter 14: Pain that Comes with Love

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Chapter 14: Pain that Comes with Love

“What are you gonna do?” Blake teased as he crossed both arms across his chest.

“I hate you,” I stated flatly.

I saw hurt in his eyes. Both his arms fell from their previous position and both hands made their way to his pockets. He looked away and turned towards the items that lay on the floor.

I felt very guilty. But it was supposed to be a joke. Why would he react in such a way? I don’t understand him at all.

He sighed and looked at me painfully for a second and then turned his back to me. He bent down and picked up the pail sluggishly. And then the mop.

I was frozen from where I stood. He passed by me without even giving me a side glance. This is bad. I might just lose him again. Maybe even forever this time.

I turned around to see him picking up his shirt and squeezed the water out of it. He hung the white piece of fabric at the side of the pail. He held the mop and wiped the floor with it.

I suddenly found myself walking towards him. I didn’t know what I was doing. I searched in the back of my mind for what I was supposed to do.

“Tell him you love him!” a small voice shouted. I can’t do that! Not yet. I know I still love him. I never stopped doing so. I just kept all the feelings and emotions in an ancient treasure chest and buried it deep down both in my heart and in my mind. But now that he stood so close to me, and yet he felt so far, the ancient treasure chest somehow grew hands and clawed its way to the surface.

And as the ancient treasure chest magically opened, releasing every single emotion I kept hidden within, I found myself pressed against Blake’s strong back with my arms around his waist.

“I don’t hate you, okay? I don’t hate you,” I heard myself say shakily.

Blake had not moved since I wrapped my arms around him. I could hear his heart thumping loudly and rapidly.

“You… don’t?” he asked softly.

It hurt that he still doubted me even after I assured him that I didn’t hate him. My arms dropped from his waist.

“Why can’t you believe me? It was supposed to be a joke. I don’t hate you!” I screamed angrily. Tears were now falling from my eyes.

Maybe I hated him now. Maybe I hated him because now I feel my heart break into a million pieces all for his lack of trust in me.

I punched him lightly on his back. It was more like a “believe me” punch rather than an “I hate you” punch. One punch followed and another and another. Each punch increasing in intensity.

Suddenly, my right hand was held to cease it from moving. I punched with my left hand out of desperation but was caught similarly to the other. I was suddenly pulled into an embrace but I was still mad. I squirmed out of Blake’s firm hold but he was much stronger than me.

“Thank you,” he said with relief and a hint of joy. “And sorry for being stupid.”

With that, I stopped all efforts to get away. I loved the way he held me as I calmed myself. I loved the way he stayed silent and just held me like that. I love him.

“I’m fine now, Blake. You can… let go of me now,” I said as my crying subsided.

“Right. Back to work, then,” he cheered.

I then felt my pajama pants become wet again. This is his fault! If he hadn’t kept me in that long embrace, then I won’t need to change again. I then stomped to my room, feeling elated but annoyed at the same time, while Blake finished mopping the floor. How can he stand wearing those wet pants?

PMS-ing?? LOL.. I was probably the one PMS-ing while writing this chapter.. So sorry if it's not so great.. Please hold on.. :)

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