Chapter 19: Trust Me (Blake's P.O.V.)

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Chapter 19: Trust Me (Blake’s P.O.V.)

Charlotte immediately retreated to the bathroom, blushing, at my playful remark. I just love teasing her. She blushes at the slightest things.

And since I love teasing her, I followed her to the bathroom just in time for her to reach the door. When she saw me coming, her eyes grew wide and I couldn’t help but smirk. She slammed the door shut and a chuckle escaped my mouth.

“What? Aren’t we going to be lovey-dovey now?” I teased on my side of the door.

“Go away!” she shrieked and I laughed. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt. What a great way to start the morning! “Stop laughing! Just go away! Make breakfast or something.”

I was still in a fit of laughter when I responded, “Yes, Your Majesty. Breakfast shall be served.”

I walked away, still laughing, while Charlotte groaned audibly.

I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. I put some slices of bread in the toaster and cooked some scrambled eggs and four jumbo hotdogs.

After a few minutes, I was done preparing breakfast. With all the food staring at me, I almost stole a bite but held myself back by pouring two cups of coffee for Charlotte and me.

I was about to call Charlotte out for breakfast when she emerged from her bedroom in a pristine white dress. I was so stunned by her beauty and elegance that I was rooted to where I stood.

When she was about to sit on the chair opposite mine, I was brought back to the present and hurriedly came to pull her chair for her. Even in pajamas, I can be a true gentleman. She thanked me with a smile but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She must be thinking about her parents again. I gave her a big cheerful smile to lighten up her mood. It may have been futile at the moment but I’m sure it will work after some time and added effort.

I went back to my seat and, then, we ate in silence. When we were done, I cleared the dishes and was about to wash them but Charlotte stopped me. “We can do it later,” she said.

I tried to protest but she had that stern look on her face which told me not to argue. So, instead, I went to the bathroom and took a quick bath. I put on a simple light blue shirt and a pair of slacks. I came out and saw Charlotte texting on her mobile phone. She looked up at me, smiled, and stood. I offered my arm for her and she took it timidly. We made our way to the parking lot, to the car, and, then, to the Church.

After the mass, I drove to the place where we rented the car and returned it a few hours before the deadline. Charlotte’s face was full of question but she chose not to dwell on any.

I held out my hand and she took it without hesitation. I grasped it tightly but careful enough not to crush it. I hailed a cab and told the driver our destination.

Charlotte gasped then looked at me with shock, fear, and confusion written all over her face. “Why are we going to a hotel?” she almost screamed at me.

“Relax, Charlotte. I’m not going to do anything. Just trust me,” I assured her.

I opened the car door for her and she reluctantly climbed in. The drive towards the hotel was a silent one. I just hope she didn’t think so low of me by bringing her to a place where she might feel uncomfortable in. I hope she could see that I only had pure intentions for her.

When we have arrived, I paid the driver for bringing us safely to our destination. Then, I helped Charlotte off the cab and into the hotel. Still holding her hand, we maneuvered through the busy lobby and into the elevator. I pressed the button for the rooftop and patiently waited for us to ascend forty floors. I never let her hand escape from my hold.

While listening to the elevator music and watching as each floor we passed blinked above the elevator doors, I realized that I paid for the cab with my own money. I panicked because of that. I just hope that Charlotte failed to notice that little detail. I thought of a legitimate excuse but upon setting my eyes on the woman beside me, I saw no suspicion on her face; only nervousness evident on her lip-chewing.

The elevator dinged signalling we had arrived. I tugged on Charlotte’s hand and she timidly looked up. I smiled at her, trying my best to keep her calm. I desperately needed her to fully trust me. She gave me a faint smile and we stepped out of the elevator.

Yay!! Finally!! After a little over a month, I added a new chapter!! I hope it's good enough.. I honestly forgot how to write.. But don't worry, I still know how the story would go.. It keeps on repeating itself on a loop in my head.. Especially the ending scene.. I just don't know how to steer the story towards there yet.. That's the reason I get stuck a lot.. I'll try my best to stop running in circles.. Hope you had fun reading!! :)

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