🎀 Sonic | My Slice of Life 🎀

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So I was only gonna trickle in a few additions on a few chapters, but then inspiration hit me like a truck after someone said some Nice Words™ and I accidentally mistook a picture of a whole ass pizza for a slice of cake because I just woke up and didn't have my glasses on.
(f/f) means favorite flavor in this context. Made your friend as ambiguous as I could. That's about it outta me now.
Gender Neutral
Word Count: 836

I can't help but giggle while my boyfriend glares at the frosting on the tip of his nose.

"How'd it even get there?!" He exclaims, furrowing his brows in an attempt to see the dollop easier.

"You eat too fast," I supply, still chuckling when I use a thumb to swipe the frosting off. I think for a moment before licking my thumb clean without much more of a care.

"I do everything fast! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!" He seems to all but brag, pointing to himself proudly with his chest puffed out and his patented smile on his face.

"Not everything," I tease, elbowing his side playfully. His face heats up instantly, and he gently swats my arm away.

"Just get me another slice already," Sonic grumbles, eyes averted and cheeks red.

"Alright, alright," I relent, standing up and moving from the island we're seated at to the counter. I can't help but adore the kitchen on and off; it's the perfect size and everything I wanted. Great for someone who likes to bake a lot: i.e. me.

There's a cake resting on the counter, slices already taken out of it. It's not the first time Sonic begged to help me bake, and it won't be the last. I wouldn't have it any other way. This time, it's a (f/f) with blue frosting. Nothing special really, but we made it together, and that makes it even better.

I plate him up another serving, but I don't get another for myself; I'm still not finished with my last one. When I meander on back to him, I notice his phone in his hand. I can't help but feel a spark of annoyance, but I can't blame the guy for being popular. His ears perk up when he hears the plate make contact with the space in front of him, and he looks up.

"Sooooniiiiic," I whine, a faux pout on my face. "You prooomiiiised!"

"I know, I know," the Blue Blur says, playing along with a fake exasperated tone. "I was jus' doin' a last minute check before putting it on silent."

"Oh! Okay." Now it's my turn to perk up as I retake my seat next to him. We dig in again, relishing in the sweet and fluffy dessert. Sonic speaks up with his mouth full, much to my chagrin.

"Hey, sho, how'sh your frien'?" He's trying to spark a conversation to try and catch up. He's been heroing so much, he barely has time to relax. But I understand — as long as he comes home to me, I'm happy.

I swallow my bite before answering. "Great, actually. (S)he got a promotion, too, (s)he's basically got it made right now. Oh! And (s)he got a (girl/boy)friend who seems pretty great."

Sonic nods, grinning. "That's great! Things really seems to be looking up for (her/him)." I open my mouth to give a generic reply, but he keeps talking. "More importantly…" He abruptly pulls me into a near bone-crushing side hug and leans close to my ear as his voice drops to a whisper. "How have you been?"

I snuggle closer.

"…Lonely. I missed you."

"I know," he murmurs, slipping his free hand into my hair and running his fingers through the locks. "I missed you, too." With that, he scoops me up and pulls me onto his lap. I see the opportunity to rest my head against his chest and take it almost too eagerly.

"I'd come along with you, but…"

"I don't want anything happening to you," he finishes softly before exhaling heavily through his nose.

"That's okay, though," I say. "I'll always be here to welcome you back home."

He pauses for a moment.

"…Thank you."

For a while after that, we don't say anything, merely soaking in the other's presence. We don't need to say anything. After all, no words can ever express how we feel. We've already tried before.

The memories make me smile.

After a few minutes, a thought occurs to me.

"Hey, we should probably finish our cake."

"…Huh? Oh! Ha, yeah, we should." It also occurs to me that my silly hedgie had almost fallen asleep. It seems Sonic, too, realizes this because we both burst out laughing at the same time. When I recover, I merely pull my plate closer. No way am I gonna give up my perch just yet!

We start eating again, and Sonic continues to talk with his mouth full. Some things never change. At least I don't have to see it now. I chip in every now and then, but I let him do most of the talking. It's just nice to hear his voice again. Besides, it gives a me more time to eat.

It's just us this time.

No interruptions. No Eggman, no annoying fangirls, no nothing.

Just two dummies in love.

Sonic the Hedgehog doesn't slow down for much, but when he does, so does my world.

Just for these moments together.

I was gonna say something else, but I forgot. Anyway, bye—

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