Chapter 21: A Promise To Your Parents (Blake's P.O.V.)

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I mouthed, "What?" to my crazy sister who was still shooting daggers at me. She moved her right hand up and down, gesturing the crying Charlotte, and gave me a, "Duh!" expression. I just shrugged in response. As far as I know, she was crying from happiness. My little sister, as annoying as she is, raised a fist to me as if challenging me to a fight. I raised both my hands in mock surrender.

She was about to do something stupid again when Charlotte broke their embrace. Britney immediately became serious, facing Charlotte, as if she was her mother with the worried look clearly in her eyes. It warmed my heart how they still seemed so close even after all those years with no communication at all. Britney was elated to see Charlotte again, I was sure of that. Charlotte probably was, too.

"Come on.  I have something I want to show you," Britney told Charlotte but loud enough for me to hear. Charlotte nodded and they went to the car. I followed them quietly.

We all got in Britney's little pink car, with me on the back and both girls in front. I was careful not to crush the bouquet of lilies and lavenders that were placed on the back seat.

When we arrived, Charlotte gasped. Whether in amazement or in shock, I don't know. Slowly, she opened the door, got out and stood still. I got out, as quietly as I could, with the bouquet in my hands and gently closed the door. The sound seemed to snap Charlotte out of the state she was in.

I walked towards her and was about to say something when Britney beat me to it. "Actually, I'm just a driver for today. Blake will take you there, Charlotte. I'll wait for the two of you here," she said.

Charlotte absentmindedly nodded and started walking. I instinctively followed closely fearing she might get lost or stumble or something even though I knew she was more familiar with this place than I was. She walked like she was in a trance. I continued to follow her but chose not to speak; afraid that if I did, something might go wrong.

When she reached a certain spot, she took a long intake of breath before moving forward and kneeling on the grass and in front of two stones that said, "Here lies Charles de Leon. Loving husband and father. September 3, 1960 – July 7, 2011," and, "Here lies Jane de Leon. Loving wife and mother. November 14, 1962 – July 7, 2011," respectively.

I gingerly laid the bouquet of lilies and lavenders on the grass in front of the stones and then sat beside Charlotte as she whispered, "Hey, Mom, Dad. I miss you."

I felt like I was interrupting a special personal moment and figured I should leave or at least back away and give Charlotte some privacy. I was about to stand up when Charlotte pulled on my shirt shyly and said, "This is Blake. He's the one who brought me here, along with Britney. You remember Britney, right? He's her older brother."

"Good day, Ma'am, Sir," I greeted with a smile but I was very nervous. It felt like I was being introduced to her parents for the first time. Well, technically I was. And as I pondered upon this, I was filled with regret. Regret that I would never be able to talk to Charlotte's parents. Regret that they would never see how beautiful their daughter has become and how happy she will be with me. Regret that I would never be able to thank them for having raised such a wonderful daughter and for letting her in my life.

Then I realized all that regret was unnecessary. I can just talk to them like what Charlotte was doing. Well, maybe not exactly as how she did.

I smiled as I considered the words in my mind. Good day, Ma'am, Sir. I hope you're not furious at me for taking advantage of your daughter's kind heart. I promise I would never harm her. I promise never to hurt her in any way. I promise to never make her cry except because of too much happiness. And I promise to love her with all that I am for the rest of my life. I hope you're smiling down at me right now. I hope you approve of me for your daughter. And I ask you to please help me from up there. Thank you for bringing this beautiful woman into this world.

"And you don't have to worry about me. Blake will be there to help me out. Right, Blake?" Charlotte enquired with unshed tears in her eyes.

"I promise," I responded confidently.

"I love you."

Whoops, those last three words! >_<

Hey, all! I'm sorry for not fulfilling that promise on the previous chapter but it's just a little over a week so it's still counted, right? Haha.

As some of you may know, we have been devastated by super typhoon Yolanda, as known in the Philippines, or Haiyan, as known internationally. We had no power from Thursday to Saturday. Thankfully, there wasn't much damage and lost lives in our area but as I've seen the news only last night, I've seen how other areas were ravaged and the damage it has brought to our country and especially to our region, the Visayas. I hope you all join us in praying for those who have been gravely hit by this calamity. May God bless us all. :)

One last thing: I still can't promise to regular uploads but the story will no longer be neglected a.k.a. put on hold. I will do my best to upload every weekend. Keep safe! :)

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