🎀 NFSW Headcanon #1 | Basic Preferences 🎀

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Gender Neutral

🎀 Sonic 🎀
- wholesome, gentle lovemaking
- kissing, cuddling, praise, all that good stuff
- he likes using this time to show how much he loves you
- so he'll compliment you, appreciate your body, etc
- he just wants u to feel loved
- treat him just the same and he might just cry
- hh he loves u sm and being so intimate with u makes him so happy
- high switch energy
- very loud and likes to say how much he loves u over and over
- he means it every time
- his quills tend to quiver when he's close, and he'll squeeze his eyes shut and grit his teeth
- aftercare is sort of his thing, 110%
- cuddles after sex? cuddles after sex.

🎀 Knuckles 🎀
- naturally a little rough
- will be gentler if u ask tho
- mostly quiet but will make noise if u encourage it
- usually dom but will bottom if u ask enough times
- pretty vanilla tbh
- kisses and a lil aftercare
- doesn't have that many tells but will bury his face in the crook of your neck when cumming
- doesn't actually want sex all that often
- but when he wants it, he needs it right then and there
- also likes it when u cling to him, makes him feel wanted

🎀 Vector 🎀
- always the dom. no exceptions. mostly.
- extremely vanilla
- just wants to appreciate you
- a little worried about hurting you
- like Knux, he naturally rough but will try to be gentle if u want
- gets really shaky when he's close
- big on aftercare...if he's still awake
- cuddles after
- he usually passes right the fuck out honestly

🎀 Espio 🎀
- soft, quiet, gentle
- pretty vanilla
- holds u close and whispers sweet nothings into you ear
- just wants to love u
- he's pretty quiet tbh but after some encouragement, he'll start making those sweet sounds for you
- actually a bottom
- can and will power bottom if you ask
- his rhythm gets super messed up when he's about to cum, and he'll start getting just a little louder
- will hold you tight. also tries to get the two of you to orgasm together
- yeah he's basically just soft bby

🎀 Shadow 🎀
- an absolute cuddlefucker
- mostly a top but will sub if you're convincing enough
- actually hella needy
- mostly gentle with you but will be rougher if you want or if he's pissed off
- biting. he can't help it. will love marking you
- almost silent except for some panting and growling
- unless u convince him to sub. then he's uncontrollably loud and can't stop himself even though he wants to
- he has claws and will use them. and scratches down his back? yes pls
- his eyes roll back and/or squeeze shut when he's losing control, and he might start snarling
- yeah he gets pretty animalistic at times
- and he has an unbelievable amount of stamina. it's insane.
- the few times he subs, he'll chant your name like some sort of mantra and you've caught him begging on a couple very rare occasions. will deny it later
- he becomes a quivering mess, he just needs you so damn badly
- not good with aftercare but will still cuddle with you and whisper things to you as you fall asleep

🎀 Rouge 🎀
- switch, but only the extremes
- she'll either be an absolute dominatrix or the softest, sweetest sub. no in between.
- she's experienced, and if you're not, she'll help guide you
- super accommodating. will keep ur preferences in mind and encourages openness. don't be shy!
- loves to kiss u
- when she's close, her wings flare open and her ears twitch a lot, and then she'll grab you and hold you close
- queen of aftercare and will cradle you against her as you fall asleep

🎀 Blaze 🎀
- no matter how many times you do it together, she's always embarrassed
- normally quiet but the few sounds she does make are oh so sweet
- wants to hold you close but too embarrassed to say so
- so u kinda gotta infer
- prefers it soft, gentle, and loving
- basically just a really vanilla cuddlefucker
- her ears flatten and her tail quivers when she's close, and her eyes roll back when she cums
- wants to snuggle against u after
- aftercare pls and ty

🎀 Silver 🎀
- big switch
- he's somewhat vocal, even if he doesn't mean to be
- wants sweet lovemaking mostly
- so another vanilla cuddlefucker
- he gets overstimulated easily, but he's not opposed to it
- will say your name a lot. the neighbors probably know both of your names at this point.
- like Sonic, his quills quiver when he's close, and his ears will flatten slightly or start twitching
- he'll nuzzle you oftentimes
- if he's losing control, he might accidentally lift a couple small objects a few inches with his psychokinesis
- thankfully he's never broken anything that way
- won't mark you but likes when you mark him
- god tier aftercare with this lad, and then epic cuddles
- he's just overall sweet and caring and wants u to know he appreciates u

🎀 Mephiles 🎀
- a dom who will put you in your place
- don't be a brat. it's not worth it.
- I mean, unless you're into punishment ;)
- don't cuddle him unless he wants to first which is almost never
- but he doesn't mind if u bury ur face in the floof
- wants to hear u no matter what, he wants to hear u say who u belong to
- aftercare isn't real
- will mark u with his claws; he won't let u cover up the scratches later
- if he's upset with you, you get the crystalline form punishment
- which is NEVER gentle, so don't bother even begging
- even if he likes to hear it
- also it's never just one round with him. hope you're okay with not walking. like. at all.
- will call u pet names the whole time like he's teasing u. it's oddly cute when he calls u dear or darling when about to cum
- speaking of being close, he'll either not react much at all, or he'll be a trembling mess who can barely keep it together as he comes undone. it's a coin flip
- when he loses control, his form becomes unstable and he gets a lil drippy
- hope you don't mind sticky black ooze all over you
- silent unless he's encouraging you (which he's awfully good at, even if he doesn't do it much) or teasing/mocking you (which is the usual)
- straight up not happy unless you're screaming, crying, begging, and/or squirming. BE RESPONSIVE.
- yeah that's basically it he's just a bully

🎀 Infinite 🎀
- "the mask stays on during sex" is funny but untrue
- won't even touch you with the thing on because "I refuse to fuck you if I can't experience you fully." vulgar but makes a valid point
- quiet aside from growls, snarls, pants, and a few mutters of "good girl/boy"
- almost always tops but u can convince him with a few well-placed touches and maybe throw in a "good boy"
- he's ashamed he likes that
- hair pulling, both ways. expect it, it's a must (it makes his eyes roll back, actually)
- aftercare is basically nonexistent
- will mark u and absolutely flaunt it
- clawing? clawing.
- when he's close, his ears flatten, he snarls, and the fur on his tail stands on end. will dig his claws in deeper if you're not careful
- won't apologize for drawing blood
- Phantom Ruby will also glow and glitch out a lil
- on the absolute rare occasions he subs, he tries to be quiet but will end up moaning at an obviously audible level. can't pretend he didn't, unfortunately for him
- will tremble and responds VERY well to praise, especially "good boy"
- ye he's pretty much a closet sub that's about it

Ye that's about it I'll let myself out now

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