🎀 Infinite | Let Me 🎀

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BREAKING: Mad surgeon falls in love with local murderer.
I THOUGHT THE SHADOW CHAPTER WAS LONG, AND THEN I MADE THIS. It's so all over the place. I was literally just flying by the seat of my pants the whole time. And mild gore warning.
Word Count: 2822

Infinite sits on the medical table, turned away from me with arms crossed. I reach for his arm, but his tail slaps me away. An irritated scowl paints my face. I try again. Another tail swipe. Again. Tail slap. Again. Tail slap. I growl. He growls back, hand clutching his mask as if trying to hold it closer to his face.

I get it. His pride's hurt. He got totally wrecked by some newbie kid. I'd be pretty shaken, too. Still. He's not letting me do my job.

"You've got to let me treat your wounds," I say.

"I can do it myself!"

Oh. My. God.

Is it even legal to be this annoying? Irritated, I slam my hand onto his tail. He grunts in surprise and mild pain, and as I hold the appendage down, I snatch his arm. He snarls, but I ignore him in favor of letting go of his tail and grabbing the disinfectant. I warn him of the sting, and he scoffs.

"I guarantee I've felt worse. This is noth—"

Infinite screeches as I wipe down his cuts, writhing in my tight grip. "Settle down!" I snap, but he refuses to cease his spasms. His free hand lashes out, claws scratching me. I grimace, but I don't stop cleaning him until the job is done. "You're such a baby."

He swipes at me again, but I easily dodge.

"Don't make me get the scalpel."

Infinite flinches, cowering slightly. It's a low blow, one I shouldn't have mentioned, but it makes him sit still. Compliant, he lets me apply the medicine and wrap his injuries without any more issues. Being a bit of a mad scientist has that affect on people, not that I've ever cut the jackal open. In fact, I never intend to, but he doesn't need to know that. Especially not with those memories still fresh in his mind.

He'll never admit it, but he's scarred by what happened to him when the Phantom Ruby was implanted in him. It was a slow, painful process, one of which no amount of painkillers were able to dull. It's no wonder the thought of being sliced open frightens him.

"All better!" I gently pat his arm, not really caring if I hit his injuries. Infinite hisses in pain, but I pay it no mind.

He doesn't say anything, merely sliding off the table and stalking away.

"Infinite," I say, voice quiet. He stops but refuses to look at me. "Come here." He doesn't move. "Now." With an audible snarl, he backtracks.

"What?" I hold a pill bottle out to him. He looks at the painkillers and scoffs. "I don't need it." I shove it to his chest, a sharp look in my eyes. I don't need to say anything for him to get the memo. Snatching it out of my hand, he turns to leave, but I grab his shoulder. "What the Hell do you want now?"

"One when you wake up, one when you go to bed. It will also increase your overall pain tolerance." Infinite nods. "And one more thing: go take a bath or something sometime. You're dirty, and you stink. You play in the dirt too much." He slaps my hand away, but I don't respond to it. "And be more careful. I'm tired of seeing you in here."

"I'm not the one who keeps sending me here," the jackal reminds, adjusting his mask. "It's you and the doctor." I roll my eyes.

"Semantics. 'Sides, we wouldn't need to if you weren't so reckless. Sonic and that rookie aren't like the rest of riffraff. Be careful, okay?" He sighs, and I cock my head.

🎀 Love Is A Gift 🎀 [Sonic Various x Reader | Oneshots and Headcanons]Where stories live. Discover now