Chapter 7: We Went Shopping (Blake's P.O.V.)

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Chapter 7: We Went Shopping (Blake's P.O.V.)

I was very thankful when Charlotte finally gave in and let me stay. She was truly an angel. I just hope that she won't despise me if she learned about the truth.

As I ate my breakfast, I imagined how furious she might be if the truth came out unexpectedly. I have to be careful and I have to move fast. I can't lose her again.

Recalling our previous conversation, I realized that I only answered part of her question. Mom, Dad, Britney, and I discussed only why I was here. I'll have to think of the how myself.

For about twenty minutes and after three bowls of soup, I finally thought of something that was likely to happen and will not raise any more questions.

While I was washing the dishes, I wondered if Charlotte was done taking her bath. Would she still be wearing shorts today? She has such a great body that I'm sure she would look good on anything. Maybe I should suggest going to the beach so that I could see how good she would look on a bikini.

The opening of her bedroom door brought me back to reality. How could I be fantasizing about someone so kind to let me live with her even though I'm a guy. I guess that's the problem. I'm a guy. I can't help but admire a beautiful woman.

"Blake, can you drive?" Charlotte asked out of the blue.

"Of course, why do you ask?" I replied as I wiped my hands.

"I was wondering if we could go shopping for groceries since you made me take an unexpected day off of work today."

I was smiling as I turned to face Charlotte. She was wearing a white cardigan over a pink tank top paired with black skinny jeans. She had her hair down and I was immediately brought back to that day. If Jenny hadn't come and ruin everything on that day, maybe I would be married to Charlotte right now. I wished things were different. At least now I could make things different.

"Sure. I'll just take a bath. Is that okay?"

"Of course, I'll just wait for you here."

I immediately went to her bedroom and opened the biggest one of the three suitcases. I found a note on top of the neat pile of clothes.

"Papers that you need to sign are in a briefcase under your clothes inside the smallest suitcase. —-Britney"

Well, this is something I would have to explain again. I couldn't think of a legitimate one for now so I won't be opening that suitcase yet.

I put the note in my pocket and realized that Charlotte's mobile phone was still there. I took it out and went out of the room to give it to her.

"Well, that was fast," Charlotte said after swallowing a chunk of a tasty-looking cake.

"I forgot to give you this," I said handing out the device but my eyes were somehow glued to the cake.

As Charlotte received her mobile phone, she giggled and then said, "You're still a cake monster, huh?"

"I'm no monster. I simply love cake. Why would you call me that?"

"It's because you, sir, are the cake version of Cookie Monster," Charlotte said with a smile and then a giggle.

She took a big chunk and offered it to me. I did not even hesitate and quickly ate it up.

"Mmm. So good," I declared and then saw Charlotte look at me with amusement. "What? Don't judge me."

She couldn't help it anymore. Charlotte was now laughing hard and I laughed with her. She was contagious.

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