🎀 Knuckles | Maybes 🎀

970 23 3

You know him, the fighting freak Knuckles.
Gender Neutral
Word Count: 933

"Knuckles? You doing okay over there?" I called, dodging a robotic fist and kicking Eggman's creation in its tiny face.

"Worry about yourself!" The echidna snapped from somewhere behind me. I hear a metallic crunch, recognizing the sound of his fist against the inferrably crumpled robot.

"Okay, okay!" I ducked under another punch, uppercutting the robot and sending it flying several feet away. I finished it off by rushing it, jumping, and stomping both feet down, crushing its abdominal section. It sparked, and I leapt back, turning to the next opponent.

As always, Eggman staged another attack. The swarms of robots formed a pincer attack, catching Sonic off-guard the next city over. Tails called for help, so Knuckles came down from Angel Island to offer a couple more fighting fists. I jumped in to help a brother out, so to speak. Normally, I'd help Sonic, but if Knuckles was here…

He took priority.

I couldn't help my blatant favoritism. I loved the guardian of the Master Emerald. He never paid me any mind, probably because I wasn't the most noticeable person ever, which was fine. I knew the fastest way to get him to notice me was to earn his respect, and the fastest way to do that was to prove myself in battle. He respected strength, of which I had in spades. You sort of have to if you want to hang with Sonic and co.

I couldn't help but enjoy pummeling Eggman's robots by Knuckles's side, even if he didn't care much himself.

After sweeping my legs under a motobug and crushing it with my heel, I turned to check on Knuckles. He was making quick work of the crowds surrounding him, and I found myself mildly distracted by his handiwork. His serious and determined expression, his aggressive stance and furious punches, the sweat that dripped down his brow in his focus—

I shook my head sharply, whipping around to a nearby eggpawn. No use getting distracted by his rugged good looks. I sidestepped it, chopping my hand clean through it and decapitating it. Well, that had more power than expected.

"That was impressive."

My face instantly heated up. A compliment? From Knuckles?

"Th-thanks!" I blinked several times, trying to refocus. Another bot caught me unawares, its stinger slicing my arm. I hissed in pain, roundhouse kicking the wasp in retaliation. It busted easily, and I spat on it. "Dirty bastard."

It took a few hours, but we eventually drove the horde out of the city. Citizens came out and thanked us as we made our exit, and the sincerity of the people we saved made every little scratch and bruise worth it. I dusted myself off casually, prepared to say my parting words and head home, but Knuckles stopped me.

"You've gotten stronger."

"What? Oh, yeah. Thanks." I grinned. "Been training hard. Can't keep up without it." He nodded approvingly.

"You did great work today." The echidna held his hand out. Giddy, I shook it, unable to hide my glee. Something twinkled in his violet eyes. Pride, maybe?

"Thanks, Knux! Er, Knuckles—" I corrected myself instantly, suddenly feeling invasive.

He laughed. "It's fine. You've earned the right." He rolled his shoulders, and I heard a pop. "I'd like to fight beside you again, (Y/n)."

"Really? I'd like that, too." I couldn't contain my elated smile, and my cheeks warmed when he returned it.

We walked together for a bit, heading in the direction of my house. I was slightly surprised he didn't just head back to Angel Island, but I wasn't going to spoil the moment. I glanced at the sky, taking note of the setting sun. The warm hues blended together into a fiery but soothing gradient against the horizon that seemed to melt away all my aches and pains from the battle.

Ah, the beauty of nature.

When we made it to my doorstep, I turned to Knuckles.

"Thanks for the company. You'll be heading back now?" He nodded.

"Couldn't find a good time earlier. Felt too awkward." He shrugged plainly at his social ineptitude.

"I get it." I unlocked the door, pushing it open. "Oh, and before you go…" He hummed curiously. "Would you mind it if…if I came to the island to visit sometime? I don't wanna be a bother or anything, but I'd like to see you more." Knuckles stared, as if processing. I waited patiently, knowing the cogs would turn eventually.

"I suppose I wouldn't mind that. Just don't get in the way." He scratched his head. "I should prob'ly go now. The Master Emerald has been left alone for too long."

"It's fine," I said. He narrowed his eyes; something caught his attention. "What's up?"

"You're hurt." He walked over, grabbing my arm. He was looking at the nick from the wasp.

"Oh, this? Ain't no thang."

"Are you sure?" He sure seemed worried over some little scrape.

"It's nothing a little cleaning and a bandaid won't fix. Don't worry 'bout it."

"If you say so…" He let go.

As I was about to close the door, I paused. "Hey, want something for the road? Like a drink or anything?"

"N—" Knuckles stopped, thinking. After a few moments, he said, "Actually, yeah."

"Come on in," I said. "I'll hook ya up." He took me up on the offer, following me inside.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I might be able to to get closer than I thought. And then, maybe I could finally tell him how I felt.

Then maybe, just maybe, he might feel the same way.

Been working on Vector's chapter for like two months, and he was supposed to be published directly after this one. S i k e .

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