Chapter 16: The Reason for Your Tears (Blake's P.O.V.)

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Chapter 16: The Reason for Your Tears (Blake's P.O.V.)

Charlotte and I sat closely beside each other, leaning our backs on the headboard, on her pink bed. She has calmed down considerably since her sudden outburst from my question earlier.

"I... Well, I... My..." Charlotte uttered with sobs.

"Shhh. It's okay. You don't have to say anything. It was entirely my fault," I cooed, trying to subdue her sobbing while also holding her with both arms in another embrace.

I was lightly stroking her hair when she pulled away. She then looked up at me with much courage despite her tearful eyes.

"My... My parents," she began. "It would be their second death anniversary tomorrow," she finished and then cried again, weeping in my arms.

It came out as such a shock to me. At first, I thought it was some kind of sick joke but, of course, nobody would joke about something like that. And, of course, this was Charlotte. She seemed to be a very honest and respectful person. Or, at least, that's my perception of her.

"It was my fault, you know? I killed them," she said, full of sorrow.

I didn't know what to say. Someone as kind and innocent as Charlotte couldn't be a murderer. I was really scared but I couldn't bring myself to let her go, especially since she clung to me and needed me so desperately. I wanted to ask her what happened but I didn't know how to.

She shuffled in my arms again to face me. She smiled shyly and I smiled back.

"You see, I was studying in a different city so I was away from my parents for four years before graduation. I did come home every Christmas but being home, living at home, was still very different from that. So when I finally graduated, my parents and I were overjoyed to the prospect of living under the same roof again," she recounted.

"You and your parents must be very close to feel that way," I interjected, "but I don't see anything wrong with that."

"Nothing was wrong for two weeks. We were living like there was never a four-year gap in our close relationship. It was like it never happened. I started looking for a job but saw no opportunity in our small town. I started looking in nearby towns and cities but came back unemployed each time. A month has passed since I came home but I still got nothing. Mom suggested that I should just open a small cake and pastries shop at home where people could just order and I bake and deliver."

"So, did you do it?"

"Obviously not. I did like the idea at the time but I didn't study just for that. I believe I was destined for greater things."

"I agree. Your creations are exquisite. More people should be able to savour them."

"Thank you," she sincerely said and gave me a shy smile. "One day, Mom and Dad suggested that we should go to the mall and relax. I agreed, of course. We all knew we needed time for something like that. It has already been three months and I was still a useless freeloader."

"Don't say that. No one in this world is useless," I told her sincerely.

She just smiled at me. This time, her smile seemed to be brighter. She then continued, "Suddenly, Mom started buying new stuff for the kitchen. Dad was looking at tables. After so many stops at different stores, I became sure what my parents were up to."

"They were buying things for the business they proposed on you," I interrupted.

"Yes. Instead of a relaxing day at the mall, I got to spend a very stressful one with my parents. While we were going home, I did not speak a single word. Mom knew what was wrong with me. So, she babied me and said it was supposed to be a surprise to make me happy. Unfortunately, it had the adverse effect. I couldn't control my anger anymore at that point. I shouted, 'I hate you! I hate you both!' And those were the last words I ever said to my parents," Charlotte mournfully concluded, letting a single tear fall from her eye.

Sooo busy lately.. But I just had to upload.. LOL.. Happy reading!! :)

The video is so beautiful.. It's a combination of the song I'd like for the chapter and my favorite installment of the Final Fantasy Series (Final Fantasy X and X-2)..

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