🎀 Shadow | You're My Number One 🎀

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Shadow is a stupid, sore loser, and we love him for it. Also cuddles. That's basically it.
Gender Neutral
Word Count: 964

Shadow is pretty livid, but it's completely understandable. He just lost a race against Sonic, and it was a heavy blow to his pride. Though, it wasn't entirely his fault; Sonic has more experience with ice and snow than Shadow, who fifty years ago could only dream about the places Sonic has been to. Was it funny to watch the ultimate lifeform perform some low quality slip-and-slide techniques? Of course. But do I feel bad for him? Also yes.

But just because he lost the race doesn't mean he's not a winner to me.

"Shadow," I say, and his ears twitch. He doesn't move, though, continuing to glare at the icy track in front of him. He scuffs his shoe against the sparkly white snow, and I realize with mild amusement he's pouting. "Come here." He sighs, grumbling something I don't understand before turning and slowly trudging over to me, steps crunching. His cheeks are slightly red from the cold, and I can see the puffs of his breath. Rolling my eyes, I pull my scarf off, wrapping it around his neck. He frowns, pulling it over his nose. I can't help but giggle.

We originally came up north because Eggman had made a big show of a new facility, so we destroyed it. The excursion ended a lot faster than expected due to the ease of the mission, so Sonic suggested a friendly competition. After that, everyone except Shadow left. I stayed behind to keep him company while he moped. "This proves nothing," he'd said after his loss. "I'm still the fastest."

"I told you to dress warmly," I sigh, but he shakes his head. I can't help but notice the bounce of his quills.

"It would only get in my way."

"Right, okay. Doesn't change the fact you're shivering." He blinks in surprise, looking down at himself confusedly. I roll my eyes. "C'mere, you." I open my arms, and Shadow looks around as if checking for onlookers. When he spots none, he slowly snuggles into my embrace. I'm used to his prideful-but-touch-starved nonsense at this point, so I don't even think twice about his antics. I run my fingers through his quills in an attempt to comfort him. "You might have lost this time, but you're still a winner to me."

"Shut up," Shadow mumbles into my coat. I chuckle, moving to unzip it. He takes the hint and backs off for a moment. When I open it, I pull him back in, wrapping the coat around him.

"And this, my dear, is why I like to buy ones several sizes too large." He grumbles something into my chest I don't bother trying to decipher, and we slowly lapse into a comfortable silence.

After several minutes of standing around, he reaches into his quills, retrieving the red chaos emerald.

"Home?" I ask.


With that, we Chaos Control back to our humble abode; I teeter momentarily, still not used to the feeling of teleportation. When I recover, I slide my jacket off, draping it over his still shivering form. He grunts in acknowledgement. I decide I should make something warm for him, but when I take a single step toward the kitchen, Shadow grabs my wrist. I stop, tilting my head at him curiously, but before I can question him, he flops back onto the couch, pulling me down with him.

I realize his intentions and resign myself to my new task: cuddles.

Shadow would never admit it himself, but he craves affection. Luckily, I have plenty to give him. That, and he's freezing. So, I nuzzle into his chest fur, snaking my arms around him and taking care not to impale myself on his back spines. He hums softly, the gentle vibrations rumbling against my cheek. One of his hands rests on my back while the other lazily plays with my tail. I can't help but purr with delight.

We snuggle for a while; at least, until he warms up. After that, I peel myself away from him to get something to eat. I'm pretty famished after today's events. He lets out a soft, low whine when I move away, and I chuckle. He's adorable. His ear flicks, and the annoyed look on his face tells me he knows what I'm thinking. Am I that easy to read? Probably. I snicker, sauntering out of the room.

When I return to Shadow's side, I slide him a hot chocolate that he takes without a word. I set a plate of snacks down on the coffee table, and he snatches one without asking.

"Hey! Those're mine."

"Not anymore."

"Point taken," I snort. He flashes me the ghost of a playful smirk, and I lightly punch his arm. Amused, I turn on the news and peruse the headline: Exclusive Interview with the World-Renowned Hero Sonic the Hedgehog!

"Oh, yeah," the Blue Blur says through the T.V. "I'm totally faster than Shadow. Earlier-" Shadow abruptly changes the channel. I laugh, and he chucks the remote at me with an irritated expression. I barely dodge, still laughing as he dives for me. I roll off the couch and onto the floor, and he pounces again. This time, he successfully secures his quarry.

I sigh almost dreamily while Shadow glares down at me, and the sound melts his annoyed look away. He averts his eyes, face flushing ever so slightly.

"I love you," I breathe, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close. He doesn't fight me. "Wanna know something, Shads?" He hums. "You're my number one." He rolls his eyes, but he still leans down and kisses me.

"Shut up." I nod complacently, humoring him. "You're such an annoyance." He kisses me again. "I love you, too, you idiot."

Yeah idk lmao I had a whole idea and forgot it so I just turned it into a silly cuddlefest

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