Chapter 1: You Let Me In

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Chapter 1: You Let Me In

“Hi! My name is Charlotte. I’m currently twenty-three. I live alone and I work as a pastry chef in Chateau Goldsmith. I’m single. It’s nice to meet you. :),” I sighed as I finished typing stuff about myself just as Amy instructed me to at work today.

It felt silly. She told me that I should be more active socially and practically ordered me to set up an account in a social networking site. I really didn’t like the idea but I complied anyway. I did it so that she would stop bugging me about it.

My mobile phone beeped and speak of the devil, I thought. “Don’t forget to do what I told you to. Good night!” she texted. “Mission accomplished, ma’am. Sweet dreams!” I replied.

Amy can sometimes be very annoying but I loved her no matter what happened. She has been my best friend since high school and I’m so happy that we are working together. My life would have been a lot more boring and ordinary if she wasn’t there.

I slept at ten and woke up at six. It’s a thirty-minute drive from my apartment building to the restaurant. We all get to work from eight to eight-thirty and the restaurant opens at nine and closes at eight.

It has been almost a month since I started working in Chateau Goldsmith. Solomon, the owner, has always been a lively fellow. He was very kind and we all loved him.

Amy cooks meals along with three others: John, Kent, and Mandy. Tom and I prepare the desserts. Everyday has always been busy and we are all thankful for it.

Tom and I have original recipes on the menu and his best-seller is the Chocolate Chip Cake, a cake which is very similar to Chocolate Chip Cookies but even better. Mine is the Sweet Love, a strawberry cheesecake covered in chocolate with strawberries on top. Both of us keep adding new creations on the menu and Solomon usually approves of what we whip up.

Today, it was business as usual. I arrived at my apartment at nine and thought about making something new. But I was too tired and uninspired to be able to make up a new recipe.

I decided to wash up and change into a pair of denim shorts and a white T-shirt. I tied my hair into a ponytail and washed the dishes I left this morning. The trash can was piled up so I took the garbage out.

When I came back, there was an unconscious man by my door. He was sitting down on the floor with his head down and his back to the wall beside the door. At first, I thought that I should just leave him alone but then my neighbors might think of a different scenario, very different from reality, and spread some nasty rumors.

I crouched down and lifted his head so that I was face to face with him. He looked somewhat familiar but I couldn’t quite place him. I lightly tapped his face then I shook him but there was no response.

Then, I saw that he was holding something in his right hand. I gently took it from him and was shocked with what I saw. It was a picture of me and at the back, the words Find Charlotte were scribbled. I don’t know who this guy is but he definitely knew me.

I opened the door and crouched down at him but with my back facing him this time. I put his arms around my neck and struggled to give him a piggyback ride but instead of lifting him up, I dragged him into my apartment. And boy was he heavy!

I thought I’d never make it but I finally got him on my bed. I took off his jacket and shoes then tucked him in. Again, he looked familiar but I still couldn’t remember who he was.

I took a pillow and blanket from the cabinet, turned off the bedroom lights and went to sleep on the couch.

A/N: I don’t know anything about cooking or being a pastry chef. I don’t know if Sweet Love is real or whether it would taste good or not. If it does exist, I do not own it and I did not intend to copy it and not give credit to the original. I just thought of something that might taste sweet or at least sound sweet. Thanks for reading! Comment, vote, and be a fan. :)

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