🎀 Shadow | Schoolwork 🎀

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Big brain Shadow the (H)edgehog helps you cheat on your math homework. Limey goodness ahead.
Basically just me venting about the fact I didn't graduate on time, but this time in the form of a silly oneshot. Wish I had a hot hedgehog husband to help me with my work.
Gender Neutral
Word Count: 1250

"I just don't get it!" I whined. Shadow leaned over my shoulder curiously, quirking a brow at my scribblings.

"You're doing it all wrong," he sighed.

"Ya don't say!" I slammed my pencil onto the table, pouting comically so I didn't actually cry.

"Don't do that. You'll break the lead inside the pencil." I crossed my arms, ignoring his advice as I turned my head away in a small gesture of sass. He rolled his eyes. "Here, let me see." I didn't move, not interfering as he slid the paper closer to himself. "This is simple."

"Maybe for someone like you!" I swiped the page back, not in the mood for being degraded, accidental or not. I almost threw up in my mouth when I saw the italicized i next to the numbers.

"That's not what I meant." Shadow took the paper back, crimson eyes scanning it. "Still, I don't see why it's necessary for you to learn this. You're not going to be a mathematician…" He paused. "Are you?"

"Of course not!" I thought for a moment. "Could you…do it for me?" He recoiled like I'd just asked him to lick Sonic's shoes clean.

"No! You'll never learn it that way."

I grinned slyly, reminding him, "But you said it yourself: I don't need to know it." I turned around in my chair, straddling it backwards; Shadow had told me numerous times not to do that, but it wouldn't be the first time I've ignored him. "C'mon, it won't be the first time you've broken the rules." I trailed a finger down his chest, sliding through his soft chest fur. "For me?" I blinked innocently at him, lashes fluttering and eyes hopeful. He let out a shuddering breath, and the look in his eyes told me he knew I was intentionally riling him up, no matter what my cute face said.

"Y/n…" He warned, tone low and almost wavering. I knew exactly what I was doing; schoolwork had gotten between us too many times, and he'd become damn near insatiable. Shadow was never one to be sexually active, but when he was suddenly denied, he found himself wanting it, wanting me, more than ever. So, the idea of getting that pesky work out of the way was oh so tempting. I noticed the slight puffing up of his quills, a small detail most would miss if they didn't know him well enough, and the furrow of his brows. He was trying to hold it together.

"Shadow," I murmured; his ear flicked, and his lip twitched into the start of a snarl. "I'll…" I leaned forward, pressing my face against him and humming softly. "…do anything you want." He tensed for a mere moment before pushing me onto the desk, face only inches away from my own. I could hear his soft panting — I'd outdone myself! His scarlet eyes raked over my form in thought, and I waited patiently, playing the enabling submissive for him while he decided how to approach the situation.

His warm breath fanned over my face as he growled, "Fine. I'll do it all, everything you want me to. But tonight…you're mine. Got it?"

I snaked my arms around him, pulling his body flush with mine. "Of course." Pressing a kiss to his lips, I easily predicted his reaction and let go. As suspected, Shadow jerked backward, face as red as his stripes and eyes blown wide. He was still not good with affection, especially so when surprised with it. "Okay, babe, I gotta get my work out for you." I patted his cheek, and he stepped away from me, dazed. He was too precious.

So, he spent the next several hours scribbling away at worksheets and typing on my laptop, completely focused. His intensity was kind of hot. Then again, Shadow is just hot regardless. I sighed almost dreamily, watching him with half-lidded eyes. During that time my friend sent me a text asking if I'd finished my homework yet; she knew just how behind I was. I told her I was working on it, and she sent me an encouraging thumbs up in reply.

Needless to say, the moment Shadow finished the last question, he shoved the work away, stood up so fast the chair made an unhappy noise of protest, and damn near tackled me. I was pressed to the wall as he went for my neck without hesitation, nuzzling at first. He'd been holding back these past few hours. I found myself oddly proud of him.

Then he bit me.

I gasped as his fangs sank into my soft flesh, marking me once again. He liked to claim what was his in the strangest yet most oddly sensible ways. I whimpered out his name, already knowing what came next and eagerly awaiting it. We could finally indulge in each other after so long.

• • • • •

My teachers were shocked by the sheer amount of late work I turned in, as expected. They seemed pleasantly surprised by the quality of it, as well, not that I would tell them it was actually my totally-not-fifty-year-old boyfriend who did it. Actually, when put that way, it sounded awfully bad. Hm.

"Your poem brought me to tears!" My ELA teacher had said. "It was so detailed and beautiful! The way it describes loss with metaphors is so touching." What the fuck did Shadow write?!

"I just had a sudden burst of inspiration," I chuckled. "I thought about my first pet, and everything came tumbling out." Not an entire lie.

"Aw, you poor thing. I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's okay," I assured. "It was years ago."

My math teacher was a bit more apprehensive.

"You hadn't grasped any of these concepts previously, no matter what I did. What changed?" She quirked an eyebrow, arms crossing. She caught on fairly quick.

"My boyfriend helped me. He's really good with math, and he was able to explain it in a way I can understand." Again, not a total lie.

"He didn't do it for you, did he?"

"Nope! That's all me, baby." I puffed my chest out, trying to convince her. She eventually bought it.

My history teacher had been extremely excited. I couldn't help but wonder what Shadow wrote in that essay to make her so happy.

"It was so detailed! There were facts I didn't even know about, and when I looked it up, they were true! How did you even find some of that out?"

"My boyfriend's a total history buff," I laughed. "He knows lots, and when he saw what I was doing, he wanted to help out so bad." Again, partially the truth. Shadow technically lived through the time I was writing about. Sure, he was on the run from G.U.N. after the Space Colony ARK incident, but that's close enough. He couldn't resist flexing his knowledge just a bit.

"Fair enough," my teacher chuckled. "You're real lucky, you know that, right?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I am."

Everyone knew of my mysterious boyfriend. They'd never seen him, but the signs were definitely there, so they sort of had to believe. That's probably why no one, not even the teachers, questioned my teetering steps, occasional mumbles of pain, or the very obvious bite mark on my neck I hadn't bothered covering at all. My friend only slapped my back in congratulations, aggravating the scratches. I returned the favor, but she only laughed.

"You gotta tell me about it!"

Guys pls don't cheat on your schoolwork okay I'm not condoning this behavior [throws self in trash]
Bet the teachers expect 20x more from Y/n now rip

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