🎀 Infinite | Teach Me, Break Me 🎀

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He's a vengeful thing who can't handle an experienced lover...until he does. He goes through twenty different emotions all at once.
I'm starting to notice some serious favoritism here. 🤔
Word Count: 2333

The jackal next to you is pouting. You only laugh, knowing he's just embarrassed you know just what he likes. The relentless teasing makes him flustered, but what you don't know is how else it makes him feel.

Infinite's mask is sitting on his lap, giving you the rare view of his beautiful face and gorgeous heterochromatic eyes. Cobalt and gold glitter in the low light of the dim room, momentarily entrancing you. How he could ever find his face hideous, you'll never know. His clawed hand twitches as you keep giggling. His tail starts lashing. You know you've really riled him up.

But what will he do?

With a snarl, he whips around, pouncing on you. You fall flat on your back, bed cushioning you. His eyes are flashing, and the familiar look makes you squirm...but not in a bad way. You recognize the look from previous lovers: a ravenous predator. He doesn't just want something; he needs it. His claws dig into your shoulders, but you only smile.

Your arms slither around Infinite, pulling his body flush with your own; the gemstone embedded in his chest gently scrapes against you. He yelps in surprise, ears perking and eyes widening. Leaning close, your nose brushes against his ear as you whisper to him, voice coy and purring.

"You know, you could always take what you want."

His grips tightens as his pupils narrow to slits, lips pulling back into a snarl. His pointed teeth catch your gaze, and you briefly hope he might bite you. Mark you, even.

"(Y/n)," Infinite hisses. "You'll get what you deserve." Your smile grows, surely eerie in the light. This only adds to his agitation. "Do you know what you're doing? Are you toying with me?" You're nose to nose now, his gaze intense and unblinking. Your hand slips up his back, and his eyes narrow. When your fingers catch on his scarf, you pull it off without hesitation, revealing the soft white fur beneath. He growls.

The sound is soon cut off by a gasp as you pull his face to yours, lips clashing in an aggressive, passionate kiss. Infinite's eyes are suddenly blown wide again, and your grip on the scarf still in your grasp tightens. When you break away, he's panting, confused and disoriented.

"Yes," you growl. "Because I've been waiting so long. I need it. Need you." He doesn't move. Not for a few moments, anyway. Tossing his scarf aside, you flip over, forcing him below you. "I've been so patient, Infinite. So, so patient."

"I— I—"

He's been thrown off his game. His hair's long locks are splayed haphazardly beneath him, and the fur on his tail stands on end, the appendage twitching in confusion.

"Give me your everything," you purr. Infinite's hands lift, shakily reaching up. You don't stop him, waiting patiently for his next move even though your body feels on fire. And then he does it.

He actually bites you.

His sharp teeth sink into your neck, breaking the skin and drawing small rivulets of blood. He greedily laps up the liquid, and the feeling of his tongue laving your neck sends tingles down your spine. You can't stop the breathy noise from escaping you; his ears twitch.

Everything that happens next is all a blur. You only know that Infinite is above you again, and your clothes are not where they were before. His hands are everywhere, and you're not sure if he's searching for something or if everything is what he wants. Your arms are around him again, but this time, when you pull him to kiss you, he kisses back. He slips his tongue into your mouth, and you let him do as he pleases, drinking up all the attention with avid fervor.

🎀 Love Is A Gift 🎀 [Sonic Various x Reader | Oneshots and Headcanons]Where stories live. Discover now